I think, if you look at the statistical likelihood, you’ll find the level of inconsistency is far greater in Pochven. There’s certainly a case to be made that that’s because with the smaller sample size of system, statistical noise will necessarily be amplified, but in the long run, that’s not really relevant, because it doesn’t change the fact that in fact, that statistical noise is amplified in the smaller sample size of systems.
If two other beings are capable of making long-term decisions that inevitably alter the functioning of the human mind, then yes, those other beings are damaging the human mind’s identity and individuality. It doesn’t matter if they’re in your head, or if they’re keeping you juiced up on a drug cocktail that twists your mind and considerably diminishes your capacity for being a self-aware individual.
See, again, you’re treating this as nothing more than having two other people hanging around with you. It’s not. They’re directly plugged into your nervous system. The nervous system that reacts, stem to stern, on every decision, on every stress consideration. In effect, you are never even alone with your thoughts—they’re influencing those, too, simply by altering the level of stress you feel and the way your body is reacting to that stress.
So, yeah, gonna have to say that having two other beings influencing your thoughts all the time? Yeah, that, too, significantly detracts from any ability to form or retain a sense of self that is in any way separate from the other two beings.
And, again, in fact, it’s impossible that they don’t impact the human mind. Purely because of, once again, how biology works, and how the human brain’s wired.
You mean in the massive amount of time we’ve got, observing their society’s development? All of what? Under 3 years of lack-of-actual-observation? Yeah, that’s just gonna be so enlightening as to the long-term development of things.
In fact, we have seen them alter behaviors across all clades. The relevant trinary is AEA2. Here, I’ll make it simple and give you Uriel’s de-trig-ification:
Yeah. There is it. All cladeships entered into main dataflow. Across all Clades. Granted, it’s not a result of proving, but the point stands that when changes are made, they’re made everywhere.
Now now, I’m not that arrogant. Not quite. I mean, I won’t turn down tithing, but worship is right out.
Any shifts have been in responding to someone who is consistently moving the goalposts. My initial points remain: a) bioadaptation fundamentally changes the exposed into something inhuman. b) this is a worse crime than anything we have seen from the empires.
That has not changed, nor will it.
If you’ll go back and check, I’ve also specifically requested any actual data on what does occur within bioadaptation, and shockingly, none’s been provided. We know mutaplasmids work via bacterial agent on modules, but those are inanimate objects. Unless you’ve got yourself a Gravid Caldari Citizen 135636984 Mutaplasmid laying around, we can’t say for sure what process is actually used on something with cells of its own.
As for bacteria altering DNA… yeah, microbes larger than viruses can alter DNA. Usually it happens when one cell tries to consume another, but there’s no indication that such active aggression is needed. All it really requires is the invasive DNA enter the target cell and make use of the messenger RNA. And when you’re talking about an engineered system? It’s really not at all difficult to see where a bacterial agent could be a DNA- or RNA-bomb.
So, again, before things get ruled out, let’s see the hard data on how this stuff actually works, and what the complete list of effects are on a human being.
Every example we’ve seen of functioning personal units within Trig society is a troika. Every. Single. One. So, y’know, not exactly ‘baseless’. You want to argue for an exception, first demonstrate that such exceptions exist.
How many human beings do you know who are part genetically-engineered bacterial mutagen-goo? Who have three minds? Cite examples, please.
As for the stellar data… I didn’t say CONCORD hadn’t updated it, I said we don’t have any way to confirm they have. And I asked for independently-verifiable data. Really now, if you’re going to insist on twisting my words and lying about what I’ve said, feel free to go back to lurking, cuz blocking you takes less time than writing this sentence.