Eclipse - Quadrant 2 is Coming to EVE Online!

You mean the killing of alt-chars ?

right, but only if this rare resources has to be transported cross the universe.
Otherwise only the price for ships and modules increases, and we all fly around in Trashers or similar

I did this the last five years , so where it the news ?

cool, I will kill myself with an Alt to recycle my own Imps

Well , I will wait and see , what happens.
Imho the major case of farming (NS-Botting) is not affected in this magnificent update.
Meanwhile I shut down two of my Omega-Acc , cos they are not longer nessesary and change their stuff and SP in PLEX


I’ve found two: Bei > Colelie and Avenod > Audaerne. Neither system’s star matches the one in the trailer (i.e. blue), so I’m not sure it’s meant to be an actual system in game. Could be missing something.


This was a trailer that introduced the theme of the next 3 month’s of patches.
This is not an update.

Why are people being this dumb and assuming this is an “update” or a “patch”.

Let’s wait and see what the actual changes are when CCP releases them over the next three months.


You are right, its just a trailer.
And there is no advanced info about the game inside.
My post was mostly an answer to an enthusiastic folk.

CU in game and fly dangerous ^^


Is it nice being a freeloader ?

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You’re assuming that they care, their initial response to Incarnagate springs to mind.


That wasn’t a galente gate; mimitar but yea.


Ya, but we already knew about that. I was just pointing out things we didn’t know going in.

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I like those growing red crystals, can we have those in game? I want to farm crystals.


Did they show drifter ships and a triglavian titan??

I can’t wait for drifter ships - I’ll take the cruiser, battlecruiser, the logi <3, and the command ship.


Just deploy Concord GG

Was bad realy bad , CCP can do way better on trailers!

“New and unprecedented changes” is a nice euphemism for “we’re going to ruin everything you like about EVE.”


These kind of trailers are usually just outsourced to another company that puts 'em together.

Just do not forget in that game CCP always wins :slight_smile: .

CCP would never do that, though, and you making it sound like you know for a fact that they would do such a thing is absolutely ridiculous. Hilmar is deep in “everything in-house” mindset. Always has been.

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No. They’re ruining everything carebears and farmers like about EVE.
Personally, I love these changes!

They’re finally moving the game back where it belongs.


Why release a video that starts on a planet if not to signal that the Trigs are bringing changes to PI?

That, and I felt a sense of dread watching that 0.5 stargate at the end of the video. I live in a pocket system (0.5) with one exit, that exit arriving in the system where I do the majority of my PI.

It seemed liked CCP was talking to me and me alone. :open_mouth:


Important to fix the cloaking unreal way of play that is the cancer of eve and almost made me quit more that once if not the time and money spend here made me stay , Like right now in my space 1 guy with 23 accounts cloaking campers in all sys to get capital ships with no way to get the guy !! I understand and live with that otters play the game to ruin the game for otters, but should be a way to find the cloak if he not move , this afk way to get big kills is no good for the game , You made black out , I WILL LOVE IF YOU MAKE CLOAK OUT :slight_smile: , Like I say the cloak system is cancer for the game and how is 1 guy plex 23 accounts just to get capitals with no need to move or hunt ?? PLEASE CCP , make CLOAK OUT !!! :wink:


In trailer:

at 46 seconds New Caldari ship type
at 1 minutes: Raven gets a massive speedbost
at the end: somebody is trying to fit a much too large object into a much too small hole (or a stargate blows up)