? Do You Trust CCP ( Yes/No )? How do you Feel about EVE Customer Service in 2021?

I meant spending that amount on the regular…
Most games don’t cost nearly as much and new players find such a price shocking. The sad part is… SCAMMING is a CCP Approved EVE tradition. Although I have never engaged in it… I am a bit envious of players that make billions/trillions doing it…

Do I trust CCP to try their best in making and maintaining a creative game: yes
Do I think that either their ability or long term game developement plan matches their vision or is up to the task: no.
At times, CCP looks like a 6 year old trying to save a beloved parent in cardiac arrest; all their well meaning, but ineffective and misguided effort fails to be effective in solving the problems.

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Apparently a Bot


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Getting scammed in the new EVE is a non event.

Now, back in the days before CCP took up the mantle of the official RMT masters of EVE, there were some good scams that shed some major tears. But even back then the biggies were few and far between. Most were a few hundred thousand to a few million ISKies.

Nothing to rage quit over.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Are you saying they have made scamming an offense?

I tried it a long time ago, must be around 2010 or so, just to see if the rumours were actually true, using the plex scam. Really basic and easy to notice if you weren’t overrun with greed and possible profit. I made almost 1.5 bil with it in 2 nights and felt disgusted, not because of my actions but mostly because of how fcking stupid people are. Was hella boring though so stopped bothering.

Eve is only about 18 years old ( launched in 2003 ) …
Perhaps she meant she has been gaming for that long… but… MMOs did not exist for that long.

But there were There were some exceptionally fun Text based games when modems and BBS systems were around. ( yup… I’m REALLY OLD )… But the games were fun because they read like a book… it was up to your imagination what things looked like…

In my small town there was a BBS ( Bulletin Board System The 1st sorts of Servers). To have multiple people the SYSOP would need as many phone lines as these were the days of Dial-Up…

Things were more civilized then… and everyone was local… We would always meet at Dennys around 3AM ( and old and probably still existing 24 hour diner )


I think only Pozdro knows what Pozdro meant.
Oh and FYI, he’s a ‘he’

Trust CCP? How is that relevant to anything?

Fine, I’ll bite. EVE is still here after 2 decades. I like it. I play it. Have been playing for 13 years. Would I invest in make-believe real estate in EVE for 1,000 USD? No. But, that’s me - I am not RL rich. I guess I “trust” CCP enough to continue playing their game, and that is benchmark enough for me.

Why don’t you buy real estate in sandbox? Metaverse investment and all that. You don’t actually own anything you buy in EVE.

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And before text based mmos we had books where you choose A,B, or C in encounters within the story.

If A turn to page 31
If B tirn to page 356
If C turn to page 547

Remember those?


Where is the poll? Make a real poll. So little amount of people will give you an honest answer if you do it this way. @SaTai_V people mostly prefer to be anonymous in this kind of situation. and prefers to make word salads with mustard.
You can create a real poll in discourse.
16 years on paper but active 12 years.
The answer is NO.

Yep. 7 years.

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Off and on, 10 years.


@SaTai_V reported.

I still log into a MUD every now and then :smiley:

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Snitching on the op for what?

Played for about 10 years. Kinda fell off this last year and change.

No, I don’t trust CCP to fix/manage this game anymore. Part of why I fell off, because I couldn’t justify spending money on it any longer. RL changes, too, but those can always be adjusted if the will to play is really there.

For Daring to Question Anything about CCP. This thread is Bait to see when they will attack and lock this thread for asking a harmless question. it does not matter if I say it hear because they do not read. They just lock threads and copy/paste every reason possible. So when you see this thread locked. You’ll know they took the bait. Just take a look at how many threads have been locked and by who.

I honestly want to get back in the game and it’s going to cost about 1000 USD to fire up my old setup… But My bet is ISD is going to blow it for them. Everything about the game itself is … WOW… Really looks and sound great. But I’m paranoid about paying and then getting banned so I don’t take up server load while playing. When they have my money : The goal is to then get rid of me. In 14 years of playing off and on. I NEVER had a violation or ban ( and I still don’t ).

Ever since the induction of free to play… it’s weird… The Front Line GMs are Great… But if something major happens… The Brutal hammer will be upon you.

Recognized the name. Griefing of course.