when you were directly responsible for lying to get me banned from the old forums this is suspiciously similar. Anyone with half a brain knows this.

If I didn’t know you were a fool i’d think it was insane jealousy…good luck loser

so this is your attempt at vengeance because you got banned from the old forums?

threatening to call a rl police corp over a videogame?


Please vmg spokesgirl…I have no time for your makeup samples…go run away in a shuttle as is your doctrine in regards to me…LOL!

As a solo entity your group attacks are pathetic. It’s overkill or it doesn’t happen which is quite funny. Tell your alliance to grow a pair…or continue fleecing noobs like flying in fear. I am out of all your leagues son…well 12+ and as many logi…it’s been noticed…by everone…

Your 2-dimensional tactics and as wwell you are a reason many of these new alphas left…extortion…shame on you children. You’re like bullies who were punching the kindergarten kids…shame on you. Your ONLY advantage on me is numbers…you know this as well as I. Skill? Plain intelligence? …ascend a bit more please.

In the end…no 1 vmg has bested me…or even attempted once in the almost 3 years you’ve had me perma decced? What wrong with you guys?. You know what happened with your buddy lucjy…I baited him like you…a fish.

The others on the killmails were docked all day and I invited to whore…notice I did most damage by far,

In hindsight vmg are threatened because solo I am about as useful as their entire alliance. I see it over and over and it’s so funny. Mainly…im taking their profit providing a better service for free. 2+2= impotent rage

THAT COMPLETE TRUTH DESERVES TO BE SAVED…because yall lie compuylsively vendetta merc group

Your pathetic greed wrecked a potential. That damn myth your idiot executor made you used to parrot…that’s how I remember you.

I was flying through uttindar years ago and your gracious leader begged me to join because he was floundedring. I would like to dispel his lies as they are bothersome in that I had no interest ever joining your blob alliance which was pretty much my quote to him. Baited like the fish you are, excuse me while I laugh lightly.

The truth is painful…deal with it my tender tulips


let’s have a troll party! yo-ho


I guess your a dom alt or code clown…noted for when I inform the authorities. Thanks

Are you doing the angry-frustrated troll dance> FAIL!

Yeah, right.


i’m a hunter
my game is a risk

I think you mispelled “CONCORD whore” and “gate hugger”.
Last I checked you don’t even shoot suspects because CONCORD won’t show up to save your bacon then.
Unless it’s a shuttle, then you dock up quick before he reships.


ouch…the guy who was killing suspect haulers in ashab tonight…my feelings are hurt…A person of your skill I hope I can impress. I am crestfallen.

14000 kills don’t fall in your lap my little lapdog of some hater of no importance

Looks like you’re as dense as uranium…whoever you are. Please humour me.

The fact I wasn’t undocked kinda makes your comments lame. You were just glorifying yourself In local for killing suspect t1 haulers…I called you out because its not as if killing suspect haulers doesnt take any real skill just luck they scooped something or had cheap killrights,. You know they train monkeys to pick tea right? I think with effort you could learn to pick tea.

who are you? you came to reinforce dom’s trolling? This isn’t overly obvious…code guy.

The lingerie party is almost over girls you need to leave

There was a direct correlation of my banning and your lies to ccp which is the past which I don’t care about. You need to work on your anger…it sounds like it may be past the stage you can manage it without some help

…You act like a child…my teen would show u proper etiquette I’m sure. I will not tolerate any further lies or slander you project about me. Let’s just say I didn’t take my break because I had to…its because I wanted to after certain events similaar to this in you trying to pry into my life. And your aytempts to deflect your own behaviour as mine is worrisome.

The only reaction you will get is pity because honestly I pity how far you need to go to explode in an unacceptable rage…not what I pay my subscription for…trust me.

I like big…BUTTS …you guys nmust all have them from being so sedentary…

talking to yourself isn’t healthy,

you are merely slanderous…and it’s funny yet kinda pathetic

It’s nice to see they can train less bright people simple word processing and add emojis…they must push them hard.

I guess you like prying into my personal info? why? I don’t care about you.

if you mean yourself…you must be a past victim…anchovie.

You realize the last 10 Replys in this thread are from you talking with yourself?


I was editing it genius, a code girlscout had a tantrum and spurged up the place so I’m starting another

Can someone block him out?

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