@Ion_Armstrong There was a time where they did make a “firm commitment” to never sell SP in game. They went back on their word on that despite being confronted by the community. As much as I love this game, CCP has proven themselves to be liars on many occasions.
reminder of ccp response about price increase (Screenshot by Lightshot)
ehi isd, don’t try to flag my post for no reason when we share whot ccp realy think of us
sorry isd, i have better resolve then you
The better way is for them to get more people to play the game and buy subs, rather then having players pay more. CCP though isnt trying to make the game fun and is pushing people away, and adding high cost just does that even more.
The inflation argument only has merit if you believe the game has the same relative value now that it had nearly 20 years ago. How much substantial content has been added since then? How much value has been added to your subscription? The sub fee of £11.99 makes the cost of playing EVE equivalent to playing WoW and buying its biennial expansions, and look how much content you get for that compared to what we get in EVE. IMO it’s fair to argue EVE’s value has decreased in comparison to other MMOs.
I agree with this, on the whole CCP have reduced content for the past two years to correct the ecosystem and introduce balance. This hasn’t attracted players or created an exciting dynamic environment to keep existing players interested as seen by the numbers from Eveoffline. Overall the value of the game is certainly lower than what it has been in the past.
Creating austerity in the game was the easiest route to take but the most ridiculous from a player retention/attraction perspective. We see enough of that in real life.
I agree, as I point out in the lowest part of my answer; CCP/EVE must uphold their part of the bargain as well to get my subscription(s).
I do however see that CCP has delivered and supported something new at least for me lately, such as EVE Anywhere (greatly increasing my ability to play EVE when and where I want to).
In any case to me EVE was always mostly a sandbox (as advertised), with players creating content for each other and CCP just making sure this happened without technical troubles. I hope to see a return to those days, by CCP focusing less on balance tweaks (which usually causes more problems than they fix) while instead doing more maintenance/technical bug fixing to keep improving the sandbox and giving players new experiences in the form of new separate content (such as Trigs and T3 destroyers).
But for the record? Economy is how they have flown me to iceland the times I have gone. Wizard hat was not CSM as much as it was Mittens and the Goons but he has apologized for that.
And I am in favour of the Booze. If I get met at the airport by Alli-the-cab-driver with a beer for me? All the better.
we write the story, not someone else. The difference between community theatre and watching Giligan’s Island. Mary Anne, by the way.
Death squads at static gate camps isn’t community content. It’s just ganking.
I think it’s an abuse/missuse of the term “content”.
Eve is not just a sandbox, it’s a themepark in a sandbox.
Ganking is basically like being groped to death by Mickey Mouse at DisneyLand at the entrance.
What’s a serial killer to do when they took away high sec war decs. And the ability set login notification on folks. Yeah, it’s griefing too, but at least it required another brain cell and the victims were warned and could see you were there in system.
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Can you not do wardecs against a corp that has a player station in HS?
I would try to come up with a metaphor to picture the reduction in war dec activity, but Uedama used to be the home of the war dec kings, the Marmites, but now it is the home of the Princess of Dark Surprises and her ganker minions.
Ganking is like THE main reason new players leave. And wardecs are possibly even worse, when a huge alliance wardecs a small corp, they have to stop playing for the duration of the war, because if they give kills you know for sure they are getting wardecced again. And the cost to declare war is a joke by itself.
I do not condone 40-bots’r’us newbee ganking and static gate camps, but hunting player faction miners, scouts and cargo runners - part of this being gate traps - has always created gameplay for mining guards, convoys, blokade runners, etc…
Anything outside high sec has always been a shark eat shark world and very much part of the game (and I am very much a vegetarian shark, as you may see from my stats - I enjoy the thrilling gameplay of evading sharks, not being one, but that still means that ganking in its non-abusing form).
I do however see a good case for simply removing player-on-player damage in high sec by virtue of CONCORD (you could even justify this as a modification to capsules required before entering or undocking in high sec, thus avoiding high sec ganker-toons), to allow new players and PVE content enjoyers to not be under risk of harassment unless they voluntarily enter the shark waters of <0.6.
I dont think i’d go to the extreme of removing player vs player at large in high sec. Duels are fine too. However i would not allow alpha characters to deal damage first to any player in high sec, they can defend themselves. just not shoot first, to avoid infinite alpha alts ganker, and would drastically increase the penalty for omega players. Like being hunt down by concord as soon as you enter high sec if you did gank lawful players, i know the security system does something similar but it’s just not enough. That would still allow the gank of very valuable targets, but they would have to let the small guys and even medium ones alone.
PvP is for low and null sec.
Agreed, voluntary duels in high-sec are fine, as are the X vs. X events made by CCP (which if you ask me would be nice as recurring bi-monthly mini-tournaments or similar, for those who prefer more controlled PVP).
Making it alpha vs. omega as you suggest IMHO gives some new problems, since omega can be activated from plex so might still result in 40-bot’r’us toon-rushes and increase the pay-to-win issue.
I suggest war decs and faction warfare would however make players fair targets in high sec; if you do not want to be a target in high sec do not be part of a war decked corp or engage in faction warfare. Otherwise war decked parties would also just earn their isk in high sec, the opposite of what we want - and as such one might even consider that isk earned in high sec cannot leave unless converted to goods or PLEX and transported to low/null sec, also giving many new options for player activity as blockede runners, convoy guards, merchant raiders, etc…
@CCP_Swift - might the suggestion discussed here; blocking unvoluntary PVP from high sec and blocking transfer of isk from high sec to low/null, be an option you can consider to protect new players and create much new player activity for the risky transports and intercepts then needed?
The mechanism exists now. Make the safety switch such that you can’t turn if from green in High sec. Poof. Suicide ganking gone. But then that would be another loyal set of Eve players poof gone.
Are there really a core segment of EVE players who ONLY enjoy suicide ganks in high sec?
And who would not have the same fun as merchant raiders or pirates attacking transports/couriers as they leave high sec with valuable cargo, as well as in jumping on war decked corp miners forced out of high sec?
In cases of convoys or well guarded corp miners this will essentially often be suicide missions very much akin to current high sec ganking gameplay, but war tactics in a voluntary conflict rather than newbee/carebear (20%ish EVE population?) griefing.