Do you want to be a bounty hunter? Do you want to get revenge and are willing to pay for it?

Just an avenging angel.

I got it, took a year. if you want something done, do it yourself, revenge tastes good.
fangs lick

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Peasant is not a bad thing. One can trundle along gaining skills and nobody really expects anything of you. The bad thing is remaining a peasant long after the ‘sell by’ date.

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Well a peasant bounty hunter would only rely on possible isk payouts before deciding whether they want the contract!

If the payment is not to their satisfaction then no bounty would be sort after.

Perhaps it’s within their roleplay to pick and choose their targets.

I could be lookng at nothing here yet I am drawn to comment.

It’s also not directed at the bounty hunter group lol

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You worry me Frostpacker, are you hunting






If frosty were become a bounty hunter he would follow his target around while waiting for the right moment to pounce!

/at least that is how it’s supposed to go right?

you mean the two guys who killed 2 elephants out of self defense, 5 years ago?? at least thats the latest article i see… and it wasn’t baby elephants either…

Hey @Felix_Frostpacker would you kill an elephant in self-defense? :thinking:

:innocent: :smirk: :popcorn:

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Isn’t that what he calls AIko ?

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:wink: :blush: :innocent:

Don’t want to be bounty hunter, plenty of other fun things to do in EVE and revenge is a very destructive motivation.

No, I wouldn’t mind having one as a pet though!

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What about as a frozen corpse? :thinking:


Incorrect. Firstly, the bounty system can’t really be “abused” since it was all voluntary and discretionary. Second, CCP stated they were taking it offline “for a time” due to excessive overhead created by bounty system during large-scale battles.

What current system?

Almost every mechanic in EVE is pushed to the limits/abused/exploited or otherwise used to maximize the players benefit. That’s what makes the game entertaining, interesting and worth exploring. If there was only one set of official “accepted gameplay standards” and everybody played by them, EVE would have died of boredom years ago.

Abuse wasn’t the issue, so you’re barking up the wrong tree again. However, even if it was ‘abusable’ in some fashion (as are most EVE mechanics), the question isn’t “can it be abused?”. The question is “does this system, including its’ potential abuses and inefficiencies, add to the game and make it more fun and interesting to play?”.

The old bounty systems primary failure was that it was fairly useless, and didn’t add much in the way of “interesting gameplay” (due to ganker mechanics, where gankers rarely have much at risk), and was inefficient. It had a few niche uses - such as putting bounties on friends or foes you wanted to keep a sort-of eye on, so you’d get a notification whenever they got popped somewhere. Or scaring and confusing new players - which some people called abuse and some people called “educating new players about how EVE works”.

Having a bounty system tied to “percent of value actually destroyed” works fine and minimizes most dodges. Disabling the bounty system in Null and WH space (or just in large battles) takes care of inefficiency. If they can’t have an overall system for it, then integrating a decent bounty/contract kill/mercenary project into Corp Projects is probably the next best way to do it.

The old system was “abused” because people would put bounties on people for legit bounty reasons and they would just use an alt to kill themselves and get the isk defeating the entire point of the system.

The new system is somewhat being “abused” for the same reason. They get a kill right with an alt and set some stupid isk amount that’s still payable and just camp a station. Soon as someone activates it they dock and get the isk from the alt. This also sort of defeats the point of why the system was put in place.

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It’s not abuse.

You are just whining.

People, like me, put bounties on themselves to look badass.

Bounties are an indication you are doing Eve right. :yum:

Well true, like back in the old days they would say you had not succeeded until you find your name inscribed into the outhouse wall!