Do you want more protection from people in highsec, or less?

Most countries maintain the military for defence, not offence; very few countries engaging in empire building these days.

A famously neutral country hasn’t engaged in armed conflict with other states in 2 centuries; yet has a military with access to a militia of 3+ million trained and armed “civilians”, available for defensive actions if the need arises.

Same with national states…

One central goverment is enough…

What are you trying to say here?

Tell us things we don’t already know please.

I’m inclined to agree, although totalitarian is the word I’d use.

I had the numtpy muted, until the forum stopped working with tampermonkey scripts.

Orwellian is too fictionnal, he’s more like a red khmer that has not yet understood the fact that he’ll need to exterminate all his opponents to succeed. For now, he’s still persuaded he’s the good guy trying to promote fairness and equality… Don’t worry Jonah, he’ll be back, he always do.

These people aren’t fictional.

You might prefer …

I agree, and I actually doubt that a single term exists that covers these people fully. Also, as a sidenote, I really doubt Solecist is going to appreciate that quote in your post and I’d rather be far away when she sees it. You might want to change it for your own good. : - )

Wrong on both accounts. He’s doing it in his own way, and he’ll forever think of himself as the good guy. They can not fight. They win by growing in numbers, by making you talk to them in a sane manner. That’s what they all do. All of them.

And when they’ve grown a significant enough manner, they start screaming out loud so they get what they want. Nowadays, in 2019, Twitter is already enough. Just screaming, while hiding behind screens. In case you’ve paid attention for the last 18ish years you might realize that I’m not making this up.

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What’s the difference between “No” and “It’s fine as it is”?

Well, I posted many times my opinions over hi-sec gameplay warfare, like: Wardecs, Cargo Scanners, rookie own corporations. It’s fine as it is, but requires some rebalance reworking. For example, check this zKillboard

Like half of them were destroyed in hi-sec and like half of hi-sec ganks over empty Jump Freighters were performed by CODE mainly. Why? Because an empty JF is worth 10B ISK and it can be ganked by self destroying under 1B ISK (usually 300 - 500M ISK) just for killboard. I mean it’s similar to Gate-to-Gate Jumping with a Freighter in low-sec by hoping that unbusy hostiles will not be in local. Where is a disbalance? For a JF pilot, it’s much-much harder to recover than a ganker, which should replace his cheap ganking washtub only. For such an expensive vessel like JF, it’s to easy to catch and destroy it in hi-sec. To gank a JF in hi-sec must be possible, but at higher costs (by increasing their EHP) to motivate gankers to attack only ones with cargo. There are other things to rebalance, like a list of them. Players already talking about it…

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Please keep the discussion about “why this isn’t actually unbalanced” in another thread.

Thank you.

For everyone else: Rexxar is a perfect example of someone wishing to abuse the people’s willingness to talk about things. They pick a non-issue and by continuously talking about it, they create the illusion of there actually being an issue. The prime example for this kind of manipulation is the main afk cloaky thread, but most bumping/ganking threads are based on the same.

That was quite on-topic to my post further above. Please don’t try attempting derailing ongoing discussions. See also this post: Do you want more protection from people in highsec, or less? - #3 by Solstice_Projekt


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Not “Carebears” …. they are not ones carebears, they are just poor crybabies.

Yes carebears. They belong to the above mentioned group called “totalitarians”. If you have a softer definition of carebear then yours might need correction. Carebears are poor crybabies, but that’s completely besides the point.

edit: nothing inappropriate about my post. censorship is bad. it reveals that you can’t handle reality.

The term “Orwellian” is related to fictionnal work. Dictators existed long before Owell wrote his book.

Because, as my statement implied, it takes blood to realise you are a monster.

People whining on twitter is a nuisance, not an achievement.

The JF killed in hisec not to wardecs are generally bumped. Does bumping prevent you to jump to an emergency cyno?

