Sadly No - 14 years
Op is fishing like hell.
Ya… I’m OP… Nerf Me…
8 Years.
I gonna use the new meme I learned the other day.
Forum npcs are everywhere, run to the hills.
Inb4 lock. Go outside guys, forum is not therapy.
I trust CCP to be Chaotic Neutral. 17 years.
NO - 10 years playing
Most play styles I did squashed because someone cried about losing a ship.
I wanted to build a capital ship without having to multibox. That idea is practically dead…
No, no more than any business.
That being said, I don’t think I have to trust them.
They sell a hobby I enjoy, not my sense of self or such.
You mean for you it was a regular thing, right? Nuplex, oldplex, and timecodes or just since granular plex packs?
I’m not sure I’d trust a corporation when my trust in people has been broken on a number of occasions, however, I am sure they are doing their chaotic hopeless best in keeping the game running.
Plot twist:
Epeen is actually…A CCP CHATBOT!!!
no - 36 years of playing…
I’ve been playing on this char for a year and i have almost everything up to marauders maxed now in Amarr Ships and lasers and also black ops. I personally wouldn’t have time for this game if i couldn’t inject my way to what i want. There’s no way im waiting years for niches and stuff I’ll barely use. That’d be regression rather than progression
I wish i could afford to drop £1000 all at once on this game haha.
Oh and Yes i trust them.
Damn this game is old
Having a little trouble making up your mind, Destiny? LOL
At the end of the day this is a business, period! I trust that CCP will do what they think is best from a monetary standpoint, while trying to maintain that magical balance of player happiness! - which will never happen because you cant please everyone!
Yet, with all its ups and downs, love it or hate it, there is NOTHING like Eve! I hope it survives for many years to come!
Started playing 2006 and will be here til they shut the servers down!
The no was for Xuxe.
I should’ve looked a little closer.