From just my personal experience - only if you’re near an unidentified wormhole or a jove observatory. If you meet a drifter battleship at a gate or a station they will not attack you for no reason, they might scan you and other wessels / objects in the vicinity though.
Though yes I have heard of rumours that they attack ships indiscriminately, but so far this has not happened to me.
Well, that’s not too surprising, though. It’s likely their home territory.
I remember hearing about Lancers/Drifters aggressively attacking people they find are carrying biomass in their holds-- corpses, in particular. Can anyone confirm? Or is that just a rumor?
I have tried to bait Lancers with dead bodies in the past, but in my experience they only seem to take interest when the body is not in a container, and they certainly did not attempt to remove them from my hold when I got close.
They did not, oddly. I expected them to when I showed up at the Observatory, but since I kept some distance from the structure, they seemed to ignore me. I did this four different times, each in a different system.
I thought that one was more like “debunked.” Otherwise, why haven’t we had Curses or something at least trying to neut the Drifter out while the rest of us get in orbit?
Why you all don’t create fleet and try to suppress one of that observatory and try to capture it with Entosis Link while others will hold drifters away in combat?
This speculations and rumors in this topic are nothing more than fairy tales for kids before sleep. If want to lay some light on this drifter thing try to do something in that case.
So maybe its time to get first kill on one of them?
Because luring them with corpses in hold gives as actually to nowhere. I’m curious where that guarded wormholes leads?
Anyway, it seams that I lack of may info in topic. Just wanted to say that you all need to take some more serious actions against them to really know what they are hiding. EVE is sandbox right?
Yeah, you’re missing just a little bit of context, pilot.
The Drifters’ kills do get reported. Their losses don’t.
They’re not all that hard to bring down, Arithmos aside. What’s hard is doing it without taking heavy losses.
We’ve gotten a little good at that, too, though…
The big problem, now, is that we don’t really understand what they’re really doing, and they don’t seem to mind the damage we do very much. Maybe we’re about as significant to them as lice. … or maybe, trying to understand and even defeat them, we’re helping them somehow by mistake.
but… We are the aggressors, we opened fire first in know space and we are invading their home (?) in j-space.
Looking on all that data from observatories they where here all the time and maybe long before capsuleers. They where hidden under their “cloak” and we can only guess if mechanical failure or intended action cause that we can see them now.
But this is only my opinion. Pilot who has only minimal knowledge about topic.
A killmail is generated when you get the killing blow on another capsuleers ship, or when your ship is destroyed. If you choose to you can authorize a killboard to get these killmails from your log and post them on your behalf.
Drifters obviously don’t do this as they consider it meaningless bragging(Or because they don’t care. Or they don’t collect such data at all. Or their version of this data isn’t compatible. Probably the bragging thing, Drifters are shy.) so as a result, only kills they get on capsuleers who post their kills and losses will show on their boards.
That’s why they only have kills listed. They’re not actually that scary.