Does this game have a PvP server at all?

You will do absolutely fine in this game and will probably have a lot of fun :grinning:

Don’t wait too long to go out there and shoot people. It’s best to learn this in cheap disposable ships. You will die a lot, so did I. All part of the necessary learning process :wink:

How convenient, I’m the type of person who learns by doing.
No, I’m not waiting to get out there and get my arse blapped. Matter of fact, I thought I’d go pick a fight later on today after work :wink:

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Being docked up (and not planning to undock) is. Attempting to escape and dock isn’t. Running away from a fight is a PvP act because you are acting in opposition to another player and the outcome is determined by who plays better. Either your evasion skills are better than their attack skills and you survive, or their attack skills are better than your evasion skills and they kill you.

Nope. Market activity still is technically PvP. Competing to score the highest bid, or post the best bargain. PvP can be anything from combat to market activity to structure bashing. Yes indeed, even running from gankers in your PvE ship is PvP. Gathering intel over militia chat is PvP, dScanning arond a wormhole to find sites or potential hazards is PvP. There really is not much in this game that isn’t PvP. The act of shooting an NPC is itself PvE, but yo are still participating in PvP whilst doing so.
Good day,
Nujen T.

Edit Footnote - Fair fights happen all the time. Go to FW lowsec and see what I mean.

I agree with some of what you posted, but this part is flatly false. Evading confrontation is a huge part of the PvP system in EvE. Some players trying to evade confrontation, and others trying to catch them. That is a ton of what the game is about, and there are skills and clever strategies on both sides of that.


A warp disruptor would never be needed in real PvP, because your opponent would never attempt to flee - if they did, they wouldn’t be a real PvPer.


Why does this remind me of those you tube videos about people who claim to be martial arts experts, who then get their asses handed to them when put in a sparring match?

So staying docked is PvP? Now I can tell all those people who tell me I am a carebear just clogging up Jita 4-4 when I do project discovery that I am actually doing PvP.

They’re actually quite good, or they just have more dumb PvP players in their space, if you look at the boards.

I sit in Jita 4-4 and do project discovery. I do not PvP. Convince me I am wrong.

Or forgot to undock with filaments in your cargo hold.

Which is a really good point, as for years it was nothing but an endless sea of tears about how all those nasty care bears just docking up, how perfect intel was, how blowing up ratting ships was good for the market. Now there is an incentive for those players to undock in the form of the ESS, and what happens? Those very PvP tryhards just warp off and filament away to where its safe.

Is sitting cloaked in a stealth bomber all day just me being good, or the enemy trying to find me being bad?

Oh, where the mechanics were changed to so that certain anti-PvP modules can’t be taken into the sites anymore?

Warp disruptors aught to have a #RAND component like ECM does, that damps, painters and tracking disruptors work %100 of the time and ECM after the nerf doesn’t is incomprehensible considering how much more SP are needed to be effective with ECM.

Staying docked doesn’t necessarily mean one actually has to do the project discovery. Playing the market is also PvP since it’s price competition while buying and selling and doing contracts, undercutting some, propping others… outfitting or insuring ships so the next loss is mitigated, manufacturing ammo, probes… filling cargo to drop off at a waypoint on the way to join fleet…
Simply logging on is accepting to engage in PvP since you’re entering a virtual world where undocking means potential combat where you are hunter/prey from the get-go.
I guess the availability of npc missions confuses a lot of players into thinking that PvE overrides the rules of PvP. It doesn’t. You could be running a mission and get ganked. PvP is a constant in EVE.
If I’m able to warp to dock when you attack it means you’ve failed in your attack. Evasion is part of PvP.
If I stay docked all day and take care of mail, purchases, contracts, skills… I passively deny you the opportunity of attack, whether you or I know it or not.
I could be contacting team mates a few jumps away and plan to bait you.

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The premise was that docking up when reds come into the system is PvP… nothing to do with market PvP.

If you dock up and then start doing market PvP - it doesn’t count directly against that specific encounter you docked up for.

That’s brilliance right there.

Sorry I’m out of Likes.


You mean that premise ?

Tell me why I should give you a “fair fight” ? Explain to me why I should let you shoot at my beautiful ship without having planned an attack first if I spot you on local or scan ? Why should I buy ships to serve them to you on a silver platter ?
What is it you need that you’d whine someone is docked? They can’t play the game the way they want to? Who died and made you king?

I’m sure you can get your PvP if you’re willing to go pick a fight somewheres. Not all EVE players are docked and for those who are, they’re playing EVE too.

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I wonder how it would turn out roaming around in high- or even lowsec pretending to look for a fair fight.
Wouldn’t be a problem to link a fitting in local, or just using alts for the ganking and showing up in a legitimate ship for the “duel”.

I’m really curious about how many people out there would actually be both willing and stupid enough to fall for this trick.

Does anyone do this on a bigger scale?

It’s … interesting.

What’s that they say…? A sucker born every minute ?

Non confrontation is not PvP. Not sure where you are going with that.

No, it is absolutely PVP.

PVP does not just mean “one player shooting another”. It can also be a battle of minds and maneuvering which you, my friend, are LOSING!

May I suggest that you HTFU?

We can be confident that it is uncommon - because we do not see forum tears about it and cries of “exploit!”

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Ah … true that.


You remind me of why I dislike these “glasses”.

Variety is the spice of life, Sol.

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You aren’t playing EVE, you’re playing a charity side game that happens to launch from the EVE client.

Is sitting cloaked in a stealth bomber all day just me being good, or the enemy trying to find me being bad?

It’s you being bad, since sitting cloaked all day is unlikely to accomplish anything of value. You’re wasting your time and bragging about how “good” you are.

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If your are in Null where PvP happens, you better not be doing market PvP, as doesn’t this mean you are ripping off blues?

Actually there was a forum entry about people deliberately aggressing others to prevent them from queuing in the arena matches.

Its still EVE.

I have never said I am good at PvP. I think I only ever killed one person, and that was some idiot that shot at me in a crimson harvest event and got Concorded. I’m good at not engaging in PvP, that was the whole point of creating a new character when I got sick of Null being an endless procession of nano kitey garbage and rookie ships with cyno’s on them.

Cause you know, the game was so much more healthy and balanced when you could drop 100 of your friends in for the cost of one module on a free ship, right?