As for me, your thread just finished in the OP poll. I voted for “It’s fine as it is”. All posts behind that are just an attachment for opinions or more exact explanations.


Don’t be a “fake maker” and a slanderer. Active forum members already knows what I’m posting about. The only ‘nerf’ or ‘buff’ thread I ever opened was about Cargo Scanners, and that because of active discussion on forum about ganks and whatever:

As I stated, I voted for “It’s fine as it is” (I don’t want more protection through new mechanics and I don’t want to transform hi-sec into 0.0), but I want more protection for JF as a partial example (as rebalancing). It can be counted as an answer for the question “Do you want more protection from people in highsec, or less?”.


Who knows, it depends by situation. I have no idea why the “emergency cyno” wasn’t used by respective players, cause they weren’t ‘bubbled’. It’s possible because they did things in a hurry and were under Jump Fatigue at the moment, because a single cyno ALT was to far away, because the single cyno ALT got DC or was unable to log in time or because their main JF pilot got DC. I don’t want to notice how many times I got “socket closed” in bad situations. Anyway, the current state of such a hauling game play turns many neutral players away from EVE. You just need to have MORE than one addition Omega ALT to be good at this game. I can count it as “it requires a rebalance”, because I saw how these things happened in other MMOs and how they ruined entire games, even killed entire game franchise.

Finally, by taking a emergency cyno in a hurry you just can fall to a “porn studio” in Ignoitton… :thinking:

A JF flight should always be carefully planned and JF should never venture in the middle of hisec. They only need 1 jump in hisec to deliver or replenish their cargo, anything else is uselessly dangerous. You are flying a JF, don’t tell me paying Red Frog 20Mil per Bil and half to finish the job in hisec is too expensive.


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you can’t take an emergency cyno when a procurer is tackling you.

Is this true?

Jump Freighters

The Tech 2 versions of freighters, jump freighters, have a reduced cargo capacity but are capable of using cynosural fields to jump long distances. They are also able to use stargates like normal ships. (Since cynosural fields cannot be lit in highsec, jump freighters travelling in highsec have to use stargates.) This makes them ideal supply ships for people who live in nullsec.

These fields can be produced either by the Cynosural Field Generator modules, or the Cynosural Generator Array, which can be anchored at a POS. The module can only generate a cynosural field in systems with a security of 0.4 or below (low-sec or null-sec), and the array can only be anchored in sovereign nullsec. It is also impossible to produce a cynosural field in wormhole space.

I understand their actions and your diagram next way:

  • To deliver an important and expensive cargo from hi-sec to low- or null-sec a JF in hi-sec must be used just to jump there;

  • A JF can enter in hi-sec only by using standard Gates and for this they have to cyno jump to the closest system in low-sec like Ignoitton and then warp towards hi-sec Gate at 0;

  • At the other side, they can warp to the nearby station or to next Gate towards Jita;

  • To make it more safer, they have to dock at nearest station in hi-sec and to use a Freighter to deliver goods from Jita to that station;

  • The cost of goods is just too high (over 5B ISK) and that Freighter will be ganked at a Gate somewhere also;

  • To play more safely, we have to split the cargo into three or four 1.5B ISK parts and deliver them individually one by one with a Freighter speed;

  • Do you see where this algorithm goes on?;

  • This kind of over secured game style mechanics forces player to stop playing in one or another way (nor only Hauling and delivery contracts), because nobody is interested to do masochistic things.

Red Frog Freighters aren’t immune also.

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Man this thread sure went sideways in a hurry…

Hey yall like bumping freighters? I like bumping freighters. Highsec is too safe, there needs to be more of me in it 8)


Words like carebears, much like fake news, snowflake, SJW and others are overused to the point of meaninglessness and people who still use them in forum posts can be safely ignored. Dull people with no ability to add to a discussion but wish to still seem relevant in a thread use these nonsense words.

Someone sent me 30 million isk because Siegfriend bumped them. Thanks Siegfriend! Bump em all!

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