Don’t worry, the hate-minority has largely been succesful in their campaign and will continue to make sure that CCP doesn’t get one interesting new approach finished which could threaten the status quo.
Just make your money in other ways if you can’t figure out how to make profit on this one.
That has been a bad idea ever since it was brought out on r/EVE a while ago. The effect would simply be that we had another iteration of T3C online for players with Thermodynamics V.
Let’s make some hypothesis about these mutaplasmids :
consider a 1% chance of getting the best roll for the stat you want (normal distribution) ;
consider 7% of NOT getting ANY important stat screwed in the operation (50% chance of not getting any of the 4 stats bellow its o ;
That mean you have 0.07% chances of getting you DED-like T2 mutated module. Which means 1 in 1400.
Let’s consider you get your T2 modules at 1M each. That is 1.4b ONLY for the T2 modules. You need to add the price of mutaplasmids on top of that. And the fee the seller will take. Expect 3b at least for such module.
This means the dreadful mutated T2 MWD would not be harmful to DED/officer modules economy, because those would actualy be cheaper.
And this quick estimation do not even account for T2 inflation that would occur with a so sudden increase of demand, and the price considered are even very cheap. I would not expect a perfectly mutated module to cost less than 5b for the 6 months following their appearance.
Items capable of breaking balance will be rare enough that they can’t become a threat to game balance. Look at the stats again. No one will be able to make a fleet with mutated modules. They will be restrained to hancrafting, for the people who like to play with their fitting.
I can’t imagin how such a system could be power creep. Again the stats are so unreliable that you can’t, as said, rely on it. So ok, one man, one time, will make such a monstrous ship because he had a lot of luck. He’ll get rekt by a fleet ultimately. And then he will never see this combination of modules in his whole life. Or he will spend thousands of billions to buy or produce them back.
On the other hand he can already fit a murder machine with officer modules. A bit less potential, but much more reliable.
Player NS knows what it wants, and it wanted to take-over the DED/LP module markets, with mutated T2.
They want to mutate their surplus T2 production, to replace the DED/LP module market that they cant control, as DEDs are universal and LP is NS-nonspecific.
As I said above, a Player NS capsuleer, for example in Delve, can just buy 100 L1 filaments and run it at the heart of their most secured system, non-stop, every 15mins. He will get the L2-5 filaments subsequently from those pockets, and plasmutids/BPs etc.
why? for those with the isk to burn they could improve their already strong ded/faction/officer mods as the improvements provided by mutaplasmids scale with initial stats.
It’s not a matter of improving, this would lead to power creep. It’s a matter of changing. The mutaplasmid, most of the time, won’t completely improve your modules, they will only make them bad versions of DED/officer modules, which will bring interesting fit for more people. Mutaplasmids are a theoricrafter’s dream. But for alliance of leet pvper who want reliable and powerful stuff it’s worthless, or rather so expensive it’s not worth it.
why should they isn’t an argument against change. its just stamping your feet when you dont like the change that has been made. change is inevitable in a game like eve. thats what makes it great. stagnation is death for any game. why do you think updates happen?
Yes they will. If you just need a 5% reduction in fitting requirements to enable some crazy new fit - like cramming on an extra local repper - that will be trivial to get and deploy across a fleet. I will agree, logistically it will be more annoying and thus likely these oppressive fits will be more commonly seen in solo and small gang PvE/PvP but this idea that large fleets that will not be able to use mutators is false hope. They will enable new, and possibly broken, fits there as well.
It’s not the minor bonus to speed or point range that will be the major issue - although that definitely could shake up the meta some - nor is it one dude rolling a 1-in-500 perfect speed bonus on a officer MWD that is a problem. It is the enabling of completely new fits by reducing fitting requirements that will be leveraged to make broken fits that were impossible before due to PG/CPU constraints. This is where the balance issues will lie (and are difficult to predict) and where new fits will be discovered that shatter the meta to the point the devs will be forced to act.
The problem is that their track record on rapid reaction to balance problems is… mixed. I am not claiming the sky is falling, or the game is going to implode or anything, just it seems likely to me there are a whole bunch of potentially oppressive fits waiting on the other side of this change so I hope the devs have budgeted sufficient time to deal with them.
No. Again, if you want a good item without screwing it, you need to invest a LOT.
But let’s take another example : do you want easy to fit neutralizers ? Or plates/extenders ? The range is 0.95 to 1.25, which means you have 1 module out of 6 that has better fitting. But that is only considering those that are not WORSE. You will have ~1/10 if it’s a centered normal law that have interesting fiting. But even in them you will have large disparities.
Please tell me how anyone responsible for the logistics of a fleet would want something that will vary on ANY ship he will fit ?
That is indeed not a problem, but the roll is either 1 in 100 if you don’t care about other stats, and 1 in 1400 if you care. The best everywhere is on the 1 in a million order.
thats just entirely reductionist. I can’t possibly justify CCP’s actions, they do what they do because 1 they are the game developers, they probably know better than you or I. and 2 because they can. Just say why? no this shouldn’t happen without providing cogent reasoning as to why the status quo should be permanently maintained is fallacious at best.
I’ll add on that because I’m affraid you wont : change is good because it renew interest to the game, it brings new challenges and possibly new ways of playing.
Resistance to change is only lead by fear on the other hand. And before you say it, eve if CCP has a habbit of failing, the next change can still be a good one. There must have been many good things BTW, or you wouldn’t be here afraid of seeing the game to change.
It depends on the fleet and the module, but Pedro isn’t wrong here. I personally prefer this change though and as I understood him, he doesn’t mind it as long as CCP planned to revisit as soon as things get out of hand.
One example for smaller fleets would be fitting constraints on propulsion mods. Lowering the PG of Afterburners just a bit can make fits possible that weren’t before or can make existing overprop fits stronger. The rest of the stats should not be total ■■■■, so you need a number of rolls, but for a medium sized gang that’s going to be acceptable.
The sentence you were quoting also states that it is not a problem. He says the fitting requirements are and even if I personally wouldn’t call it a problem just yet, it will certainly be the part where we might see inventive people figuring out how to do crazy ■■■■ for a while.
Are you sure ? I only ask because the most heavily nerfed stat (10% on MWD speed bonus) still produces results that outstrip the best officer MWDs by some distance. These numbers need to be looked at carefully I think.
Edit, I think some will and some won’t with a quick scan of the numbers… needs to be looked at properly. Numbers that have some mods beating officer and some not even getting close to faction scream “badly thought out”.