WTAF is wrong with customer service?

Since I cant seem to find a specific forum to address this in I guess right here will work.

I am a returning (well maybe now) player with 90+ mill sp and multiple caps/super/titan. So…not new at this. I quit 3 years ago over the whole scarcity boondoggle. Recently decided to pick up eve and see if the devs managed to pull their head out their…rump. To be fair I was driving home from work the other day and heard a really loud pop…got my hopes up.

So, back to the reason for my post. I go to log in to my old accounts, and its asking me for an email I havent used in years. Long story short, that email is no longer accessible. So, I fire up a help ticket and ask customer service for some assistance. Now, its the weekend so no big deal, they get back to me Monday. Awesome, nice work. I reply to their list of questions with all available information. This was Monday, at 5AM EST.

Now, a normal sane person would expect to hear something back in a few days, maybe the end of the week. I mean lets be fair here, it was the holidays and all that. So…here we are on Sunday. This is a full 7 Calendar days later, and a full 4 working days (lets not count the 1st).

So, let me ask this serious question. On what goddam planet does this customer service team think its okay to completely NOT DO YOUR JOB for a week? WTAF is going on with CCP? You guys have never had shitty customer service at least not in my experience. That was like the one thing you guys actually did do well!

So, rant over. Seriously though what the hell? Can I get someone with some sense of a give a fuc* to reach out and get this sorted? That would be great.


CCP takes the security of player accounts very seriously. Every aspect is checked several times before a GM releases an account (you certainly don’t want strangers to be able to access your account via a simple ticket) - unfortunately this takes a certain amount of time. You are welcome to reply to your ticket at any time, but this will certainly not speed up the process. At this point I can only ask for your patience.


Given your absence of 156 weeks…why the urgency to get back in 1 ?

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@OP CCP is not working particuarly hard. It takes them over a month to deliberate on even straight forward issues and solutions and then another couple months to implement them. It is what it is.

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With a big enough credit card you can have that in a day, though.

Why? Everyone I know got rich.

They’re probably busy sifting through Gualu Echerie’s reports and making sure nobody posts a zkill link in an “inappropriate manner” on the forums.

With customers like you I can’t blame them for taking a week off TBH.

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With customers like you I can’t blame them for taking a week off TBH.

If they did their job they wouldnt have customers like this? Clearly they dont mind?

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Since the question has already been answered, there is no reason to let this get out of hand. Closed.