Does anyone notice nobody talks and local anymore


Soccer, like the majority of competitive leisure activities, is typically managed so as to avoid one-sided games. There’s no reason not to talk to the opposing team (though I have to note that not everyone agrees with me there either).

I doubt a single player comes to EVE expecting every fight to be fair, or to be globally immune to ganking. I’m certain that I’m not the only one who won’t talk to someone who just ganked them with ISK and SP rather than skill, but would try to initiate a conversation with someone who used more-or-less equal equipment and won with skill.

As I indicated earlier, I know a lot of EVE players don’t see things that way. But it’s not a numbers game. or a vote. Each person’s choices about what behaviors they do and don’t respect are personal, and cannot be “wrong”.

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I wonder does she at least trust her alts? :thinking:

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Of course not! Live is difficult indeed for the truly paranoid.

I lie awake every night, because I have to be continuously vigilant to guard against stabbing myself in the back.

In 2006 everyone was chatting in local. Back then you could get help with missions and mining by almost every random guy that hangs out in the same system.
I guess it has to do with proportions. In 2006 there were 80% people trying to get to know the game and 20% bored griefers. Those numbers have changed. So today it’s best to keep quiet. afk players can’t be “salty tears” mined. But if you can talk, people can bully you. They can’t just wardec you anymore unless you have a structure in space.

When starting to play EVE Online :

10 years later :
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What convo?

Literally just linked

There it is.

Did i attack you? Did i call for tears?

Bears always pointing the fingers and calling others sick, abusive, toxic, sociopaths…

But bears are the most toxic and just go off at nothing.

You literally just linked your trophy site. Again.
I literally just shared my opinion that you people are sick.
Wow. Just wow. I literally can’t even right now.
You literally prove my point every time.
A lot of people not playing Eve for the reputation it has for coddling the likes of you would also say so. I’ve been around, I hear the opinions. But you can post your link, the others just don’t sub. Money talks. And your BS is the usual gaslighting and complete detachment from cause and effect. You ever deal with someone like that? In any situation? Many people have. If you had just a little self-awareness you would see it yourself, from your front-row seat.
People won’t pay to play with people like that. Or if they do play, they will not interact with them. But you will just call it “risk averse” or something.

The people you hate don’t to play with you. Then you blame them. There’s no getting through. So they ignore you. Or they play something else. This is why when I see one kid alone in a sandbox I’m not too quick to feel sorry for him.

Come to think if it, there was once a time when being called “sick”, as a group even, in a game, would have been taken as a compliment. Maybe I’m in the last generation that felt that way. That would have been the idea, in a game.
But here you are, taking some negative opinion personally. That is ultimately my point. Even the “bad guys” are super-sensitive and get all spergy and visceral when subject to some form of judgement that is anything less than glowing admiration. Back in the days of shooting and getting shot by people we would have still called friends this sort of mindset you display was unheard of. You would have been told you were taking the game too seriously. But you think you are the victim, and blame everybody else. Thank God I’m not this way. I hope you find some enjoyment in whatever you do someday.


It’s an assumption, but I don’t think people will ever use ‘more-or-less equal equipment’ to kill you, because I don’t think you are the kind of player to ever fly ships that are fit for ganking other players.

Have you ever been in a fight where the other player won because of skill instead of his equipment choices and engagement choices? (I could argue that equipment and engagement choices are also a skill… but let’s ignore that for now.) It seems to me you’ve set a bar for ‘you need to be this tall before I talk to you’ that is impossibly high.


It’s not exactly a bar. I just don’t talk to gankers after they’ve killed me in a one-sided fight.

Here’s a scenario for you: You’re directed to a mid-Sec zone by a highSec agent for a PvE mission. Shortly afterwards you’re attacked and killed by four outwardly identical ships.

It’s reasonable to conclude they had someone watching the direct route from the agent to the system, and selected identical hulls to make some kind of point.

You die quickly to overwhelming force. Start a conversation or not?

I’ve actually never been attacked by a ship that could, even theoretically, be equal in PvP combat capability. I’ve had run-ins with much better individual ships or multiples of similar size/tech ships though. It’s rational for the attacker, but it’s also boring for the target. I’d have thought it would be boring for the attackers too.
I accept that EVE doesn’t provide anything at all to facilitate balanced PvP combat “out in space”. It’s just a matter of information (exactly the right content though, not too much & not too little information) - hard to believe it would be impossible to work something out.

Since it’s not currently practical, for me it’s a significant weakness in the game. As a side-effect it makes it highly unlikely I’ll ever initiate a conversation after PvP combat.

