Divinity Social and Insensitivity

It is not unusual for Amarr people to bed with those they would not invite to sit at their table.

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Opens up this ongoing session as he gets done with his meditations while docked in Jita 4-4.

Now. Now, [children in Intaki]. I wish not to start any quarrel with my fellow capsuleers, but remember that there is a free -or limited if you dig deep enough- enterprise and market among the empires. If the Gallente were behind this advert, it is not unlike them. The Gallentian Federation has always been one for “friendly” commerce and connections… Shall we remember how they put the “democracy or death” crossroad towards the Minmatar Republic. Remember also, that the Gallentians were one of the ones that were hit the least by us Kybernauts if my memory serves me correctly, so they would not be feeling as much of a burning sensation as the Caldari State is feeling as of the moment. There is an open market for trade relations between the Kybernauts and the Empires for sure if you are willing to be blasted from… What is that Amarrian saying…? “Kingdom Come?” Well, by “Death Squads” of Drifters.

If the government or the company wants to propagandize the possible “friendly” relations with us Triglovians, all up to them. Remember each Empire has their dirty, cheap tactics. Shall I speak of them? At least this one is not as abominable and evil in intent. They wish to capitalize on the aftermath of the war. So be it, but I do think that it is morally wrong in my opinion. As to many of you and many baseliners that are seeking refuge that was fearful of the war, the wound is still fresh and it’ll take months or years to grow from. Trauma is a sad thing. It taints us all with ill feelings and memories.

From what we as “Foreign People” have gathered from the Triglovians is that they are dialectic in all manners of discourse. Truth is what they seek, but each clade has its own methods. Yes. they are proving the truth of you. Who you are in high stress, and other situations. In psychology, there many little tid-bits and little unconscious actions that tells others who you are. The Proving grounds are one way. The war is another. They seek answers, but Sansha, the Drifters, and the Empires pushed them to make a decision to dissect and see the truth of our existence. The theory of Everything, the strings that ties us and this universe all together, and the soul throws them to their own Ida -their path-, or their Flow of Vraj, to find the truth through observation and discourse.

Keeps the dialogue open for exchange, but goes back to meditating.

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Agreed Sri Arnolles. A people’s best interest should be left up to those people. Any type of Empire, Sov., or Nation attempts to act without fearing the people they govern; they will fall because there would be no liberties. My home planet of Vey II is in that type of turmoil as the people the head of the 'Parivaar’s had silenced are not willing to sit down for it. People who see the evils of the empires may take refuge within Pochven for as long they tread not on the Triglavians. The Triglavian influence will spread one way or another. Time will only tell, and everything has its place as it’s a time of building.

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I almost feel sorry for them.

That’s either an unfortunate spelling mistake or quite a masterfully subtle pun.

On this much I unequivocally agree with the Kybernauts: the Empires are often guilty of being morally wrong, and seem not to care.

The Empires frequently disagree about what’s “morally right” to begin with, though. There are a lot of areas where it’s easy to find agreement among peoples (murder: generally bad), but you’ll immediately also tend to find those peoples coming up with one “greater good” or another that overrides that agreement (murder of [insert irredeemable enemy here]: generally good, or at least much less bad and furthermore necessary for the sake of [insert overriding moral concern here]).

They barely agree with each other about this stuff at all (non-violent Sabik worship: a non-issue in the Fed; a potential death sentence in the Empire), and opinions can vary wildly among even citizens of the more closed societies, so why would you assume any of them would, or even should, agree with you?

I get the moral outrage over the Triglavians’ behavior; it’s way outside anything the empires would consider (if only because it hasn’t up to now even been an option). I don’t really see, though, why it’s a surprise or even worth remarking that empires act in ways an idealistic person such as apparently yourself might not approve of.

Especially since in doing so you make it sound like the Kybernauts (a pack of amoral fools if ever there was one) have a point.


When the “irredeemable enemy” includes civilians who had no choice or chance in the matter, it’s ■■■■-ed up. If you can’t agree with that, I dunno what to tell you. And every Empire, and the Collective, have inflicted casualties in that category.

It’s not a surprise, for sure. It is worth remarking on because without speaking up against it, or actively resisting it where possible, there is absolutely nothing stopping the further decline of things.

They have a motive. They would have a point if they and the Collective hadn’t become the exact thing the Kybernauts claim to fight. And where did those Kybernauts learn that amorality? The Empires.

It’s all hell. I don’t expect much change. But I will step up when there is a chance of influencing others to leave this hell behind by choosing a better way, one by one.

If that is what you see, then for you it is so. But do we see the same world? To me, this is a maze of wonders, astonishment around every corner. Even at my darkest, it’s nothing so malicious as “hell.”

If you see only hell, maybe hell travels with you.

So does everyone. They had a great many, all of them foolish. I haven’t heard a single one that made sense, except as a vulgar expression of the will to power. Even then, they had-- and have-- only the sketchiest ideas of what masters they gave themselves to.

This world isn’t built for our convenience, Mr. Atruin; there might be some people in it who would recognize themselves as villains, but most of us never set out to be called such a thing, even-- and especially-- the empires.

