Dishonor of Caldari Soldier

She seems to be increasingly unable to disconnect the privlage being a capsuleer gives her, and the scope of her authority as a “Caldari officer”. I think she might have a cog or two loose.


Just “anyone”?
Can you please read before writing, that’s definitely not what I have offered.

I am putting bounty on criminals, who will help a fugitive to escape.

Or are you just one of those, who write like… anything offensive without even trying to understand what are you replying to? Here, I made it in bold. Now, bring your apologies and stop bothering me with that stuff.

You keep demanding apologies, do you honestly expect to get them? Also, Ms Antolliere is officially no longer a member of the federation navy. A withdrawal of your bounty on her would be appreciated, as she is no longer a combatant.

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Since he was wrong both morally and factually - yes. Because I do have hope in humanity. But even if he can’t do that, well, there are all kinds of people in space. If everyone were just good, I would have no work. But again, I’d probably then would become a priestess or teacher instead of being a combat pilot.

And negative on withdrawal of the bounty. I don’t see your words about her “not being a member of the federation navy” as truth. Or maybe you have got a different person, there maybe a multiple persons by that name, who knows.

I have already seen one corpse by that name from one capsuleer. The bounty was paid, but it was the wrong one.

I must have missed the part where Ms Antolliere was tried, convicted and then escaped from custody. She is not a criminal unless tried and found guilty. Those who assist her are likewise not criminals.

I make no apology as I have nothing to apologize for. It is my opinion that placing a bounty on a life is reprehensible. No amount of bluster from you will change that.


Me too… On the hundreds of similar missions I partook for the Republic, the State, and the Federation. An assassination requires no trial.


Well, maybe the word “criminal” wasn’t completely correct, I do refer gallentes often as a whole as criminals because of the multitude of offenses against humanity they commit every day.

Nethertheless, I will try to fix my mistake and explain in details.
First of all, while Ms. Antolliere wasn’t trialed, her name figured in the trial of Mr. Raikkanen and her involvement was undoubtfully proven. No actual charges are being filed against her, since she is already an enemy of the State and a free game.

As for the assists of baseliners, I am surprised you still failed to read it correctly, because the bounty was issued only for “Information on any baseliner known to help fugitive Skylee Antolliere - 1 000 ISK.” Information only.

Of course calling them criminals again wasn’t completely correct, but civilians can be trialed for assisting the enemy and giving comfort to the enemy as well. While the punishment isn’t as hard for that as to the military personnel, it is still a charge that can be filed. With the information about them I will order their capture and the tribunal will decide their fate, were they criminals or not, shall they be released or punished in accordance with law.

I think my intentions were made already pretty much clear and I don’t think that further explanations will be required to show you made a mistake. If you gonna be like that, well, what can I say. The existence of people like you is the reason people like me are trained to use lethal weapons.

And have a nice jam!

All the more reason to withdraw the bounty. You’re getting innocent people killed. Congratulations on funding cold blooded murder.

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It is Federal Navy. They are combatants. They aren’t “innocent people”. They are invaders and occupants. They are torturers and genocidists. They are foot soldiers of a criminal anti-Caldari mass murdering regime that must be destroyed.



I think she means “Federal Marines”?..

I dunno. In any case, I wouldn’t worry about the Hot Air Brigade. The one constant is the low follow through rate on anything outside the militia warzone.

But, if there IS a need for a close protection detail, I know some professionals who don’t have to worry about their own safety.


Incident at the transportation

First of all, I would like to express gratitude to Cmdr. Edward Adams (@MantelGlobalIndustries) for the support with the prisoner handling.

When all the procedures were completed, I myself has visited Mr. Raikkanen to offer him the tea, in case he would prefer to depart with honor instead of living the rest of his days in the imprisonment. After all, before this happened, he was showing himself proper and honorable soldier, and as his former superior I felt obliged to offer him that… Unfortunately, he didn’t repent and refused the tea.

After the transport has departed, something quite unusual has happened, almost immediately after exiting the warp, the vessel was attacked and boarded.

Further information will be presented after a short investigation.

Kimmie, this seems pretty dodgy. You trust your prisoner to Mr. Adams, and suddenly the correctional transport is attacked?

Something smells fishier than long limbed roe…


I strongly doubt Commander Adams had anything to do with that, it doesn’t seem like him.


