I’m not cherry-picking anything. I literally took the average of all kills. Maybe at some point I’ll calculate the proportion of empty pods, but for now, we can establish that the average kill is worth at least 260 million.
That makes no sense. Only a fraction of all players are new, and a fraction of those players are miners. Players outgrow Ventures quickly. Most kills being Ventures and/or new players is a statistical impossibility. And looking at the kill board, that’s confirmed.
Correct, not all will appear. For the most part, those are expected to be newer/poorer players in NPC corporations, with some outliers.
This needs to be proven.
Ganking is responsible for an outsize amount of destruction per capita. Even if all of the gankers switched to, say, running roaming gangs in null-sec, the amount of destruction caused by them wouldn’t nearly compare to what was lost. We’re literally talking about a few hundred players causing double-digit percentages of all destruction in the game here. PL’s kills are worth less per capita than CODE.'s kills, and that includes all of the capital and super-capital ships they’re killing!
Hitting production would push players into compensating by using more alts to engage in more PvE activities. Destruction doesn’t have this effect, because its impact is essentially based on the lottery system, and has a different psychological effect. If someone loses a hauler with 500 million inside, or a mission-fit Tengu, they won’t roll another character to make up for it; they’ll just take the hit and continue playing as they always have. But if resource generation is impacted across the board, then everyone will try to increase their production to meet the rise in demand.
I guess the simplest is to avoid them or become their friends. The latter moves the problem elsewhere, but they really only are in a small number of systems. That is a problem if you are roaming around, but there are plenty of places in New Eden where there is zero Trig or EDENCOM presence where you can PvP or PvE without seeing them. This includes all of wormhole space and nullsec. CCP even added PvE that allows you to shoot Trigs without moving (Abyssal Filaments) if you need to make some ISK.
But yes, the Invasion has impacted Faction War significantly. Hopefully, that will bump this long-neglected game feature up the backlog queue and CCP will find some time to work on it.
I have no doubt that high sec suicide ganking is in no way beneficial to the game. Enabling more free race vs race pvp (like allowing amarr to attack minmatar in amarr space) would be far more beneficial for sinking isk, and habe more impact for lore and open up options for role-players and faction war to be in high sec and a bigger part of the game. It would also harmonize very well with starter corps and teaching people pvp and making there be a more fluid transition between security of space.
At this point code (and others like them) exists in eve to secretly feed goons, and to flex ego over new players, nothing else, because the old players know to use neutral alts, etc. No to mention this type of game play completely invalidates another major form of game play (freighters/hauling), which any designer knows is not good at all and would instantly nerf it.
Like I said, I love that you think you’re insulting me by claiming that I’m the CEO who built a game worth hundreds of millions of dollars and have enough money to retire to a life of luxury without ever working again.
Well yes, obviously you want the ability to AFK freighters through highsec because you’re too lazy and/or incompetent to succeed otherwise.
this type of game play completely invalidates another major form of game play (freighters/hauling)
Utter nonsense. It invalidates hauling by incompetent players like you. Competent and ambitious players are perfectly capable of hauling stuff, and have built entire corps dedicated to the job.
I disagree. Getting ganked is a one-time event, and many of the people who quit over it were going to quit anyway whenever they lost a ship to PvP. Getting into a scam corp like Noori/Naari/whatever runs has far more potential to damage retention. People like him prey on newbies who have already passes the first retention filter and started to engage with the game (and are therefore more likely to stay), and can cause an ongoing low-quality experience that finally ends in the realization that they’ve been betrayed and exploited and all of their time in EVE so far has been wasted. And because they’re leaving after investing significantly in EVE, not just spending 10 minutes before deciding it isn’t for them, they’re far more likely to tell people about their bad experience and discourage other potential customers from even trying the game.
Or is you position that scamming in EVE in general is bad for retention?
Creative scamming based on social engineering and exploiting players who should know better is good for retention because it makes the game more interesting. Scamming like Neeri’s, where the target is new players who can’t be expected to know any better, is bad for retention because it gives a poor experience to new players while offering nothing in return. This isn’t a clever infiltration to steal billions of ISK by exploiting a wealthy corp’s trust, it’s mass spamming a lame attempt at scamming that no smart player will ever fall for and making a relatively small amount of ISK in the process. No good stories here, only Neeri humiliating itself and pretending to be important.
Oh it go’s much deeper then this. Coco, and the rest of his marry band created that thread after they came to me in game and said “leave, or shut up about nerfing suicide ganking in high sec”. They created that thread to spam all over to try to get me to leave, but failed horribly (just like i told them they would).
All the evidence to refute their lies is in that thread, so people just need to read through at look at my replies.
What im confused about is why are they so dead-set on protecting that specific aspect of the game. I know they are goon alts, so this makes me think that this is some sort of alt thing goons do to feed their wallets.
Yet, As the ceo of eve Hellmar, you still peddle this bull-crap about how “getting scammed keeps people playing”, so either your a liar, or your a liar.
Which is it you pleb?
I doubt you are smart enough to know considering eves development was carried by people that no long work there. Which is why the game is such a mess now, because your clueless.
There’s nothing here to debate. You’re demanding an uneven standard of evidence where you can post all the anecdotes and speculation you like, and then turn around and demand hard data from me.
No because they are scared that ccp will listen and do something about it. It took years and repeated complaints over and over to get war eligibility changed, so they figured out to just stop the chat.
But according to you I am the CEO of CCP and I oppose any nerfs to suicide ganking, therefore there is zero chance that the mechanic will ever be changing. Why do you continue to lobby for changes when, by your own beliefs, there is no chance that you will get what you ask for?
Developers have their own ideas and don’t need competition from the customers
Whinners are a tradition on these forums
Once they gave us the ability to decide the sec status of a system they opened a can of worms they can’t close without directly interfering with the sandbox
Every person ganked will come out of their ship in a pod, and pods compose a single category. Meanwhile, ships come in a whole lot of different categories.
GTFO with that “how to lie with statistics” crap.
Everything else you said is nonsensical drivel too, not even worthy of an actual response at this point. Nothing of substance, just a bunch of assumptions about a play style you have no clue about, and haven’t experienced outside of getting your ■■■■ blown up in the pipe a few times.
No one’s going to buy it when you lie that flippantly.
Actually, this isn’t completely true. If you gank someone in HS, you may very well choose not to pod for a number of reasons including prolonging that toons operational life in HS. You may well choose to do the same in low. It just depends on what the motivation for the gank is. There’s more possible wealth in a ship than a pod. That also depends on the situation. If you’re just a reaver then types and value of ganks mean nothing. That player will always pod.