Actually I had a very friendly conversation the other night after I got ganked they missed an opportunity in their system over and they saw the three FS out there mining so we were the target then it happens it was about eight Pirates my other characters covetor or got taken out and I lost is an augmented mining drones on the bright side had got that characters the proper implants now I had a really nice conversation
That’s why I explained the context. I can’t imagine a reason I’d want to communicate with someone who can afford to suicide-gank a 10 million ISK ship with a 50 million ISK ship, and enjoys doing to (i.e. they enjoy being the certain winner of a one-sided combat PvP engagement).
This isn’t about whether it’s “fair”, or game-legal (which it is) or whether they are psychologically distinctive. They’re a gaming cliche, I’ve met plenty of them, and I’ve yet to meet one who wasn’t boring. No doubt they’d think the same of me:)
There’s one reason at least: the perfect person to tell you how a ganker found and chose you as a target, is that ganker. If anyone is going to be able to tell you exactly what you can do to avoid being targeted again by him or his likes, it’s going to be him.
While you won’t know for sure whether he’s willing to share that info, being friendly and asking him after the gank can give you a lot of good information.
Yeah really I mean he did it gave me the information why he did it he missed a gang in another system and we were just a good Target made sense
I typically get called a whiner for this … but I wouldn’t talk to such a person even if I knew (100%) they could and would provide excellent advice.
If they wanted to talk they had no reason to gank me.
A reminder though: this is highSEc. If I ever figure out WH’s (too much boring detail to research just to get there IMO) and get insta-killed I’ll probably talk to them, if only to find out if they were protecting territory or just a boring ganker
I won’t call you a whiner for that choice, but I’d say the game can be much more interesting and social if you don’t let ingame actions stop you from having a fun social interaction with others.
It’s like playing soccer and refusing to talk to the other team, because they’re the enemy. EVE is a game and those other characters, even though they could be shooting your ship, could also be nice people to talk to.
I always found it ironic that the very people who want to force socialization are always the dk heads that no one wants to socialize with.
Know the irony of it is it’s a social game and no one wants to socialize that’s the irony of it
No irony at all, I am carefully choosing my friends IRL and online, some video game can not force me to socialize with dk heads.
Sociopaths who do not have a IRL friends will not even have them online …
I socialize plenty ingame with people who have proven them selves trustworthy. I’m not the type to try to be best friends with those who are out to do me harm or brown nose and worship gankers who in their minds are showing me the error of my ways…no thanks.
People don’t talk in local any more for the same reason that people on the street stare at the ground as they walk by.
“Why, for all you know, that one person you make eye contact with, or say something to, might be some kind of lunatic”
It’s all just part and parcel of a collapsing degenerate society. A random encounter with a stranger can get you killed IRL. It carries over into the game, even if it don’t get you killed though, the habit is still there. But throw in the fact that the game has long attracted that sort of person who makes the sandbox into a litterbox, even if a small minority, still got most of the attention - and news articles - which served to attract more miscreants.
So of course nobody wants to talk. Just keep your head down and do your time… uh… mission or whatever you are doing in the game. It’s not that people are risk averse either. How much ISK lies abandoned in wormholes or lagering in stations from players who don’t log in any more? They were not averse, they were just fed up.
As for that salvaging thing… well I think loot nerfs have more to do with it. Salvage and looting went together. When loot was nerfed, then the secondary function of salvaging went with it. It salvaging was nerfed, the same thing would have happened to looting.
It was like that once, with “pirates” actually. I knew quite a few who were always talkative and would take anybody interested in trying out the yarr under their wing.
Then society went downhill. Now if you talk to a ganker, it’s tears! Glorious tears! Hello Kitty Online is that way! You can’t handle the game!
etc. etc.
But if you don’t talk to the ganker, why, you are so buttmad, it’s tears! Some people just can’t handle Eve! Hello Kitty Online is that way! Umad?
5 minutes with people like that is reason to never talk in game again. Most of us are descendants of “bad experience once, worst expectations forever” mindsets.
Agree 100%
Back in the day Pirate players were feared, not because they were ‘Wanted’ and flashing red but because you didn’t exactly know what was gonna happen.
Most Pirate players back then would first look to capture you and then demand a ransom payment instead of destroying your ship. If the ransom amount was agreeable to both and payment was made, the Pirate would usually honor the parley and let you go. Back then there was honor among thieves.
Not exactly sure when it changed but the mentality and goal nowadays is all about increasing Killboard stats as quickly as possible.
If by ‘talk to a ganker’ you mean make real life threats or behave in a toxic manner.
These forums and provide ample evidence of that.
I did that back then and it was very fun to see your victim thank you for letting him go for some isk.I always made sure to ask less than the ship hull cost since there was no way to tell the fitting if alone.
Later on with buddies we had a ship scanner onboard on a ship so we knew the fit.
But later on fun turned to frustration people started blobing up more droping triage and other caps and nowdays supers.We still got a good share of caps and supers killed but my distaste for these people grew as their responses became more disproportionate. So I still offered ransom when we caught them some paid quite a few bilion to save their carrier or super but now we blew them up.
Not only is it my birthright as a Canadian to be chatty, I actually enjoy social discourse with my fellow capsuleers. Even if it is with the meme spewing morons that seem to be the only people that talk back to me in local these days.
But whatever. I’ll still announce myself in local as I enter a major system and let the cards fall where they may. For every ten or twenty total dickwads, you’ll find a nice character to have a chat with and maybe even make a new friend.
Try jita
Yeah you find that 1 in 100 and parade that convo around like a trophy.
Heck, you just did that, right now. And you could not resist, could you?
But you know of whom I write. Bonus indeed, right?
But thank you for proving my point as to why nobody in the game wants to talk to anybody. Even if they are not your victim, they still don’t want to be with you. Then you call it “bot aspirant” and use it to justify further litterbox behavior. That’s how sick you people are.
Hopefully, when the pieces of Eve Online are being salvaged (or the licenses bought) for the next game, someone asks “what should CCP have done?” and one of the answers I hope would be to use copyright laws to prevent anything like your website. But I don’t blame you entirely. The cancer started around late 2006 with earlier groups. You are just the later stage metastasizing into being a tumor. Sorry the ability to abandon wrecks killed TEARS. Hey I too lost a playstyle to a simple mechanic change. It sucks. That’s life.
What started that downhill was when a certain type of player came along who would ransom then blast the ransomee and then make posts online about what a fool their victim was. Then it became well known: do not pay a ransom you are only going to get blasted anyway and then made fun of. But people who are smart enough not to get blasted still don’t want to interact with the kind of people who would ransom someone, violate it, then gloat about it for a week on their blog.