Done with this!


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@Nicolai_Serkanner was merely commenting on a literary device and is correct, your phrasing gave rise to an oxymoron.

Also it’s loser, not looser; the former is to lose, the latter is to be less tight.


two words used together that have, or seem to have, opposite meanings.


This is one of the strengths of this game … !!!

Only EVE causes such frustration when you lose something …

Because the sense of loss is very real …

It happens a lot when you’re flying something that costed you a lot of work… That can literally destroy months of hard work… “When you’re flying something you can’t afford to lose.”

The heart beats and beats very hard in those moments … !!!

What you build in this game matters a lot … to a lot of people !!!


What this really is, here, is a testament to how easy - trivial, even - surviving in Eve has become.

Eve 2020 is a place where people are shocked and appalled when they encounter even the slightest bit of challenge and adversity.

This isn’t even a difficult problem and you’re ready to throw in the towel. :roll_eyes:


Where’s @Helicity_Boson when you need her?

Imagine the reaction if Hulkageddon was reborn; systematic extermination of miners instead of the worthy, but piecemeal, efforts of James, his merry band of inquisitors +like minded groups, and the newer NPC’s.

Burn Jita is too localised, and too short.


All this ranting clearly shows that those people are afraid of the changes that need to come…too unconviniend for them

You are talking as if 'challenge ’ would be something positive in a game…

A game has to be chill time after work…stress is something for work…

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Your first mistake was using a Retriever.

Should have been using a tanked Procurer.

The second… not paying attention.

– Helpful Gadget

Shouldn’t be necessary in high,retrievers are valid ships…

Even if you stare at the screen,are aligned to the station and hit warp the second they appear they still kill you…

Wrong. Keep trying though. Might I suggest that you reach a little deeper, all the clues are at the bottom.

This ring a bell?



Staring at the screen isn’t enough …

tenor (10)


miners =/= noobs

Because it’s absolutely hilarious to dunk miners and it never gets old

This is funny coming from someone who sits in highsec shoots rocks :joy:

No, the loss is showing that he was either afk or botting. Guess what are these roaming trigs supposed to deal with?

We need that precisely because of afk mining and afk hauling. Activity may be boring for most people but some do enjoy it - so at least make it worthwhile their time BY ELIMINATING AFK MINING/HAULING.

Go play WoW if you want pve game. Or ED. This game is the only pvp game left on market.

Good. Good. Feel the rage. Also salt harversters II and salt crystals II +100% value.

They . Are. Listed. In. Agency. Window. How much easier you want it?

Did you know you can make as much isk running L4 missions as top tier carrier ratters do?

Pay2Win? You sure you know the definition?
Or do you mean Pay2Lose? Moin Matard | Losses | Character | zKillboard

Told ya.
Y’all aint got the balls.

Cry more little miner

When protected.

Not when in a tanked Procurer… or with combat ships flying cover.

–Gadget Knows


I don’t mine lol. find it rly boring. I must admit that I tried ninja gas mining in WHs once, but that was boring as well. Exploration is much more fun : )
Most likely, you won’t belive me. But that’s fine.

Still doesn’t change the fact, that y’all aint got the balls! :slight_smile:

I don’t play this game to show you my balls. I play it to have fun dunking miners.