Genuinely curious, where was it mentioned that CCP was going to start another server?
So, the personal attack is by no means called-for, but we’ll move on from that. Let’s take this in order.
I never said New Eden isn’t a galaxy, and I merely corrected your hyperbole so less-aware readers wouldn’t get confused. I repeat, however, that New Eden is relatively small, even on the galactic scale.
And no, you didn’t say anything about Jovian Tech. Is it unfair to assume, however, that we’ll be able to glean a great deal from whatever has survived the Nano-Rot, and technology will therefore still be a factor?
Jove Tech as Tier 5 is probably outdated, but was taken from Makoto Priano’s Jove Lore presentation at EVE Fanfest 2018, which he begins by citing a situation where a Developer flying a Jovian ship (one of the old ones that even the Devs don’t fly anymore) gave his mining laser to an inquisitive player, who was shocked to find it marked as Tier 5. Historical examples, like that one time the Jove absolutely annihilated an Amarr invasion, establish that this is still a pretty accurate placement.
Triglavian technology, by the way, is most certainly not Tier 5. In fact, they’re more of a T3 (3.5 at best) if you ask me. Standard Triglavian technology is a bit of a challenge for the average Capsuleer, but standard Jove tech utterly annihilated us the last time it was used. The Triglavians, based on current theory, branched off of Jovian culture several thousand years ago, so their technology may be related, but has taken an entirely different path, stymied by significantly lower resources and room to grow. If you’d like to learn more about the Triglavians, I suggested reading through the ARC Semiosis thread over on the Intergalactic Summit.
As an final note, even if you were using “universe” figuratively, your statement about “from one side of universe to another” still states that the New Eden system and Jove Space are on opposite sides of whatever you were actually referring to, and is still utter nonsense, especially now that you’ve clarified that you know how the EVE Gate actually worked. So, whether you were bullshitting with or without knowing it, you were indeed bullshitting.
CCP isn’t starting a new server. That suggestion has just become a running joke by now.
What’s not constructive about “no, go away”? It’s probably the most constructive of any reply in this topic.
Nah, i’d say it’s solidly in the middle of the road.
Roads also need to be constructive.
And saying “no, there’s no problem, forget all about it” neither constructs, nor destroys, anything.
Who said that?
The person who said,
I didn’t.
I never said you did. That why I left the quotes in- to show you, yourself, were quoting.
This Topic has been moved to Player Features and Ideas Discussion
Space is empty right?
I challenge everyone who thinks so to go ahead and take control of any of the many uncontrolled systems in sov null.
But yes, the idea is dumb.
What personal attack? If you think there was one, then report it. What you’re doing is nit-picking and posting hyperbole drama.
The current size of the cluster doesn’t matter and if you check out Eve Lore, the Amarr still have dozens of gate construction ships traveling to distant Star Systems.
Personally I don’t care what another player - Makoto Priano - has stated about module Tech level. Over the years ‘Module Tiericide’ changes have been done and I’m sure there will be more in the future. Saying Jove Tech is Tier 5 definitely sounds outdated, especially since new modules and Factions have been recently added.
As for the rest of your statement about Triglavian Tech level being T3.5, please link an Official CCP statement confirming that.
My suggestion was to open up Jove space and have Capsuleers build new Jump Gates in order to explore and travel deeper into Jove space.
Doing that would be a slow process and take quite a bit of time, not something that’s done overnight. Along the way Capsuleers would find Jove Tech and reverse engineer it just like the T3 Sleeper Tech from worm space.
Just to add a strange twist to the story plot there could be another Eve Gate found in the very last / farthest Jovian system, possibly the other side of the Eve Gate.
Try using some imagination, it’s called Science Fiction for a reason. What’s utter nonsense is you trying to be completely scientifically correct. Besides, this game is CCP’s story and they can easily change the Lore for whatever new content is implemented.
Just to completely hop on the lore train for some explanation here:
The Jove as we knew them (the Directorate, the Third Jove Empire) absolutely isn’t/wasn’t (their empire is defunct now) some omnipotent faction. In fact, their best qualities were their mobility capabilities, stealth, wormhole generation, and - most importantly - the CAPSULE. They won the battle of Vak’Atioth mainly because of intelligence gathered and the fact that they were capsuleers fighting what you’d basically see as mission NPCs. The Directorate was a shadow of the Second Jove Empire (where the Drifters/Sleepers and all-but-certainly the Triglavians) at best; the collapse of the Second Empire brought with it the loss of massive quantities of knowledge.
If, as the above poster suggested, there would be some NEW “EVE Gate” type thing somewhere in the Jove regions, it’d have to be remnants of the Talocan Dyson Swarm in W477-P, or “Caroline’s Star” (For a full explanation of this, read the “Inheritance” chronicle). This swarm included a huge number of gates leading directly to w-space, a specific important example being the Epicenter sites you see in Shattered Wormholes (caused by the Caroline’s Star supernova).
If there will ever be a sort of above-all faction in EVE, it’ll be the Talocan - or whatever they’ve become by this time. Again, Inheritance will give the best explanation for why this will be the case.
But on the topic of the OP: the EVE gate is actually open right now. When the original wormhole closed, the massive gates built around each end of it kept the portal held open - until something unknown happened, causing massive energetic forces to spill infinitely out of the still-remaining gate, preventing anything from getting close.
The possibility of opening of the EVE gate has for a long time been associated with the end of a certain in-universe prophecy, originally thought to reflect the end of the game. That said, plans do change.
If there’s any new space added to EVE, my bet is that we’d gain access to a small number of Triglavian and Drifter systems in the future, along with the possibility of colonizing the now fully disconnected systems in what was once Jove Directorate space.
That’s exactly like Salt Foambraker’s answers : pointless and useless to the topic.
Might as well not waste your and our time.
Good point!
That would be awesome!
Your tears of worship are duly noted
With New Eden being able to create jump bridges and Cyno fields why hasn’t the process of using such technology been employed to bridge the way back to Earth?
Although the bridge, strung between two points with nothing but the Pure Abyss under it being absolutely terrifying to cross…isn’t it really about having faith?