[Discussion] PLEX and Omega price changes feedback thread

I waited until after Fanfest to see if the new content justifies the means for the price increase and in my opinion it does not. I am not aware of any games out there that have raised their subscriptions because of inflation. Take World of Warcraft one of the most popular MMORPGs out there and their subscription is still about $15/month. The new content that is coming and came since Fanfest also does not justify the price increase in my opinion. Here lately it has been mostly mini events of which I personally have never participated in and most likely never will. To cover the cost of new content many producers will do a one time purchase for the expansion instead of increasing the subscription cost. I also think minor changes to the current content could balance out the server and get users to subscribe more accounts. Lastly if it is just to get more money for CCP there is better way to do this. That way is to decrease the subscription amount to make up the profits through volume. This is what I propose:

1- Decrease the monthly subscription to $10/month. (This will encourage people to subscribe and people with multiple account such as I, I would subscribe all 5 of my account. A person with 5 accounts would be paying $50/month versus a person with 1 account paying $20/month a $30 increase.)

2- Balance the server between PVP and PVE. (For a long time PVE has been nerfed and neglected especially in High Sec and the focus has been on improving PVP. A good portion of the player base like me has no interest in PVP but loves the PVE aspect. I believe if PVE was revamped you would gain those subscribers that have left and are leaving Eve.) I would recommend the following:

 A-  Null Sec 0.0 stays the same with the same security rules.
 B-  Low Sec 0.1 - 0.3 with the Low Sec security rules
 C-  High Sec 0.4 - 0.7 High Sec Security rules with the following
       exceptions 0.4 - 0.5 can use capital ships, mine the higher ore,
       planetary mining, and level 5 missions.
 D-  No PVP 0.8 - 1.0 with no ability to PVP period.

These changes I think will bring back balance and the PVE player base. As of this moment I am maxed out in PVE the best ship I can fly in High Sec is a Marauder, the best missions I can do are Level 4, the only ore i can mine is Tritanium and Pyrite, and cannot do any planetary mining. With these limitations it has really hampered the industry and market. This has alienated the PVE player base and forced the PVP base to do industry instead of doing what they like to do which is PVP. These changes will also protect new players trying to level up and also major trade hubs so people can progress.

Luckily I subscribed 2 of my accounts for a year before the price increase but sadly if things do not change I will not be renewing after my subscription runs out. Once the market and industry crashes the game will be strictly PVP and I am sure most PVPers do not wish to do industry. Eventually the servers will close down if the player base is gone and CCP is no longer making money.


Its looking like CCP want to revamp FW and turn it into some kind of Fortnite/Battle Royale thing. More instant gratification, which a lot of long time players are opposed to. They seem to ignore the fact that pvp is a minority sport. Its PVE that retains players.

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Sure thing but you pay 99.999% security tax on ANY revenue (may it be bounties, mission payout, trade, mined ore or even just transferring items between characters / corp through contract or even via hangar or container in space) to maintain the risk vs reward balance. :wink: :smirk: :dealwithitparrot:


everyone uses the fact that most players are PVE players as a reason to make it harder for PVE players to die in high sec and any sec tbh. what most people dont understand is that PVE wouldnt work if there wasnā€™t the toxic gankers and pvp players because without gankers killing the haulers all the ore would get to the market and flood it and aint no high sec miner gona be happy when veldspar hits 5 isk per 1 veldspar. and pvp is neccessary as a resource sink because if there where no resource sinks such as fighting then whats the point of getting and selling resources. so tryying to get a game that makes it harder to kill players just makes the indy side of the game less fun and less valuable resulting in more people leaving and indy is one of the last huge player bases remaining. so cant afford that loss.

I understand the previous feed back to my ideas and would like you to consider this question.

What kind of PVP can you do in 0.8 - 1.0 space that you cannot do in 0.0 - 0.7 space?

