What I find most ignorant by OP is that he or she obviously must have watched an EVE player play the game and then makes this utter narcissistic statement of how it’s “interesting” and “when I was 12”. This was no statement on the game, but it was made on the streamer. This has nothing to do with EVE, but it was a statement on all streamers of any game, who enjoy their game. It shows how disconnected OP is from today’s gaming world.
Ephinea is the best Blue Burst server I’ve encountered to date. Highly recommend it if you want to revisit Ragol.
im on ephinea but the community is too small
its not like in the past where you would have 400+ people online such as schtack in 2008-2012 and a bunch of people to trade with
now everyone just farms for their own gear and saves up whatever scarce pds they can find
i think that was half the appeal of pso for me
being able to make trade rooms and trading for profit and better gear and being able to buy mats on demand
He’s disconnected from himself and most likely just the terminal end of the digestive system.
Say, when was the last time you’ve watched a video to a game where you felt the need to log on to their forum only to leave a comment as narcissistic and as despicable as the OP’s? Never, right?
What surprises me is how ISD didn’t see this as an attack on the community, but instead tried to create a dialogue. It’s as if ISD is afraid they could lose a new player, who obviously doesn’t care for the game while we are being ridiculed for playing it. If there is one way one can lose players then it’s when others are being allowed to ridicule us for having fun.
EVE is real
That is all.
I always lol at backseat moderators like this, imagine how sad your life must be to spend that much time and effort on a dying videogame forum
I’m actually playing the game while I also take part on the forum. So if you are accusing me of “backseat moderation” then you’re just accusing me for multi-tasking. And I don’t I see you disagreeing with me…
EVE has been dying for 15 years according to people like you lol
Just let that sink in…
Donald Trumps space farce has not really gotten of the ground as yet so no exploding spaceships there. Star Citizen has not gotten the lighting right in the 600i cabin and that’s going to take another 10-20 years to develop the right shading quality needed. So what are we left with in reality if you want weird and exotic spaceships exploding? Eve Online he shouts has it all, the ships, the adrenaline inducing space ganks, the neckbeards, the woman with neckbeards, the meetups, the mashups, the pubcrawls, the council of stella management boo i hear ya, the conflicts, the intrigue, the backstabbing, thefts of all kinds, and weird dudes trolling the forums. What more can you ask for. Fly safe fella Eve player and may your ship explode at the earliest opportunity, oh don’t forget plex safety is now guaranteed even if you put it in your cargo hold and don’t forget to autopilot.
Yes I spent the majority of my time on PSOBB trading items in trade rooms. There was a proxy hack on schthack made by sodaboy where you could create about half the items in the game and autolevelup your character. I traded a hacked spread needle i made with the proxy cheat with super high stats for someone’s heavens punisher that was legit lol. i then offered him another spread needle with super high stats and he left in embarrassment. you could also duplicate items on schthack but they fixed it but before they did i duplicated like 100 heeaven punishers and other items. they banned that account though when they realized i had so many after they fixed it and iwas constantly trading heaven punishers lol. i gave away a bunch of them before i realized they fixed it. honestly theyre all really crappy servers and you can still cheat on them. i prefer to host my own server and create my own character with all the items and just enjoy the game by myself. it is better with other players though but i give away my items too frequently and even my mag cause i dont take the game seriously anymore.
its also worth playing pso on the gamecube dolphin emulator and on dreamcast and other versions of pso. i think some of the dungeon layouts are different on gamecube than on psobb. i mainly only play pso these days if i wanna make youtube videos of it.
well idk if you remember broomop but there was a funny story about that guy
he got all his computers seized and destroyed by the police lol
He may not have meant that the game is dying, but that the forum to the game is dying. People have said the new forum is under-populated and that’s not entirely false. This, and his accusation, suggests he may have been referring to the forum rather than to the game itself.
well the way i gauge player activity is by looking at the in game markets
5 years ago jita was maxed out
amarr was close to max
dodixie and hek were really healthy
now jita is still maxed out
amarr is half as big as it was
and hek and dodixie are close to non existant
to me that shows far less individual player activity
like individual players will use the market on their main characters
but a guy with 10 alts will only use the market on one character
so the consolidation of outer markets into jita shows to me a much lower individual playerbase than 5 years ago
its really sad people feel the need to have alt accounts. i saw a eve player on youtube showing off that he had like 5 instances of the game running on different monitors. i was like god damn this game is sad if thats the optimum way to play it. im sure eve still has bots farming on autopilot all day. all games have massive cheaters. i remember one time i played ogame.org with multiple accounts was really pathetic.
You can just look at EVE-Offline :: EVE-Online Status monitor and get the exact numbers. The game peaked in 2013, but isn’t declining at any rate, which suggests a “dying”. Not that death would only ever happens slowly of course.
Beer Brewery Weeks at the Ottakringer Brewery. The only time of the year when I drink beer regularly, because they bring in different beers from small breweries from all over Austria. Today I wanted my usual Ottakringer CherryBeer, which tastes amazing, but sadly they are not selling it anymore. Mango instead.
So I asked the guy behind the bar if he could give me a bit for tasting, because I am not going to buy Mango beer blindly and, of course, he let me taste it. A bit sweet, a bit sour. Relatively mild acid levels. It’s okay.
Tomorrow I’ll check the small brewery’s beers.
i remember that omg
20k is a lot of players most of the games i play have like 10 to 100 players on it lol. if eve had 2,500 players id still think that was ok. but 20k is a lot. i mean you’d have to compare it to league of legends and counter-strike go and other big titles to frown upon 20k.
idk how to translate that
does it show individual players rather than individual + alts