Do you want to be a bounty hunter? Do you want to get revenge and are willing to pay for it?

A frozen corpse pet?

I wondered what he did with them.

Frosty, Frosty, now who would have flagged my clip?

No, please don’t pick on elephants of large animals to that matter!

Btw fang contact status has been downgraded to neutral.


Everyone is now neutral. Space cred had been lost!

[details="off the list


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:popcorn: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :popcorn:

That means Eve Who - Elephant is safe then.

:thinking: :smirk: :wink:

No Frosty that won’t do, you must set me to a higher status than everyone else.

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100% correct

Too many people complained about it and that’s the main reason it was changed

Course the changed version was also abused as well, people would load up their cargo bay with specific market items to increase the payout percentage to their alts

Eventually CCP just turned the Bounty mechanic off
 More than likely so they wouldn’t have to hear any more complaints about it


Nice crimson apparel DMC

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Thanks Felix, figured I’d dress up for the event
 even though I’m not actually engaging in that content

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Humans are the reason we can’t have nice things :slightly_smiling_face:

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Truth bomb, best bomb :bomb:

It seems the OP of this thread has either died or was never really invested for the concept. It has been 2 weeks and they haven’t posted a name for this chat channel. If no one else wants to create it, I guess, it is no skin off my nose, to cook up the channel this weekend. I will post it here on this thread on Sunday evening, unless one of you wish to make it.

I will jot down some notes on what the MotD should read and then it will be up to the players to use it or abuse it. I am not one for moderation because I believe in free speech not free drinks. As the late great Capt. Hector Barbossa said, " The code is more what you’d call ‘guidelines’ than actual rules.". I will also ask my neighbor for advice, he operates in a PMSC based in Florida. I am sure he won’t mind me picking his brain for a fictional game.

Have fun!

That says it all

If there are any corporations who specialize in the revenge department, I can list you in the MotD.

This is what I have so far. Channel name is EVE Bountyhunters
MotD reads;

EVE Bountyhunters

An informational user channel for bountyhunters and their clients. Notice: This chat is unmoderated, meaning it is 100% on YOU to be a HUMAN.

Are you seeking a bounty hunter? Do you desire to exact revenge or dish out some justice?
The corporations listed below vow they will do the job for you. Each one will have terms and payment.


If you are a bounty hunter looking for work, you might want to join one of these corporations.
Do you need your corporation to be added to the list above? Contact Princess Rose Ivory . Using in game mail system to send name(s) and short description of service provided. Kind of like Yelp, your service will go up higher on the list as your rating increases. The list will be updated on Saturday or Sunday once a week.

Warning: Don’t get scammed with empty promises. Make certain you trust the bountyhunter you hire or the client you contract. There are NO official means to insure this kind of contract between two parties. This channel exists solely to connect clients to their service needs.

That was easy. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment.

I’m a bounty hunter, make sure to list me.
