Dujek Oneye for CSM 18

Dujek gives a ■■■■ about other people - a rare thing these days. One of my first interactions with him was when I was canvassing votes for the Miss Federation (of which I was robbed), he came through with votes for me and we chatted about some Gallente RP - he didn’t have to take the time but he did. It was clear that he knows his lore and cares deeply about the game.
I’m impressed with his breadth of knowledge and if it wasn’t for him then a lot of what Brave do would be tonnes harder. He has a cool and focussed leaderships style, preferring to facilitate and encourage others - rather than berate and ridicule, which in turns gets loyalty and a positive response - and hence good outcomes. He is clearly trustworthy. He is an obvious choice for a CSM role - it’s exactly this kind of capsuleer that would benefit the playerbase most and wouldn’t just be another passive placeholder which we have elected in the past. Vote Dujek!


I love Dujek’s vibe and he’d be a great addition to the next CSM for many of the reasons above.


Dujek has been Brave through and through and has a ton of experience throughout EVE. He’s been our tournament captain for some time - and someone I rely on heavily. Dujek would make a great CSM member with his knowledge of EVE and PVP in particular. I’m happy to endorse him this year!


@Dujek_Oneye would you back any idea mentioned below as CSM member?

  1. Insane idea - pay with PLEX in NES for extra dev time
  2. Quafe+ is from "biomass" (...or corpse reprocessing)
  3. Little things / Small QoL suggestions - Better Visibility Of Other Players’ PI Networks
  4. Little things / Small QoL suggestions - 13 requests for Stack Split enhancment since Jun’18
  5. Little things / Small QoL suggestions - PI KB-shortcuts for toggling between groups of structures

I like and would back 1, 3, 4 and 5. I think 2 is a little out of the scope of small things/QoL in that it would be a new feature (though I don’t mind corpses having a use in the game).

I could see the PLEX for dev time being a bid for a priority on what to fix next- it might be hard to fund an additional dev with PLEX.


You seem like an extremely knowledgeable candidate across many areas of the game, and your commitment to inclusivity is truly admirable. With your varied skills and pedigree in mind, how do you feel about this statement?

“Pochven is the most effective microcosm to observe and balance the state of sub capital gameplay”


So you are perfectly ok with throwing hundreds of PLEX for a dev to listen to you over anyone else?


With the constraints in mind that some ships are altered, and there are different incentives, at least the fights are subcap vs subcap always (or as good as we are going to get). It also does not feature a lot of sitting on tether. I agree with the statement, and I think it is one of the areas ships can and should be balanced around (the others spaces obviously have rights to that too).


I would not suggest it, and I don’t think it is feasible, but I am also not against it in theory. I imagine that a system that would exist isn’t “paying a dev to do your bidding”, so much as it would be CCP posting a list of things they can do in the foreseeable future, and people voting with their wallet to get certain things put further up the list. I generally think that it is fine if there are more things to spend our resources on in the game (although I think pure PLEX might have a bit of a scary effect on the economy - perhaps there is a reason to tie some isk into it too?). I see this as a mostly hypothetical question.


Absolutely. I only meant that it is an extremely economical place to do observation and data gathering for balance purposes. :smiley:

One of my shortcomings as a Pochven candidate is that I don’t have the bigger game picture in mind. A candidate that can rationally look at Pochven with the big picture in mind (insofar as competition and balancing) would bring a lot to the CSM and game health overall.


Luckily a lot of it can start out with taking individual ships that see no play anywhere and making them stronger. I think the tricky part is finding a bit of a gaming community consensus of what we want the game to end up looking like, and encouraging.


You have my vote for looking like Ron Stampler


Haha, thanks. Currently playing a sorlock, though.


What’s your stance on alliance / corp and character name release after a certain amount of time of deletion / inactivity?


I think in EVE, a game where reputation and deeds have such significance in game, the names should stay as they are and not be released. Taking up the mantle of long dead alliances isn’t something the game needs. That is why we ad “dot” to things :stuck_out_tongue:


Now you sound like CCP support every year when I ask them to release the name I need. :joy:

Yeah yeah, reputation, but, as you very well know ppl can sell their characters, it just appears in char info. Same concept can be applied here as well.

Besides my personal grudge for having my name taken by an 6 y inactive account, you must admit getting a good ticker or name of anything is getting harder and harder



  1. What has CCP got correct?
  2. What has CCP got incorrect?
  3. What do you wish existed in-game that doesn’t?
  4. What exists in-game that you wish didn’t?
  5. What exists in-game that you think ought to continue to exist?
  6. What doesn’t exist in-game that you hope never comes into existence?
  7. How would you improve PI?
  8. How would you improve the entire corporation UI?
  1. A good framework for flying spaceships with friends and an economy based around that. I obviously enjoy most things about EVE.
  2. Any way of limiting or regulating the number of “special” things. Titans, sov, people in a coalition, anything that stops you from making everyone blue, or groups from monopolizing certain areas of the game. That isn’t to say I wish to make titans 1/alliance or whatnot, but there are things that might warrant a more even distribution, that holding corps make impossible to limit.
  3. Mercenary or bounty hunter framework would be really cool, but probably framework to meaningfully interact and work together with strangers temporarily, especially for new players.
  4. Perverse incentives to exploit others’ work, like seagulling in FW.
  5. Suicide ganking in its current capacity, wardecs and other uniquely-EVE mechanics. They can be refined, but shouldn’t be removed.
  6. Gold ammo, things that can only be gotten from paying cash, etc.
  7. I am tempted to say “make it very lucrative to do on exactly one character”. In some ways, my main issue with PI is that it so highly is better to do on a huge number of characters, and then it feels repetitive and like a chore. If it is supposed to be done on many characters, then good tools to share it between your own characters, or even selling setups on contract to other people to help them set it up faster, etc.
  8. Make it possible to kick people without removing roles (not counting the waiting period). When I was a director I spent way more time working with the corporation UI, and I am admittedly a little rusty on the details, I had more thoughts on this at hand. There is a lot. Rather than having individual points to change, it is much more in need of an entire rework. Looking at how zkill tracks kills in what timezones and activity, etc, the advertisements should also be able to populate stuff like pve/pvp/timezone, to give people a realistic view of what the corp actually does, as currently people say they do everything and really let down AUTZ players who join EUTZ corps who only mine while the AUTZ players are sleeping and never PVP.

Dujek, I am uncertain of your status of friendship with your former corp(s), as much has changed (or not really) since you returned to brave. In my opinion, these groups that are part of the tranquility consortium who used their influence over membership to sustain harassment of non-members of the game, including into IRL.

Will you also oppose RMT and Gambling operations being run off TOR and other means, even against your leaderships wishes, Dujek?


I am not sustaining friendships with corps, I am sustaining friendships with people I have been in a corp with. But it means that I shoot them when I see them in space, and we are friends outside of those situations and at fanfest, etc. Obviously all harassment should be off limit (not counting pvp).

Brave has always struck me as being particularly against RMT. RMT is as a rule always reported to CCP when found in applications, and I can say it would never be my leaderships wishes to engage in RMT and gambling. I personally feel the hypernet is a bit of a bad thing, but that is my own personal distaste. I do not use it, I am not crusading to have it removed on behalf of others.

My leadership has only offered encouragement and help in my campaign. I have not been asked to carry forth any specific agenda. Both brave candidates have shown a willingness while playing EVE to help others and make the play experience better, not worse, and that is why we are trusted to be put on the ballot in the first place.