EDENCOM loyalties

I will briefly note at this time Provost Marshal Karina Valkanir’s one-time assignment as SARO field agent during the “Warlord Uprising.” As to what specific even this refers to is beyond me. Is this in reference to the warclone purges undertaken by the Heth regime when we were forced to take up arms to defend ourselves? The Templar purges carried out within the Amarr Empire? The War of Planetary Conquest in Molden Heath? Or the brief period of mass conflict before the TacNet crash that ended the war in Molden Heath?

Depending on the answer the implications of the Marshall’s relation to the warclone community are very grim. It has long been rumored that SARO has helped collaborate with Empire governments to conduct purges of our kind, forcing many of us to band together in refuge or flee to the ends of the cluster to avoid persecution. While the Arkombine may be willing to bend over backwards to lick EDENCOM boots, the same boots that may have purged our kind and would gladly step on our throats, I am going to go on record and claim that neither me nor my soldiers in the Bosena Accords will recognize nor trust EDENCOM until the Marshall and SARO’s involvement with the warclone community is clarified.

There is no room for ambiguity when it could well could spell destruction for my people.

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Perhaps you should read through and think about the answers I gave to Lyra North-Onren on the topic.

I’ve met you, Newelle.

This new bitterness does not suit you.

Let us be honest here, it’s only a small group of radical Amarrians. If the collective Amarr Empire and all her military might wanted to take the Minmatar, they would not last a month.

I’ve never before heard House Sarum called that.



Learn a new word every day.

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I believe in using the appropriate tool for a given task.

The Republic invaded the Mandate. Kasiha Valkanir stood firm against them. Twice. She did not betray what she believed in when a choice was presented to her. She will not betray humanity if given the same choice by the Triglavians, as we amoral Empyreans have.

You may not like the choice she made when it was between the Empire and her “kin”, but it is proof she possesses the character to resist this enemy. Hold your tongue for once and admit that much, at least.


I did not knew you read Sundsele signs.

Jokes aside, I have not questioned the Marshal’s integrity or honor, which would be obvious if you bothered to read what I’ve written. I worry exactly because she has demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt who she will choose if she has to choose.

I am not naive or optimistic enough to believe this will be some kind of a triumph of all humanity unified together against an alien menace holovid. Sacrifices will have to be made, more likely than not.

Would you feel fine if the one in charge of making them was someone who had demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt she will always choose the tribes over the Empire?


I will take anyone with the required skills and a proven record of loyalty to their principles.

I am not picky when it comes to getting a job done, especially when the consequences of failure are so high.

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I’ll mark these words down for the day we’ll need them.

You already need them, you just have not accepted it yet.

So, seeing as the situation is so dire we need to yield to our traditional enemies to fight this new one, when are you evacuating from Floseswin again?

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CONCORD, and by extension, EDENCOM, are buttes.

But, they’re our buttes.

Not Triglavian buttes.


No triangle never tried to purge me.

Relative proximity doesn’t make CONCORD one of us, nor does it make the trigs any less human or more dangerous than the tyrants in SARO that have oppressed our people. The same can be said of most Matari relative to the Provost Marshall’s past affiliation with the Amarr Empire.


An example:

When CONCORD are giving you the shaft, they at least tell you that in phrases that don’t need a doctorate in xenolinguistics to understand.


The topics discussed in this thread have been of grave consequence to our organization. We are currently attempting to determine a path forward, and how to respond the information brought to light of the Provost Marshal’s prior service record. Currently, we hope that we can receive some form of clarification and transparency from CONCORD on Red Troop’s activities so that we can attempt to find a diplomatic solution that lets us continue the status quo with our relationship with CONCORD. Speaking honestly, however, I sincerely doubt SARO will provide us any of the answers we need. While I know it was not their intention, thank you to Rhiannon-haani for bringing all of this to light. I will leave to to each of you now to continue the original discussion of the Marshal’s ties to the Ammatar, with the knowledge that I can now empathise with your mistrust, clearly.

This has been a substantial blow to me, personally. I’ll leave it at that, and trust that it is enough to say that it is troubling to say the least that the leader of the largest military coalition in history is an accomplished warclone hunter that purged my people with impunity.


Just to be clear, bringing to bad light the Marshal’s work in SARO was not at all why I posted this.


Gods and spirits, woman, that’s cold. At this point I’ve already gotten all of my fury out in front of the rest of the warclone community though. I’ve never expected most capsuleers to give a damn about the plight of warclones even while we’re being wiped from the face of New Eden, it doesn’t shock or upset me anymore when people like you continue to only show utter contempt toward us.

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According to some reports, the police forces in Genesis in the CONCORD systems have already started to treat Minmatar and Gallente Militia members as criminals.

That did not take long.

Now we are trusting Edencom to build fortresses in our systems. One cannot help but wonder who will use those fortresses and for what, once this is over.

Crush the invaders. All of them.


That is worrying.

Data about the recent Triglavian invasions shows that the Amarr Empire has much more success in repelling these invaders than the other nations (this is statistically significant accounting for territory size and invasion frequency). As a consequence, concerns about Edencom bias under Kasiha Valkanir on the rise. Are the nation states receiving their fair share of Edencom resources?