If you want to accuse Caldari Officer in something, present legal charges against him with some FACTUAL EVIDENCES instead of “smell of long limber roe”.

Or, at least, wait for the complete report.

The Caldari “justice” system continues prove to be as fair as it is imaginative. A conviction based on thin evidence and thinner legal grounds. A punishment vastly disproportionate to the harm done. Life in prison, or bitter poisoned tea? Honestly, how very bland.

In the Federation we know full well what real treason looks like. Say, an Admiral selling command access codes to our border defenses. After the cowardly Provist sneak attack exposed his treachery, we showed the whole cluster the price when one betrays their duty to safeguard the Gallente people. Justice for Eturrer was not only poetic, it was great entertainment too!

A typical gallente, starting to blaming others in “thin evidence” while she didn’t even manage to try to ASK for these evidences.

Tell me, dear readers, why you even consider dealing with Federal people?

Especially savage to the degree to consider THAT entertainment?..

And, of course, blatantly and ignorantly blaming Provists in being “coward” and “treacherous”. Provist forces were assembled from the best people in the cluster. But nooo, gallente didn’t even think about that, they can just toss some accusations.

And as a result, what we can witness from gallentean propaganda comments? Broken logic, absent facts, just savagery.

The investigation of the incident, unfortunately, gave very little results.

The attack was conducted by a mercenary team without insignia. Ship shields were quickly taken off by an EMP attack and the mercenary ship initiated the boarding procedure. There were ten attackers wearing DUST operative exoskeleton suits with advanced weaponry, both of gallente origin. The intercepted communications were deciphered to be on one of Federal dialects of gallente language. The purpose of the attack was not clear from the messages, it were idle chatter of non-professional origin.

After the breach, the mercenary ship was quickly destroyed by Caldari forces, preventing the assault team to use additional clones if they had them in the ship.

The intruders were eliminated by the AWM team, that I personally assigned to escort the prisoner. The used defending strategy plan that we trained before, allowed to defeat the invaders with minimal losses. Unfortunately, from the squad of seven soldiers one marine was killed in action and two were wounded.

None of the attackers survived, no survivors were found in the wreck of their ship either. That made impossible tracking down their original contractor. Their bodies were generic DUST operative clones.

All noncombat items found in the wreck of the destroyed ship were of Federal origin. It’s quite amusing that the attack then was committed by supposed neutrals instead of Navy or FDU forces.

The goal of the attack was not determined either. However, taking into account that the only cargo of the vessel was the prisoner, it could be speculated that they planned to eliminate or capture him.

It does look concerning that such modus operandi matches FIO together with their possible target - a prisoner, who had a connection with Federals. But it is even more worrying that about the time and place of the drop was known only to mine and allied teams, which could mean that there was an information leak.

Despite the leak, the Federal operation has failed and the prisoner was delivered to the destination in safety.

As a conclusion, it seems that gallenteans use too much of dishonorable tactics and infiltrate even among our ranks. We must take measures to stop it once and forever, cleanse out their infestations without mercy.

It is your duty to disclose evidence if you want to be perceived as fair, not mine to ask for it. Nobody forced you to make this public disclosure, and only you are responsible for its lack of completeness.

A sneak attack is a sneak attack, no matter what morally convenient justifications you want to offer. Heth and the Provists knew they had no hope of defeating the Federation in open battle, so they conspired with criminals and traitors to gain a temporary advantage. And for what? The Federation isolated and crushed the fleet Heth left stranded in our territory to die, but not before Heth proved to everyone what a madman he truly was by ordering the destruction of Caldari Prime. Only the sacrifice of a true patriot prevented Heth from annihilating the first home of all Caldari.

My regret is that the coward fled before he could be captured and given the same traitor’s death Eturrer got.

As for the rest of this farce, the conclusions of your investigation seem as suspect as the rest of it. Gallente manufactured arms and armor were freely available on the open market for DUST mercs for years. Nothing that’s been revealed so far would indicate this individual has any information valuable enough to justify such an operation to retrieve or silence him. More likely that this whole ordeal is some twisted product of your paranoid imagination and desire to slander the Federation.

How exactly would “military action” against another military who they are at war with constitute any form of slander? If it happened, ya so? If it didn’t then it’s simply bad Intel. To get to the crux of what I’m saying, where is the benefit to lie about a situation that from the start only painted her in a negative light (the reason this all started) if any negatives were to be drawn from this?

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