Maybe another solution would be to have CCP setup 2 different servers as follows:

1- A PVP only server with no restrictions. ie. you can fly any ship in any space and do anything you want.
2- A Normal or PVE server with the proposed changes I mentioned earlier.

People can have their accounts copied to which ever server they choose.

And so my salary is 70,000 rubles. Payment for an apartment 6 000 - 8 500 (in winter), electricity 1,000 a month (4.50 kilowatts), internet 1,000, telephone (apartment) 400, mobile (phone, internet, sms) 700, metro 2500, momā€™s apartment 4 500 - 6 000 , TV, telephone, internet 1,000, electricity 1000. Lunches and dinners 400 (1200 a month) except Saturday and Sunday, breakfasts 3000 a month, you still need to put in the piggy bank, the rest is at your discretion. But at the moment, the subscription costs 1300+ (56.80 per dollar) but since the bank is under sanctions, I canā€™t pay directly. I have to use third-party resources (steam) to buy plex for 2000, which I am very unhappy with. Thatā€™s when it was 3000 for 5 accounts, it was not bad, when the price rose to 5000 it became tolerable, but 100 bucks for 5 accounts is very expensive (100 bucks is worth paying for an apartment)

As said earlier, ore etc would be next to wortheless as market could be flooded without risk of loss, no demand for the ore as no ships being lost due to pvp. PVE server would die.

Pvpā€™ers are he minority, the PVP server would be pretty empty. PVP server would die.

EVE would die, the PVEā€™ers would have to find another game to ruin.

Take a look at earth, what do you think would happen if you got rid of all predators so that the prey could live without fear of being ganked?

If you want to fly around with no fear of being ganked, I suggest Elite (NOT) Dangerous in SOLO mode.

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The closest thing to this is Abyssal PVP proving grounds CCP started up. They are pretty fun CCP gives 100mil (on the battleship events) if you do enough damage so if you die itā€™s not too bad of a hurt on wallet. People buy ships from Jita. Lose them in proving grounds. Cycle continues? Rightā€¦? Looking at the instanced pvp debaters here.

Ok let me break this down for you a little bit.

Current 0.8 - 1.0 Ore Harvesting: - (Can be ganked mining and transporting.)
Yield = Tritanium, Pyrite, Mexallon - Sale price = 4 isk, 8 isk, 73 isk.

Current 0.5 - 0.7 Ore Harvesting: - (Can be ganked mining and transporting.)
Yield = Tritanium, Pyrite, Mexallon - Sale price = 4 isk, 8 isk, 73 isk.

Current 0.4 - 0.0 Ore Harvesting: - (Can be ganked mining and transporting.)
Yield = all the rest of the Ores at current prices.

Proposed 0.8 - 1.0 Ore Harvesting: - (Cannot be ganked mining and transporting.)
Yield = Tritanium, Pyrite, Mexallon - Sale price = 4 isk, 8 isk, 73 isk.

Proposed 0.4 - 0.7 Ore Harvesting: - (Can be ganked mining and transporting.)
Yield = Tritanium, Pyrite, Mexallon, Isogen, Nocxium - Sale price = 4 isk, 8 isk, 73 isk, 400 isk, 1100 isk.

Proposed 0.3 - 0.0 Ore Harvesting: - (Can be ganked mining and transporting.)
Yield = all the rest of the Ores at current prices.

How are my proposed ideas going to cause the market to be flooded with ore with no risk? The only safe zone is 0.8 - 1.0 space of which you can only get Tritanium, Pyerite, and maybe some Mexallon. The prices for these items are already well diminished. By adding the additional ores to the 0.4 and 0.5 space means a higher value cargo hold of ores to be ganked. If I want to haul my ore to be sold in the trade hubs I would still need to travel through hostile space with the possibility of getting ganked.

