[Discussion] PLEX and Omega price changes feedback thread

Hm, interesting. I try to find any possible explanation of that but can’t find.
I have been playing on and off that game for more than 10 years, all time I heard that EvE is dying, but at first it was small procreant of players, who said it. Back in 2018 I’ve decided that it is enough for me and I quite. Recently returned and what did I found? Desert systems. My beloved wormholes went silent, I don’t even bother cloaking my ship up cause I know there is no one around, null sec went full crabhaven, you can peacefully ratt, scan, mining etc without any troubles, except if dread spawns. No good content for quite a time from what I see.
And you are raising prices.
On the other hand I have ESO, which is pretty neat even nowadays for a price lower and more bonuses for subscription.
Also we have SWTOR which is pretty dead but still few players around and you can get good story lines for the same price as it was all the time.
Yes, EvE is unique, I truly love it, but now it comes to the point where I should choose either spent more money either time on making iskies. And it might be even better to switch to other game, cause for less money more stuff.
Shame, I love that game even more nowadays, but… It is gonna hit my wallet.

I wonder, would other games raise their prices. If they would, EvE will survive. If they won’t, doubt EvE is gonna make profit out of it

What’s that like?

Eve is Spice and I’m addicted. It’s a problem.

All I have to really say is I’m surprised it’s taken this long for them to do this.

It’s obviously something that should’ve been happening sooner, especially over time as to not just have a sudden increase like this for some less fortunate to easily afford it in other regions. But it would’ve happened eventually anyway.

Fly ship with mouse. Look out the front window. click to shoot at cross hairs. Indication of what’s around/behind you with gizmos in the HUD. Begs for a joystick. But I only tasted it a little.

HAHA, you are making miners safer for your sacrifice.

both accounts unsubbed. Maybe I’ll check back in a year on an alpha and see this grand new content they are touting.

25k average players and my estimation will drop down to at least 20k

IDK about EU players but US players get a charge for the international payment by their banks. So its not just $20 per account.

Speaking of “too expensive”, is anyone here going to welp a t3 in the latest event?

the “scam” has received more content/updates in the last 2 years than EvE has in the last 5. You can play it for free during free fly events that happen multiple times a year instead of parroting your favorite youtubers opinions

Get an international currency account if you plan to spend outside the US. What about PayPal?

Perhaps they could add “buy with Bitcoin” :smirk:

Tie them all to the same email and then discounts get applied. Cant be that hard.

It’s not the price increase, it’s the lack of increased value for the price. You can say “wait for Fanfest” all you want, we all know that you can/wont/don’t give a crap about following through with something amazing. Nobody trusts your promises, that’s the long and short of it.

I’ve got 3 paid accounts, and had been considering a 4th. I pushed unsub on one last night, probably will hit unsub on the others and just wait and see. Maybe I’ll just buy when its on sale and get the extras that always thrown in.

Do better.

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Well SOMEBODY isn’t unsubbing. Someone just bought an in game t-shirt for 600 Mil isk from one of my toons. I should feel remorse for being sarcastic about character clothes and ship skins, but I don’t.

And yet, no other MMO publisher is raising their prices by 33%. Instead, most are making their content more accessible and focusing on attracting and retaining more customers.


wow thank, i was looking for a reason to stop EVE now have one

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Twitch stream Imperium News. Faucet of salt water.

I am in the same situation (being on disability). I ran 3 accounts, fortunately I paid wayyy ahead of time a year ago for them, except for one that expires in November. All 3 accounts have been cancelled, but the other 2 don’t expire until June 2023. We’ll see how things fare then. Especially financially. I am not optimistic.


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Dear CCP WTF?!

You better give us Drifter ships, Trig super caps and carriers and industrial ships, add a new faction too, and make WH sites give more, Else We The People Will Go On Strike also Go Take Fun games One o one class

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