[Discussion] PLEX and Omega price changes feedback thread

Take for example (a whole different MMO beast, I know, but still), Lord of the Rings Online just made 80% of their content completely FREE and is now bustling with activity. Granted, new players still need those luxury items from the STORE, so I believe they will come out ahead in the end.


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That the sub did not keep pace with inflation means that before the price increase that you are actually paying the equivalent of about $9.60 in 2003 dollars. Even at $19.95 it is equivalent to $12.78 in 2003 dollars. Or to put it differently keeping pace with inflation would mean a sub of $23.33.

Not skins designed by alliances. In that case the “cost” has been externalized.

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Most aren’t set in space nor two decades old. They also have more players and don’t rely on multi-accounters or have a quasi political self interest group layer of fog called the CSM.

If you don’t think their prices will go up, you will be in for a surprise.

When EVE can fully support 25,000 person space battles with no lag, no tidi and no random disconnects or other game spaz outs I’d say they’ve reached that mark. Sadly they seem to have put the cart before the horse and now need to pull it themselves after shooting both feet, through scarcity and this price increase. If fanfest isn’t blow the roof off amazing it might be the last nail in the coffin.

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Show me 25,000 unique players in space.

there are propably 8-10k unique players, the rest are multiboxers and afk spam bots


Yeah, LotRO’s been a lot busier lately, especially w/the 15 year anniversary festival going on and all of the free stuff they’re giving away.

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Does anyone know any good space games to go that have an ENJOYABLE (so unlike the eve one) industry side?

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There is a similar option here as well, Alpha accounts.

No, space is not a big seller.

So after hearing from CCP_Paragon, https://soundcloud.com/hypr1/ccp-paragon-talk-about-price-increase , it seems that the main motivation behind this is losing out on Russian payments due to the IRL war and sanctions.

I wonder if after the IRL war is over, would the price go back down?

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No, inflation is not going to go away. Stop listening to the crap the press secretaries feed you. The real cause is inflation. This is “digital” goods, not oil or gas or grain.

X:4 Foundations is truely great

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inst it single player?

Wut? Not sure what that has to very much. WoW is what? 18 years old, and you pay a monthly sub and IIRC, you pay for the latest expansion as well…sooo… :man_shrugging:

This could very well happen…

I think it has multiplayer but only where u can send trade ships in other players universes (im only 50 hours in so i couldnt try yet)

But yes mainly X4 is singleplayer, but truely great sandbox experience.

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This is much more healthy, talking about other game instead of eve

It probably will go away…at least in the US the growth rate of M2 has dropped to practically zero…

the thing you write are in the game since 2003 so, no, that is not an excuse to increase price