[Discussion] PLEX and Omega price changes feedback thread

some basic math for you. if 2 people have 3 accounts between them with one having 1 and the other having 2 then the average is 1.5 omg.

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Some basic reality, not all math results are achievable in practice.

Just because a table AVG spews out a value, doesn’t make it real.

Calculates value, stops thinking about implications, it must be right

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ok whatever

I guess we can also apply that calulation method to CSM election votes. Somebody somewhere is going to give half a vote.

hahaha the only reality I see is the increase in the omega price and that the vast majority do not agree. the reality is that, it’s true, those who can pay will pay, but what they can’t pay, they won’t pay
 when the change takes effect we will see if what seems to be a gorge of players moving from eve to other mmo is Real or not. meanwhile everyone has the right to comment and “cry”

This is the crux. CCP has been spending their trust and credibility for years now, and now that it’s used up they hit us with a price increase and a “promise” that things are going to be great in the future? Nah, not buying it, both literally and figuratively. I’ll stick around as an Alpha to wait and see, not if the announcement is great, but if it’s both great and carried out in the least. I no longer trust that either is true.


Anyway, probably no one reads this thread at CCP!

A thread that now has more than 2,700 responses, counting those who spam like crazy in order to drown the fish

Twenty years ago, I witnessed the birth of this totally innovative and promising game! Today I am witnessing its final fall, and this live! It was inevitable anyway given all the strategic errors accumulated so far

Such a waste !

My open letter to Hilmar Veigar Petursson is here for the record:

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Bet you log in tomorrow.

Don’t forget to claim your free daily reward.

Not really, 20 years in a game is a LOT longer than many. That’s a fifth of a century, now put that in perspective of the scale of your mortal lifespan (maybe it is a waste :smirk:).

People want different forms of entertainment, not the same thing every year. Expectations change and you have to keep up.

Games peak, games decline, games die.

Peak Eve was 2013 judging by players online.

Why do you think Eve branding is on other products, why do you think they talk about Eve Forever, because we’re at the tail end of the decline phase

Figure 1 - Peak Eve

This Except taken from CCP Paragons Live Q&A transcipt blantantly tells you the level of malcontempt that CCP has for its Consumer base.

How to justify being the most expensive MMO sub for one of the oldest games?

I’m not sure that we’re going to try to justify it

I am not sure that Eve Online can be brought back from the decline phase we’re in (see my last chart here [Discussion] PLEX and Omega price changes feedback thread - #2984 by Emotional_Support_Clown).

I think we’re in a phase of existential survival.

I think they need to move away from multi-accounting and more into selling stuff. They might even have to start charging for expansions into walled off spaces of content like other MMO’s.

No, that is Wibla. Even says so right there at the top of your quote. Contradictory is this guy:

So, fun fact for comparison (which means it is, in fact, on-topic for this price increase)—LotRO, that really cheap, $8.33/mo option? There are no actually ‘walled off’ spaces of content. Expansions get you quest packs, sure, but you can go in and do the content with friends, get to level cap, etc etc
 and, just the act of playing the game gives you points that can be used to unlock those quest packs, no RL money ever needed.

But I guess you can do that when you listen to what kind of cosmetics your customers want to buy from you, and sell them that thing. (To be 100% fair, I’d totally buy a cosmetic horse for EVE if, y’know
 there was a way to use one.)

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Something has to change or the trajectory of that chart won’t change.

The trend is your friend, until it bends and the trend bent in 2013.

From the things I’m hearing in places that aren’t this forum, that change will need to be big, it will need to be legitimately awesome, and it will need to be delivered quickly, not just a bunch of vague promises at FF. Because we’ve heard those before.


Itemised billing

Item 2: 30 days API access

Alternatively, Omega walled.

Worth it for streaming data (GraphQL or gRPC) and to remove those restrictive devkeys and OAuth2 redirects.

I have to aggre on this one. Ever since I started EVE back in 2012, it was the only game that actually pushed people into having alts for everything and it is intentionally gated towards that.

Wanna play missions for 2-3 hours? Forget about colleting loot by yourself, get an alt.
Wanna haul something in freighter? Create a freight alt.
Wanna do PVP? Create a scouting alt.

All these stupid little roles that require alt, but offer no incentatives to be an actual real player profession is where this game always was pushing for more. It seems like CCP’s plan was always more geared towards how do we get existing player to increase number of subscriptions vs how do we get new players interested.

And yea, back in 2012-2013 it was great game, like nothing else, spaceships, wohooo
 Today in ever changing world that is focus way more on instant things, it’s just stuck in this old gameplay. There is no “fast action”. Sit and ■■■■ talk with your buddies on the gate for hours to end? Sit on blops cloacked holding your pants? Sit in standing fleet waiting for that one target? It just didn’t age well, comparing to other online games where you can get into action way more faster with your friends.

True, doesn’t have proper space theme alternative, but hey, at least I can ping my buddies after work to do few hours of Halo and actually play the game, or we can sit 2 hours on a gate camp and maybe either gank that poor lone target or be hotdropped by 10 titans

And yea, 15 bucks per month was to much, but you know, that was the deal back then, people kinda just went with it. Now asking for more money just put a spotlight on it and begs the question what are we actually paying for?


MTU exists, it’s like having your own loot collector bot.

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I imagine in this day of a tight labor market, keeping great talent must be difficult for gaming companies around the world. If this increase in cost is going towards paying your teams more, then I wouldn’t have too much of a problem with it. Hopefully, that’s where the money is going
 good luck.

CCP has been trying to diversify for years, that diversification is usually Eve branded, and rejected/resisted by Eve players. It’s something that needs to be done, and it costs to do it.

CCP will deliver!
They promised us One Universe, One War and we got DUST 514!
They teased the ansiblex gates in The Prophecy trailer and they delivered!
Citadels looked amazing in the trailers and the in-game citadels look just as breathtaking!
They promised to give us new options aside from POS’s and we got citadels!
The Triglavian story line was interesting, and we got instanced PVE in our open-world sandbox. Not to mention new ships for Omega players!
They listened to some of the players feedback and made the game have less resources and increased the time to farm isk! They also promised to scale back the isk faucets when it came to super ratting and now there are no supers ratting!
They teased an advanced new engine and we got a neat demo to play for a few hours!
And who can forget the promises to fix the NPE for the good of the game. They did a lot of good work adding skill extractors for irl currency, expert systems for irl currency, and fitted ships for irl currency so that newer players have the chance to catch up to veterans!
I don’t think I missed much here? Look at all this stuff CCP promised and delivered over the last decade or so! How could anyone not have faith that CCP will deliver.

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