Do you hope EVE dies or...?

i hope eve changes for the better. i hope eve changes in such a way that it is just simple and fun for the average player. i hope eve can grow past grieving and bullying. i hope eve evolves. i have so much hope for eve.

I don’t know… I’m getting bored with it. I don’t understand how people have played for years. I’m barely a month into it and everytime I go to click on the shortcut now another game pops into mind.
I think I’m going to try Elite or Warframe.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I have been playing for 16 years. the way we do it is to find fun and relaxing activities, that we can do in groups and afk. like mining and industry. and just log in the came and chill with your corpies. that way you can talk and interact with real people. that is what brings people together.
can you do fleets in Elite? can you just chill in Warframe? it is your choice after all.
@May_Q_Cry yeah, i see what type of person you are. you may laugh all you want, but at the end of the day you are nothing.


I don’t want to “chill” in a PvP game, I want to BLOW SH!T UP!! but that’s too expensive in EVE. You mean to tell me everytime I do PvP I’m going to have to grind for two weks just for one ship and lose it in 15 seconds?? Is CCP kidding me?!? OH let me guess, I have to open my wallet and buy PLEX, right? Hmm, money for Omega PLUS money for PLEX?
My money doesn’t grow on trees.

You must be bad at the game…

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If you get in with the right corp/alliance after awhile your ISK situation eases up a lot in terms of disposable ships for roams, etc. and you can get in on plenty of NPSI and other public fleets which cater for cheap ships.

Personally I went in the deep end as a new player and was almost straight into a wormhole with a bunch of people I know from outside the game - our progress from a small existence in a C3 through to eventually being a sizeable C5 alliance is one of the stand out experiences I’ve had in gaming.

There are a lot of reasons I quit playing after 6+ years of rarely a day going past without being in the game - but being bored or not finding something to do wasn’t one of them.

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I agree with all of that. I started playing shortly before scarcity really set in and all of the rather massive changes that went with it. I got to the point where every time I was about to accomplish something CCP turned it into something else, broke it completely, or took things that didn’t work well and made them worse. Meanwhile bugs I reported in my first month are still in the game.
I began to refer to it as CCP verses Player or CCPvP for short. I started thinking of eve like that because I was noticing that the only thing holding me back in the game was them, not other players.
To me that’s not how it’s supposed to work. If I set out to accomplish something and another player stops me that’s Eve. But if it’s CCP playing god? That’s just a stupid waste of time and effort.


Often it’s because folks get into the social aspects of the game. Shared goals and working together in something bigger than oneself etc. are appealing to many and often keep players interested for years. Some are just disposed to being ok with playing solo or mostly solo for years. They often determine their own goals that keep them interested. Many folks who often play EvE mostly solo (and quite a few others involved in every playstyle) connect with other players via ingame channel / discord / etc.

Social stuff is the magic ingredient that has kept EvE going and made it special these years.

Actually…yes you can…if that is what you want… Clans can build Dojos, where all the clan can go (and a guest player you invite[usually for trade]). Some clans have people who are really into Dojo fung xuei / decorating and some bigger clans devote a bunch of resources and make theirs kind of impressive, really. My tiny clan’s Dojo is just sort of plain and functional and mostly researches stuff and facilitates trade to try and keep the grind down a bit. We did build a railjack spaceship, but turns out nobody is really into that game aspect much (somewhat surprisingly for EvE players maybe).

Much of the content in Warframe is squads / very small groups or even solo - but don’t worry,
Nadia, I try to bully and grief a bit. :slight_smile:

imo Warframe is ok, but not as good as EvE. EvE is a special game in ways that are somewhat difficult to define. I tried elie for a few weeks but didn’t like it much personally.


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I’m going to try Warframe.

Yea, if.

You are Muted.
No one is “bad” at a game. Every game has its tricks and learning curve and time of adjustment. You don’t even know what the hell you’re talking about.
You must be bad at social interactions because all I’ve seen you do in this forum is start sh!t with people. You must live a sad existence indeed. Must suck to be you.

Dear OP ( i dont know why it is not possible to @ mention you weird)

I am very interested in this poll also too…

I have already predict this polls results in these forum pages some time ago… but for now i can see only 35 voters … and its far from being presentative for now…
Hope more people votes

Lets see what happens :slight_smile:

Thank you \o/


He probably got banned from the forum, that’s what he wanted. Read his post history.

He closed the poll. It’s written in this thread .

Nothing will happen.

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Im am the next one possibly …
I have been reading his posts as much as i can …

@CCP_Dopamine there is hope for EvE in the hearts of players … AS LONG AS THERE ARE also ANGER AND RESENTMENT …

You are punishing mostly not trols but passionate people Truly fan of this game !

Wise king doesnt throw the kido into dungeon who stand up and say : king is naked…

You cannot reach out anywhere good if you listen liars and clappers.

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After reading the forums for a while, I believe that’s their intent. There is NO WAY educated people can screw up this badly for the game and the forum at the same time and not know what they’re doing. I believe there’s a method to their madness.


There is a method and pattern… that i can see too… But when it comes to explain Why?

I dont know… Because i have already analysed some major aspects of their patterns…

And it does not fit and reflect any behavioral economics , social psychologic and strategic principles of any succesfull profit oriented corporations traits and values.

So still i am watching and trying to understand …

What is the catch for swimming against these well researched core success elements…

The answer lies within CCP/PA hierarchy at the upper echelons and their legal department concerning responsibility for EVE going down like a duck in the wind, there must be a deal between people in the know to throw off financial ruin and come out ahead once the game becomes another MMO ghost with a few players left and profits no longer coming in.
Just a guess but that’s my hunch.


No matter what, i truly believe still … DEV s working hard, And they are the ones maintaining and trying to nurturing this game ,

And i sincerely believe that … they dont want to see these happening too and i believe they are sensing and feeling too…

I am sad … wish we could do something … for them too… this is stressing

You care too much for people who don’t even know you exist and those who do helped the people who stabbed you in the back.

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It is a family curse… genetics through all females in my family for generations …nothing to do with me really my mom was like that… and my daugter so too… they called us from school when she were 5 … to say she is giving away her lunch bags, and money and everything to kids who doesnt have and who need it. so we need to make some serious talk.


My mom used to say: ‘Nice’ has one ‘i’, I have two’

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