Exactly what they announced. They never said the updates would drop before the price rise. They said it would be “announced” at fan fest. It’s then all our own decisions whether we think that’s worth paying for
So funny to see how ccp lovers try to protect them here and say, what we should shut up and pay for nothing.
I am sorry no one was paying $8 per month on regular price. 6 month Omega is currently $11.95. That is a price increase of $0.54 more a month. If that is a make or break for a person, they should cancel the two accounts anyhow, that is too close to not making it in real life.
Nothing was $8 a month ever.
What is even more funny is watching people cry about pennies. If you have been buying 1-month Omega for years now, you are well not a good money manager. And I would assume you waste money left and right, and $5 a month will make zero difference in your budget.
For half a year its 11,95 per month ->14,49 = 0,54$? F for Math, try again.
but ty for trying
but nice try to compare the actual price for half a year(per month) vs the new price of a year per month
Pro Tip: next time compare an actual half year to 2 Year of sub, than you could even say “stop lying all! its getting cheaper cant you see?” ;3
but i have to give you… nothing was 8$ per month… at least i never heard of… beside the special offers for new player to get hooked .-… like 3 month for 18$
Depends on how often and long they take breaks from the game.
One month a couple times a year may be sensible if a player has other hobbies too. Consider that player may still be dual-boxing.
The price increase for a reasonable 3 month sub is still 24% up too. 6 months isn’t much better.
24 months is simply out of the question. Most of it will go unused.
In the end, I reckon most players will simply scale down. Some will stop spending entirely. Generally prices, especially fuel prices, have gone up. Wages aren’t keeping pace with the involuntary spending increases, so the remaining discretionary budgets that people like to spend on silly things, should go down, rather than up.
Without that increase in frivolous spending, the players will simply get fewer of the digital goods that CCP can conjure out of nothing.
CCP made the same mistake with the scarcity patches (CCP can conjure up an infinite amount of Titans, so it doesn’t matter if null blocks can waste many). The only thing that matters is the entertainment that CCP can generate, not the perceived value of the space pixels.
You can attract more costumers, but you can’t upgrade your existing customers. Like you can lure in more whales with perks, but you can’t grow cods into whales.
Not a CCP lover at all. I just don’t have as much emotions invested in a tiny amount of money I’m more shocked at the behavior of some people here rather than a company deciding to hike their prices.
Look guys, all you need to do is give CCP more money upfront if you want to get the same bang for your buck! It’s easy and simple. Even if you take frequent breaks this amazing game will still be waiting here for you!
CCP have made great changes over the years; your money will be put to great use! CCP have worked hard to bring us this great game and they need the extra money to keep doing that. And you can rest easy knowing that CCP will continue to deliver great updates as they have over the past few years.
And if $5 is too much for you, consider this: It’s just $5 to play the bleeding edge and best of all the MMOs. Why have coffee and another MMO when you can have Eve Online!
i was missing the “One of a Kind piece of Art” in the Text… T_T
I demand correction!
Come on guys … the fanfest “new vision for eve” propaganda video won’t pay for itself.
there were so many visions, future vision around 2011… future vision… clear vision… whats the actual vision?
ah right the GTFO Vision (Great Thinktank for Orginallity- just if a mod feels tempted couse eve is rated for 13+)
I can see why EVE announced the price rise now, they probably don’t want to detract from the “biggest announcement ever” at fanfest.
Whether it’ll be met with applause or a collective eye-roll at yet-another-vision remains to be seen.
There was a Halloween sale on yearly subs on steam last year that brought it down in UK money to $8 a month.
e: I did maths, at the time £80 for 12 months was $8 a month, today it’s $8.30 because of exchange rate fluctuation.
Hey, how about you just provide actual constuctive feedback, and then guess what, your comments are not just bloating the thread. Whooo hoo. Whoohoo.
I have actually never played it! I think I’ll give it a try.
I think there will be less new player growth because of that. I don’t want to be in a mmo game where I just now everyone (small exaggeration).
is that not contradictory?
There’s been a saying that Eve is dying since 2003, but I have to agree with you, the numbers are going down and new exciting content is missing or not being pursued. That would probably be a very important step to stop the trend. Let’s see if Fanfest surprises us (positively).
FYI, instead of in-game celebrations (like the EoM sites from last year), and instead of announcements, in-game celebrations (ex monuments), eve partner promotions, or any other sort of community engagements (see last year and the year before as examples), this year Capsuleer Day is only up to 19% off on PLEX: Capsuleer Day Savings | EVE Online
I think Brisc said it accurately:
A celebration of people that is: “asking them to spend money w/o anything in return” fits the current theme.
At least Eve has a FREE tier, unlike ISP’s which don’t when they put their prices up due to inflation. You think your internet cost won’t go up too?
You’re going to be paying more and getting the same or less from many services and companies. The real problem, is your income is not increasing at the same (or better) rate.