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You mean like TheDrac?

You seem salty again.


And that is why she should be the only one elected as CSM.

They certainly do get salty when judged.

This is why I miss the old school gankers and C&P crowd. They never got salty or offended. And if they made someone else salty, they would say “hey, relax!” or something like that. Now we got these people who not only get offended, but they seek to push buttons and escalate, then declare themselves the victims and then weaponize their victim status.

It’s all so tedious and dysfunctional.

Best to ignore them.


Well that one in particular is prone to just insult people and throw nasty one liners around to try to get a rise, but just exposes himself as bitter and angry every time he does it.

You and I remember C&P when it was fun.


You realise I’m neither code nor a ganker…

Bears like you always calling other people toxic, but look at your reaction.

The irony in your posting.

I think you should take a step back and look through this thread again. I haven’t been calling for tears or making personal attacks but you just can’t help yourself. As soon as someone shows your inadequacy you nerd rage.

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Inadequacy? Where? How? What was proven? You just make declarations and then run on it. You don’t see what you are doing. I do. Everybody else does. This is why I’m calling you toxic. This is why they don’t like you. Snap out of your bubble.

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Plays the victim card…then rages when its point out how false their victimhood really is…

Your inadequacy in making honest and civil discussion.

The way you try to play victim but can’t because you trigger so hard when someone points out you’re wrong.

You’re a prime example of what I’m talking about. Can’t have everything your way, not surrounded by sycophants so you throw a tantrum.

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I have been very honest in calling you out. And I have not resorted to ad hominem attacks attacks. And I am not convinced that you have “pointed out that I’m wrong”. What you have done is manage to prove me right.

And you keep doing it. This is the point I’m trying to get across. This is how you communicate. Now if I was in local, with you, do I want to talk to you or someone like you? Hell no. Do I want to risk that someone I could talk to might be like you? Not if I wanted to have a good time. Maybe if I wanted to babysit I could. But that’s boring.

Toxic people are generally avoided. This has always been the case. Maybe you are so used to being like this that it’s natural to you. Chances are you suck the energy out of the room when you enter. You can improve if you work at it, but you have to be brutally honest with yourself instead of accusing others of dishonesty.

You even admit that you are not a ganker or with Code, so you are a third party to this, and you are posting their link to make your point. You have not even put up, but you won’t shut up.


If the posts on this forum are any indication of the type of conversation you’ll get in-game then it really is no surprise people keep quiet.

One person posted a few days ago upset that members of CCP were making important announcements on Twitter and Reddit but not on their own forums. Someone responded “they’d end up having to lock the thread if they posted on the forums”. It’s true. I find most threads on this forum just end up in an off-topic flame war.

Check out this thread. OP posts that CCP is adding a lot of solo activities and is concerned that the MMORPG is losing its “MMO”. What happens? 50 replies arguing about the definition of an instance. Not what OP asked. Not on topic. Just useless arguing. Now imagine talking to these guys in local.

Can everyone just relax a bit and enjoy the game?


Daichi isn’t toxic, by any reasonable definition.

But on topic, have “toxic” people been the cause of the decline in public social interaction and decrease in use of local in recent years? I kinda doubt it. The game has always had abrasive and unpleasant people around, since day one, and is also equipped with a fully functional block button. If anything, Eve has mellowed in the years I have been playing, with the worst of the racial and hateful slurs squashed that were common place in 2011/2012 when I started, and a strong culture of “The Friendship” for lack of a better term has taken hold.

I think more likely, it is mostly a function of less players in highsec - the place where you are exposed in local to strangers the most - due to the buffs in nullsec drawing some away, and pushing others out of the game, and a migration to the mature out-of-game channels, primarily Discord, we have seen in recent years. Looking at the numbers, highsec has 50% of the activity, maybe even 33% by now, of the heyday in 2014, and that, coupled with the network effect, has reduced interactions. I also think, of all the players, the silent solo archetype is the most likely to remain, probably skewing the population more towards silence. Also, new players, maybe the ones most likely to talk, are these days efficiently vacuumed up to nullsec groups where they are presumably chatting away, leaving the past stomping grounds of the newbro quiet.

More players, and more players in highsec will improve things. Fingers crossed for the latest expansion bringing reasons to interact and play again back to highsec. :crossed_fingers:


Ask yourself the same question…

I pointed out that the people you would call victim, including yourself, are often the ones that are most hostile and make things personal. Case in point above. You say you haven’t made ad hominem attacks but you are referring to me personally in your posts.

And the real irony is this bit.

Yes. It and your posting shows my point perfectly.