Discussion about "Into the Abyss" update

I’ve been playing and paying a sub fee for the past 10 years so you won’t get any sympathy from me. If you want the full benefits of the game then pay for it.

Why should you get all the benefits of the game for free while folks like me pay every month to keep CCP afloat?


I am also paying for subscribtion for 6 years. And your reply looks like you dont like when someone else who dont pay or pay less have same chances as you. Mate, EVE as far as i know is not pay2win conception yet. so i doesnt matter how much money you already spend. With your logic, EVE dont need new players, with your logic after 5-10 years EVE will have 10k online but everyone will be subbed, no new players and everyone will be happy. Am I wrong ?
Will you be happy to play EVE singleplayer without new players, and around 10k overskilled subbed players with 150+ mln SP each ?


Just came back. So what i can see from this discussion, CCP just need to take into consideration
Alpha clones, because they are also part of EVE community. Count how much online we would have now in EVE without alphas, 30k, 28k ? Thats it, thats what im talking about.

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Hopefully you will be able to make use of modules and run these sites to earn enough to become Omega, like pretty much all Alphas that really are into EVE so much they want these ships and other, and because of that they do something productive for themselves.

Would be easier and faster than convincing CCP to change anything. Just use the system, play it and extract enough from it to be happy.


Well, yep, cuz we dont have any more options to do… unfortunatly… I think Devs dont even check this topic. So yep, i agree with you that players cant anyway affect on process, so there is left only one options to use those small amout of tools what we had. Thanks for reply btw :wink:


Yes you are wrong and totally missed the point. You also never answered my question. Why should a F2P alpha get something for free that others pay for? You think there should be absolutely no restrictions on alphas? Then why should I (or you if you’re telling the truth) continue paying as an omega?

Don’t give me the crap about no one playing the game if they have to pay or the dwindling playerbase. Even with alpha clones playing for free the player numbers are still declining. Also, it’s not that hard to pay for a PLEX each month using in-game ISK.

It doesn’t have a damned thing to do with ME feeling entitled. You might want to look in the mirror.


The Trig ships aren’t much to get excited about. If they had more armor and higher resistances…


You are paying for T2, T3, and Capital ships. And as Arthur Aihaken said those Triglavian ships are just another Faction ship, whose not much better then else. So, I see sense when you pay to fly on Tengu, Legion, Loki, or any other overpowered ships (compared to t1 or faction). So alphas already have huge restrictions. I dont complaining to about giving them access to t2s or t3s, but at least, when you add content, make some part of it, with restrictions (for example Alphas can train skill to maximum 2 lvl) for all the group of players.


Well, I think Alpha Clones can pretty much sample all content within the game. However playing for free doesn’t entitle those players to have the ability to use every single item or fully engage in every single type of content within the game.

In my opinion the Alpha Clone state is supposed to be an extended trial period in which the player gets to sample and experience some of the opportunities in Eve and then hopefully buy a subscription to fully engage in those opportunities.

If Alpha Clones can access and engage in every single thing within Eve, then nobody will sub and CCP will eventually have to shut down the servers. Personally I don’t think the sale of PLEX, ship skins and apparel items would be enough to keep this game active. I believe it’s paid subscriptions that keeps this game alive.

Anyway, I’ve been playing this game for almost 10 years with an active paid subscription. I never liked the idea of F2P option or CCP increasing the Alpha Clone skill set afterwards. If you’re an Alpha Clone and want the ability to fully engage in all opportunities within Eve, then sub your account to Omega Clone.


Im currently Omega, subbing for around 6 years. I agree, but quastion is - Why CCP get into this option with Alpha Clones. Answer - because they need more new players into the game. A lot of people who paying sub, dont actually play this game, they just login 2 times per month to check how skills are going, and thats pretty much all. My point of view that this game needs “new blood”, and i think, CCP know that. Becouse - they making content, they dont have 100500 alts, they dont fly on 3,5B Legion (or whatever t3 or other expensive ship), and you can make a fairly (1v1) pvp with them. Because what the point to fight with 10 years old subbed character who flyes on frig which cost 400m(with fit), and have implants on 3,5 Bil, and 100 mil SP. So, to saying that alphas are useless - wrong.

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And even more, its not that much interesting to fly on empty or half empty systems, thats why i personally want to see more players in this game, and way with Alpha Clones is a good options to fill the numbers of active users in game.

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I never said Alpha Clones are useless.

The initial intention of Alpha Clones getting more people to play the game is a good idea. Alpha Clone states is suppose to entice players to sub, not stay as an Alpha Clone enjoying free access to everything within the game.

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Yep, but for example, i know 3 guys, who are playing for around 4 month now, they stay in alpha clone state, but the buying plexes and spend those plexes on ships (and skins for ships, cuz skins looks cool :slight_smile: ) to burn those ships in PVP. And is it bad, they dont do “ratting” or any other boring PVE activity to get enought isks for PVP, they just buying 400-700 plexes per month and spend those plexes on ships. And guess what, everyone have fun, cuz those guys providing content to other players, everyone happy, everyone wins.
From what they said, they think, what the point to spend 500 plexes on subscribtion and then spend 20-25 days in PVE stuff to get enought of isks for PVP. Then they decided just to buy same or sometimes more amount of plexes spend them on ships (while staying alpha), and dont waste time on boring shooting at NPC ships. So they have fun, others people also have fun, everyone wins. And CCP also get the same money, or sometimes even more amount of money from one person, but those person not supposed to do “ratting” half a month for ISKs

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Staying Alpha while burning hundreds of PLEX on non-competitive equipment, while complaining about Alphas not strong enough, is a level of stupidity not often seen.


You probably didnt catch the sense of my reply. There was a quastion about “Alpha Clone states is suppose to entice players to sub” on which i answer, that its not necessary, because, you can spend same amount of plexes on ships, and you will not have a headache with making ISK`s for pvp purposes.
As far as i hear from those guys. And it actually makes a sense. Becouse, when you subbing and then spending half a moth to get enought Isks for pvp, its not really interesting, and becouse of that style of gameplay there existing periods when you are boring of it and cancel your subscribtion, or login to game 1 or 2 times per month.


Might as well let Alphas run all the filament content, use all the plasmutid modified modules, fly all the ships and skill into them.

The pre-existing SP/skill restrictions is enough to incentivize going Omega, just as it was before.

Set a cap on the Trig related skills, like other skills.

(At this point, I think player retention takes priority over Omega income. We want as many players staying/coming, to make as large a pool of potential future sub/service purchasers as possible. Need to rebuild the playerbase.)


That’s great to hear and yes, CCP is making some money by them doing it. However if they bought a year sub which is the best deal, they would be Omega Clones able to access everything in the game. They can still continue to buy PLEX and sell it for ISK in game. I do that myself every once in a while.

My point is that there should definitely be limitations to what Alpha Clones can access. I have no problem with Alpha Clones being able to access new content being added to the game. Let them explore the Abyssal Pockets, collect Mutaplasmids and invent/mutate modules to use or sell. Hell, let them pilot the small hull class Trig ships as well.

However I think the larger Trig hull class ships should only be accessible by Omega Clones.


This can be handled by a lower skill cap for Alphas on them. Say max lvl 2.


Salvos Rhoska Exactly ! I absolutly agree with you guys, both :slight_smile: Thanks for constructive replies :wink:


Dude, paying for gametime is cheaper than buying Plex. Your argument doesn’t make sense whatsoever.