As a member of UCN and UCSC, I can tell you that this statement is categorically false with regard to Ichoriya. We fought to keep Ichoriya from flipping and when we failed miserably, some decided to attempt to fix their standing with the Trigs, since the Trigs are significantly more of a threat than Edencom. Timing is important on this one
Frustration and hopelessness, like I said. We spent months building up our forces and fighting the war and actually tipped the war heavily in Cal favour; I think we had them down to 8 systems or something like that. Then Ichoriya happened, GalMil took advantage of a fortuitous situation as I am sure anyone would, and here we are…
My main point and frustration is that we were hit disproportionately hard. But either way, the fact that it is still “early days” is irrelevant; the damage is done, people have left and I don’t think they’re coming back. It was hard enough to recruit people into a broken FW system; now the lure is “yeah it’s broken, and yeah we’re scattered and far few numbers, but you know, come on out anyways and lose your stuff with no hope of actually making any progress.” Far less attractive.
Nourv is ok, but Ichoriya was far superior. The jumping off point is Tama which is always just an absolute s-show at all times and adds a much thicker layer of complexity to initiating an offensive.
In large part, yes because of Trigs.
Your logic here is incredible. Those that left were simply demotivated to fight the war. That’s the point; we banded together to work towards an objective, put in months of work, were succeeding, then CCP intervened with the Trigs and it all went out the window. Hard to keep people motivated and sticking around in that scenario. Add to that the negative trig standing and, well… here we are.
We here at UCN were having an absolute blast until we lost Ichoriya… well, until the Trigs invaded but the two events happend so quickly, they sort of blend together.
Anything else you wish to speculate on?