You do know that filaments have to be found in particula Sites (and not sold on the market as it currently is on SISI) right?
That already makes them pretty rare, and then you have a pretty minor chance at getting the mutaplasmid you were specifically looking for.
And then you have RNGesus against you when you do get that mutaplasmid you really wanted.
Seeing you can only contract the mutated mods, it’ll take a couple of weeks/months before any given entity has enough of a specific mod to maybe have a doctrine… although it really only favours solo players (I don’t see fleets running with 183 different mwd variations)
Which pocket level ? Will you find unstable mutaplasmids in all pocket levels ?
The question is how many unstable mutaplasmids can you find in one hour ? And more specificaly, how many of one particular type, for one particular module ?
the current tier5s which drop only unstables are harder than any solo single ship pve you can do how many can be farmed will be a very delicate question
Doesnt matter if they are rare.
The seller can add the value of the mutaplasmid to their mutated DED/LP/Officer module.
You are confusing filaments with mutaplasmids.
There is no need to fk with T2 mod balance.
If you want a bling DED/LP/Officer mod, buy/get one. They already exist.
If you want a super-bling/specific kind of DED/LP/Officer mod, buy it off the mutation contract market.
T1 mutating automatically to T2 is to provide a stop-gap incase the mutaplasmid market tanks completely.
You know you could directly ask to revert this expansion completely because you sound like you’d rather see absolutely no content added to the game by fear of changing it.
The chances to roll a really good one have been anyway low as ■■■■. On certain modules, like tackle, the now nerfed Mutaplasmids might even be too bad to even consider rolling them on T2. Again, with the chance of an improvement that doesn’t ■■■■ up the module in other ways being so EXTREMELY LOW, just a decent roll on T2 will probably cost you more than Faction Web/Scram/Disruptor costs you now.
Now you are simply out of your mind.
Yes. And most people understand that. I think CCP does too. +1
With the current stats, DEFINITELY more expensive, even if you just account for the price of the base modules that you need to acquire.
Loooooooool. So you want to crash the T2 market. It won’t happen. Beg and whine all you want.
Your obvious attempt at “playing the meta game” here to support your market investments is just laughable. Kind of disqualifies any and all attempts at you trying to bring up other arguments like “power creep” etc.
Run the sites on SiSi and revisit your assumption. Note that CCP said the droprate on the test server is set higher than it will be on TQ, for people to be able to test easier. 15 Minutes for completing the sites and since entry is limited to Cruisers (non-T3C), we’ll not be seeing people blitzing them. Even if you are optimistic and think 10 minutes per site… right now the droprate is 3-5 mutaplasmids per site. The final droprate on TQ might be 1-2 in an average of 10 minutes per player.
So yes, we’ll get a couple of thousands a day. Run these sites though and tell me for how long do you think one human being is able to farm them in a row before going mad. These sites are hard, they need your undivided attention, much unlike Rorqual mining.
A good roll is a question of definition for each player, but if we assume that a slight improvement in 3 stats vs. no total ■■■■-up in the other 2 (on an item with 5), you need to run a lot of rolls on average to reach that. By a lot I don’t mean 10 or 50, but hundreds. And that is just a decent roll, not a good one and far from a perfect one.
For all practical purposes rolling perfect on one module is NEGLIGIBLE, because the chances are so low that you’d need 10 years of supply of that item to roll the perfect unicorn. It will not happen.
That’s a very good point. People who run these sites in pure PvE fits will suffer when exiting. CCP announced a suspect flag on exit, so someone might wait for you on the other side. Also, no mobile depots in there afaik.
The higher pockets will not have an average time of 7 minutes to finish. On the contrary. After these go live on TQ, we’ll see hundreds of people losing their ships in those - and their pods. Level 5 is hard, like actually really hard. Think about a swarm of Claws with E-war on top. It also needs good manual piloting. If you get too close to the frigswarm in the last room, you might be tackled down and you’d need an uber-bling tank to deal with the incoming damage.
I ran quite a lot of sites on SiSi and did not find unstable mutaplasmids in Level 1-3.
The current droprate is higher than it will be on TQ. If I’m being highly optimistic you might find 100 of the same type and class within a week, if you perma-farm them without your brain melting. That is for lower tier plasmids only, because Level 1 and 2 are somewhat easy.
To find Unstable of the same type, I’d say 100 takes you at least a months, with perma-farming as well.
Personally I think CCP reacted too quickly on the panic that players created (on purpose). The nerfs were not necessary, for all the reasons mentioned above. At this point I’m not sure the sites will be worth running at all.
With the chances being so low, I don’t think more than a few people will try running them on any kind of faction modules. Everyone who mass bought faction stuff will cry, once people realize that IT IS STUPID TO ROLL MUTAPLASMIDS ON FACTION ITEMS. T2, maybe, but not to bling your fit, just to find new options.
Droprate for these is low too. You can’t reliably run any level higher than 1, because you might not find a filament again. The chances to find a higher tier filament in a lower tier site are maybe 10-20%.