If you just want to gather resources and build stuff, go play minecraft, for real. If you want to have solo adventure go play solo game.
Itā€™s the prospect of losing your ship and precious cargo that makes eve eve. Some people canā€™t handle it and that is alright. Not everything must cater to everyone, thatā€™s just unsustainable and pointless.
You want to play game about piracy and trade but without piracy and trade. As others point out, whatā€™s the reason for harvesting and selling, when thereā€™s no reason to build because nothing gets destroyed?
Games are fun because they have inconveniences that players have to play around and thatā€™s what makes the gameplay.
Maybe you donā€™t even want to play, just want to watch a screen and have it do stuffā€¦ watch a movie insteadā€¦


So yeah, I had taken a break from Eve due to a general burn out caused by WWB2 as well as some RL obligations, but I was planning to come back to the game at some point, maybe in a few months. I hadnā€™t even thought about Eve in a few months and I just saw the price hike.

I donā€™t understand why everyone is surprised this happened. Wasnā€™t it obvious? First CCP introduces that ā€˜scarcityā€™ crap to make it harder to build stuff and drive up all the prices on the market. Then they make changes to the bounties to make it harder to make ISK ratting. So, itā€™s harder to make ISK, therefore itā€™s harder (if not impossible) to make enough to plex with ISK (unless youā€™re grinding 15 hours a day). And then, boom, they raise prices. Itā€™s obvious that this was the plan all along, and all the talk about ā€˜balancing the distribution of wealthā€™ and ā€˜revitalizing the economyā€™ was just them talking out of their ass.

I have therefore decided not to renew the subscription on my 3 accounts. Itā€™s sad, as Iā€™ve been playing since 2007, but itā€™s been going in this direction for a while now, and this whole situation was the straw that broke the camelā€™s back.

Fly safe, everyone


Can I have your stuff? Oh wait, I cancelled too. Anyone want his stuff?

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Can i have the stuff of you both??

These ideas suck.

The fact that your idea would marginalize low sec even more.

Hereā€™s a better idea.

Level 1 through 3 missions are offered in systems with security status of 0.0 through 1.0

Level 4-5 missions are offered and can only be run in systems with security status of 0.0 through 4.0

Time for you to put some skin into the game and risk that blingy marauder. High risk comes with high reward.

Ore distribution is fine as it is. Donā€™t want to risk it? Fine but all you get is veldspar.

I think you should stop assuming you know how I want to play the game and what I enjoy. I do appreciate you opinion and feedback, you clearly donā€™t understand what I love about Eve why I have played it for so many years.

How you see and want Eve to feel is greatā€¦but it is your opinion.



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The ideas were actually fairly decent. Your idea is actually worse in terms of what certain player bases want. This player doesnā€™t want skin in the game for PvP, that is the point. If you want to say, I agree and lvl 4 should be turned up a notch or two with higher payouts, but a chance you lose that bling marauder I would absolutely agree.

The thought there has to be only PVE or PVP will always cut one side out. There needs to be a balance, currently, PVP wins they can do it anywhere at any time no matter what. PVE a player canā€™t enjoy PVE without the risk of bottomfeeders coming along.

It is a sad fact that needs to be corrected in the new era of Eve.


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So I was playing Monopoly with my brother and his kids. His little girl decided that the game would be more fun for her if nobody got charged rent when they landed on property. She got the game she wanted and we made it fun for a bit. But once all the property was bought there was no point in paying for houses and hotelsā€¦ā€¦ā€¦the money we were getting for passing go was next to worthless. And the bank eventually ran out of money and we had to stop playing. Then my niece got upset that nobody had won.

Turning off PVP in areas of space is game breaking. It removes content. It removes meaningful decisionsā€¦ā€¦ā€¦It would be the death of Eve.

So i accept that this player WANTS to have a place where there is absolute safetyā€¦ā€¦.but myself and many other players want a vibrant ecosystem where decisions matter. Why should that be broken to facilitate this?

As it should be. Every time any of us undock we are at risk. This is how the game works.

Forunately EVE is not like Zwift where virtue signaling players are demanding that players from your country are banned from their game for something that is nothing to do with them

A good reason to make sure your mining permit is upto date.