[Discussion] PLEX and Omega price changes feedback thread

Fine, just do it, stop himming and hawwing about it. Deliver and let the market react.

just for those who didnt want to view the show live / on stream and like to read it


Best not expect anything and then you wonā€™t be disappointed.

Worked for me.

Who doesnā€™t like techie and new visual experience for an immersive game.

Now give us a much better API experience.

well you now (or at least soonā„¢) can put a Statue on your Keepstar if your Corp collected enought points so i guess thats really an improvementā€¦ at least for CEOs

So bascially space penā€¦ status errections for corps.

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That just reeks of ā€œDont you guys have phones?ā€

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The CCP presentation on day 1 of Fanfest once again proved that hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.
New graphics, new skins, some NPE and FW update and a rework of Skillpoints which likely will turn out to be an other nerf of some sort. CCP has long since lost touch to their customers, many of which already have left silentlyā€¦


Well at the beginning they said:

most important is to get more player and a bigger audiance which than will create more content which makes it all more fun and keeping them.

I mean makeing Eve to the most expensive mmorpg out there will attract some, but besides thatā€¦ not sureā€¦ WouldnĀ“t think higher prices = higher Playerbase.

I mean if soā€¦ shouldnt be apples be way more expensive and gold way cheaper?

-just for the sake to get back to topic- and get back from the AMAZEING Fanfest (btw will be there more tomorrow or was that really all?)

ā€œAnd yes, weā€™re announcing big content updates for fanfest. Itā€™s the largest one, probably, that weā€™ve ever done.ā€ - @CCP_Paragon


at least they had some nice brainfarts

To every one who convulsed like a seizure about ā€œwAiT fOr FaNfEsTā€ i hope your foot tastes disgusting. Because this was without a doubt, the most DEPRESSING waste of time i have ever sat through. And its entirely indicative of the last 2 years. This fanfest was almost entirely BS fluff that mean almost dick. I cant wait for these ā€œdevsā€ to be out of a job and homeless. And i say ā€œdevsā€ loosely. Because you have to develop things before you can call yourselves a dev. Does any one happen to know where a lot of these CCP devs got their education? I have a nephew who wants to get into programming and id like to know which schools he should stay away from.


so mass unsubbing continues?


Only in words.

CCP Paragonā€™s Q&A is really hard to make sense of in light of thisā€¦ Like, either he is completely hallucinating a bunch of stuff (he claimed theyā€™ve been secretly working on this huge new content update for 2 years), or flat out lying (but why would you lie about a content update knowing people would find out the truth in just a few weeks), or we are missing some piece of the story hereā€¦ I assume it is a missing piece of the story, like they were planning on announcing a new spinoff game (ugh) or something, and they had to pull the presentation for some reason or something?

Having the CSM doesnā€™t help you.

Figure 1: CSM glidepath

Peak Eve is real.

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After watching the Keynote i can now understand the urgency of increasing the sub prices .Guys hard work need to be payed.Good job ccp as always delivered as planed .Still a 5 $ increase is pretty low for the quality of the product , just think if a Ferrari cost 10k , people wouldnā€™t buy it .I am so hyped after the new announcements just plexed my 10 accounts , it is always a pleasure to give my money to ccp .


CCP simp detected


I think your sarcasm detector is broken.

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You are correct. Ntopios is being extremley sarcastic. He is a treasure of the community and should be celebrated as such.

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Phew, i was woried for a moment someone could truly believe that