How so? If there were say, 10 of them with that setup, each with their target spectrum breakers and burst jammers going off, no one could target anything for any length of time. And the entire time you are trying to fend off ECM drones that you can’t target and getting rained down on by FoF’s. And if somehow you get close to them or get out of the ECM, they just MJD 100km away. You can’t lock down or kill what you can’t target…
and how exactly are you going to lock this enemy fleet down?
I’m not. That’s the entire point. Would work great as a travel fit for a fleet. You can’t target them or lock them down, but guess what? They can’t target or lock you down either…
now with all the countless ways to move people and assets in even why would you be using this one?
Because it would cause the most tears, that’s why. Purely for the troll value. I’m all for anything that generates a significant amount of salt, and that setup definitely would.
would it?
who is going to engage a fleet with that much ECM unless they knew they were bring in enough to kill it? for example you get 1 mjd the grab you after that in any fleet that can fight past 40km and your a bit screwed. and i have no idea how you plan to use those smart bombs (that you have decided to put in their hole for some reason) all they will do is kill off your drones and soften up your fleet.
or you know a single dread… that would about cover it
and i have no idea how you plan to use those smart bombs (that you have decided to put in their hole for some reason) all they will do is kill off your drones and soften up your fleet.
The target spectrum breaker has no max range. Doesn’t matter where you are. You could be targeting a ship from 500km out and it would still break the lock.
it’s not going to help you against a dread. also have you ever actually used one? they don’t work for much more than damage reduction
Just an idea. I’d still try it just to troll. If it didn’t work as well as I think it would, oh well, still worth it.
better ways to troll with a scorp and fare more effectively
you know me too well…
you can easily just bump the scorpions to keep them from warping away no warp disruption needed.
mjd m8
Meh forgot about that.
I’m pretty sure 2x eccm t3d with like 200 sensor strength are less than 20 billion.
If a t3d goes 2x eccm then a taranis is going to rape them solo lol, trade offs
The problem with ECM isn’t that it’s too powerful; it’s that it’s too weak. It’s not worth using in any meaningful fleet fight, both because the limited effectiveness and the inherent weakness of putting Mid-Slot ECM module onto a Caldari Shield Tanked ship.
Once the number of combatants on the opposing side exceeds the available jamming potential, ECM ships become pointless extremely quickly.
T3D’s fit 2 sensor boosters anyways, just change the scripts from resolution to eccm
i didn’t realize marauders, dreads, and FAX had gotten so expensive o.o
not to mention putting a few Remote SeBos in fleet can make you almost impossible to jam. and it isn’t hard to force that falcon out if none of his jams are landing
Oh you just reminded me that they had to patch out ECM working on dreads and triage because it was ■■■■■■■ OP people were using armour tengus to mess with dreads