Power’s not a kind master, though. You pay to take it, pay more to keep and grow it. When you wield it over billions and trillions, what is left of you? Can you even dare think of anything else without the weight of your negligence sapping your joy-- or else, fear of the consequences that might follow?

It’s easy to criticize, hard to lead. I’ve watched at Directrix Daphiti’s side for a few years now. I admire her greatly, but I don’t envy her, and her duties are hardly a speck of grit next to what a head of state has to face.

Perhaps, but even so-- time and place. If your opponent in a duel throws shade on your ancestry, is it a good idea to debate the subject? You’re apt to get cut while composing your retort.

A Kybernaut bringing up sins nearly synonymous with the words, “nation state,” is trying to distract you. And us.

One opponent at a time, if you want to see Pochven unwoven. If you do, I think you’ll find a lot of allies, including me.

If you insist on fighting the whole world at once, though, I think you’ll find you’re absolutely buried in enemies right up to your eyeballs, and helpless to really change anything.


At the same time, Aria, if you can get a kyber to rethink their position with words, isn’t that a lot more cost-effective than just blowing them up so they reship and keep coming?

Probably, but not nearly as cathartic.

Not that I’m saying do not try. Certainly try to talk them out of it. I just know my own strengths.

I’m not saying “don’t talk to them,” Arrendis. Persuasion’s absolutely way more efficient than warfare when you’re dealing with pseudoimmortals (and often probably even when you’re not). That’s exactly the nature of the “duel” in this metaphor.

I’m saying, “don’t let them distract you.” The issues are real, but a Kybernaut pointing them out is trying to throw you off course, change the subject, or even interfere with efforts to form/maintain a coalition against them by sowing strife among the members.

For the record, these issues were of concern to me before Raravoss. I simply was not as vocal then, believing my voice would go unheard and unheeded. Once I saw the disastrous consequences of remaining complacent… Well, at least for me, everything changed.
I recognize your point, and, to be sure, it has validity. I also readily cede the point that sometimes I do indeed feel

But given the choice between facing opposition or allowing my anger at the situation to build into a destructive rage waiting to be manipulated by, oh, say, the Collective…
Well, I think I’ve made my choice clear on the matter.

Opens up comms.

Yes, quite. That was a mistake, but I saw the pun and stuck with it, my friend.

Re-opens the comms
Well it isn’t the Triglavians that manipulates the minds of the people. It’s known that the Federation covertly brainwashes planetsiders to infiltrate and coordinate control over other Empires. These tactics are similar to the other Empires, but these tactics are… unique to each government, sadly.

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There’s a lot of Rufus in this post eh?
But, yeah, where do I enlist for my Trig Maiden?

Turns on comms.

I understand Sri Atruin, Jusri Kenneth, and Jusri Arrendis on Cham’yam (y’all’s) feelings towards the Triglavians.

The intentions of a mystery people and unknown force can be foreboding to say the least, but the Triglavians were virtually pushed out of the abyssal space by the Aabumapela (Sansha) and the Drifter force that are Tyrants to say the least. Imagine if you have a governed people that you are to protect from enemies. You’ll be fearful and wanting to test were these foriegn people -us as capsuleers and planetsiders- are. They know that they originated here in New Eden like how it is common knowledge that we as humans have originated from another source than our little pocket of the universe.

I apologize for the disconnect if Cham (y’all) think I’m trying to distract you for the original topic at hand. My claim was that one should not throw stones without valuing your own nation and yourself because perspective changes everything and don’t judged others for what has already done by others.

Back to this Kybernaut and us Kybernauts being affiliated with the Triglavians to the point of being Sub-clades. Cham by now know that the Clades and Sub-clades act co-independent from one another and bicker all the time based on their priorities and agendas. I would lying if I said most of the Kybernauts started the fight with Edencom for selfless and paragon reasons. I started to fight for the Triglavians and Kybernauts for my own selfish reasons. One being economic exploits. Many of us likely dropped most of our selfish goals or kept them to only being a very close second as we loved the cause the Triglavians instilled.

It is not a problem until they devour ‘your’ star.

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AGAIN with the ‘devouring stars’ bit. THE STARS ARE STILL THERE WITH ROUGHLY SIMILAR STELLAR OUTPUTS TO THEIR PREVIOUS. Even changed as they are, they remain, and function, and provide their stellar outputs to their systems. The bigger concern in local topography is gravitic variances if you ask me, but that’s unlikely to become a major issue for some millennia, admittedly.


Can you back up this assertion? Perhaps with any kind of actual information on what kind of presence the Triglavians had within the Abyss two, five, and ten years ago, and then compare their presence in those home regions now?

Please include comprehensive information on population, technology, and industrial capabilities over those windows so that you can demonstrate any actual change in their presence.

Same stipulation: please provide quantifiable data that can be independently corroborated as to stellar energy output.

Observable in system over period. There was the rather drastic disruption period during the transmutation processes that caused major climate issues on assorted temperate worlds, but they have also since mostly stabilized. This is mainly from observations taken in Skarkon, might I add, from my own people, Bosena Accords, and some limited third party observers. Feel free to make your own observations.

The stars are far from ‘devoured.’

So you’re offering anecdote, and not independently verifiable data? Awesome, good work.