Discussion about "Into the Abyss" update

Ok. So I already check new “Triglavian ships” in test server. So quastion is: Why da, those ships and modules are not available to alphas ? It looks like you guys are doing content, but not for all ? If you want to do those ships not avalable for alphas then just put them in T2 slots, and thats all problem solved. Maybe you dont know, but Alpha clones its also part of comunity and they also play this game, and spend money on it. And it looks like Spit directly to face of all alpha clones players. Like, nah you will not be able to acces and play with this new update, this is not for you, go and do your 3 lvl agens in your empire. Obviously DISCRIMINATION, becouse you put those ships and module in faction slot, and dont give acess to them. WHY ? WHY ? Looks on characteristics those modules are not better then other modules or t2 modules to which Alphas already have acces ?


This situattion is the same as, imagine: Real life, you are young dude, and most of all futures are not available for you just becouse you are belong to group of younger peoples. And those same futures are available for group of old players just because they are old.


If you want to devide community and make bigger restrictions to one of the groups of players, then just put those ships in t2 or t3 class, and thats all, done. New content are not available for alphas, but at least in t2 or t3 status it will be logically.


Well, i need to say, that i agree with you, Predator, at least when CCP anounce new update they should say “Hey guys there is new cool stuff coming but that is not for all, so new players (alphas) we will not give you new content, have fun”

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Fit harder! and you can :slight_smile:


wow, im pretty much new, just startet when alpha clones expansion just came, and im still alpha, looks like bad news for me, well…

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These ships are in a unique new class called Precursor and precursor products require new skills and materials (Crystalline Isogen-10).

As a private company that needs subscription revenue to pay its employees and continue developing Eve, it makes perfect sense that CCP would put some new content behind the paywall. Alphas can run the sites and sell the loot which should be quite valuable for a while.

If you want full access to the game - upgrade. If you enjoy the game and live in a developed nation, the 30-50 cents a day for a subscription shouldn’t make that big a dent in your entertainment budget!


Firstly- they got a bunch of money from alphas who buys skins.
Second, look at exchang cource in Russia, 15 $ per month its around 20 % of whole money wich you get as a payment.
Thirsd, not only adult peoples from civilised countries with payment more than 1000 $ per month playing this game. Also young peoples, and adult peoples from poor countries plays this game.
Fourth - it already has less then 35 000 people online, if CCP will not give new free to play options to all of the groups of players, then the amount of alive players (some part of this 35 000 are obviously bots and alts) will deacrease
I play this game almost 6 years, and i dont wont this game to die. Peoples are leaving, and if you will do stuff like that, that will bring HUUUUUUGE disadvantage to new players (Alphas), you know in this situation its a bad idea.
Thats why I agree with author of this post.
Is my answer completly clear ?


Wow, didn`t expect that i will got some answers in my topic, thank you guys.

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Yep, Dmitrij, looks like you catch my drift. Eve needs more players, cuz now its not a Subscribtion model, and more like F2P. To get new people you need to make content (and at this points at least some ships or modules) for all groups, not just fir rich or old players with a lot SP who can make a billion per day easily.

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It looks like dlc stuff from other company (everyone knows the name of that company), you know.

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Cost of 1 year of omega subscription (at time of posting):

  • For Europeans: 131.4€ (=159$/y =13.25$/mon)
  • For Non-Europeans & Non-Russians: 131.4$ (=10.95$/mon)
  • For Russians: 4889 ₽ (=78$/y =6.5$/mon)

Also, if you’ve been playing this game for 6 years, you’ve already been “omega” for 4.5 of those years…


Ok, it would be nice to hear here some other points of view on this situation from other peoples. I just disagree how CCP positioned this update in fanfest without telling that this is not for everyone, and than you face truth and you feel sad. Cuz you know, if they just clearly sad that those ships and modules and all cool new stuff are only for omegas, than it would be at least clear and truly. But when they show you a sweet candy, and after that, like nope, hold on its not for all, go back and play with dirt.

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I am omega now. I just want to see more new players in this game. But with this way of releasing new content there will be no new players at all, and maybe new guys who just started and are alphas now, will look at this and say, “hey, hell, its not fair.”

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and yes, what about new owerpovered modules wich gives you more +% advantage than even Officeres modules ? Great dont you think so ? (i mean modules upgratad with mutaplasmids, a lot of disscussion about that in reddit). Garmur bonuses for all, weeeee (except alphas of course)

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Pay a sub,money keeps the devs who made this new content paid as in a salary,no salaries no content gtfo alpha this and alpha that…my thumb


On Reddit the RNG of this update is generally hated. So powerful modules could be made, really never in history of EVE there was threat so big to balance of modules. Its like instead of balancing, they decided to UNBALANCE the modules.


Do you remember scandal with lootboxes in one famous company (everyone know this story). Guess what was the reason to put lootboxes in game ? Exact the same "Money keeps devs who… bla bla bla). You can make money in normal way, in which you dont put one group of players into dirt.


But alphas aren’t really players in my view,I have no problem with them I love answering questions for newbies and giving advice when I have free time for it.

What really puts me off is demanding stuff,what should the guy/guys that have paid a sub for 10+ years demand then?


Why they arent “really players” in your point of view ? They also fly on ships, they also make content for other players (pvp and other stuff), so why they not counts like “real players” ? I mean what ? They more valuable to game then for example bots or dudes who have 50+ subbed accounts. What is more interesting for you, to not have a fight with old subbed player or have pvp with alpha newbie ? Why are they “arent relly players” ?
Also, what the problem to make content for all, or if this content are also available for alphas and omehas both, it will not make enough of satisfaction to old (omega) players ?
And at all im complaining cuz you know, amount of alive players is decreasing. So we need new players and give them content also, then they will be also interesting in game.