Election PvP for Non-Bloc Voting Interests

You have a wh candidate on csm. @Arsia_Elkin

So who’s going to count the absentee ballots?
This election is an electronic vote, right? Plenty of room for abuse there.
Will there be debates between the candidates?
Is there a pre-vote?

Null bloc gameplay is about loyalty, a sense of belonging to a team, and deriving meaning from the organization one belongs to. Add the established communication and player mobilization means, plus ballot trading, plus the fact that only a small portion of all players actually vote; null ends up with an unsurmountable advantage when it comes to influencing voting behavior.

You can be a renowned wormholer or a lowsec pirate but you’ll never have a similar influence on wormholers or lowseccers (or any such group you’re trying to get votes from).

Every year someone attempts to mobilize the non-bloc players (i did it for 2 years) . That never works. Do an extraordinary campaign and you can get elected, but that’s a lot of effort thus such campaigns are rare.

CCP can address the overrepresentation by adding specialized seats. Some bloc CSMs will argue all such systems are gameable, but they lack imagination. The issue is, such systems require some allocated devtime that I feel CCP doesn’t deem worth.

Perhaps CCPs reluctance is with good reason. I’ve seen null CSMs doing a very good job representing different playstyles. But I’ve also seen utter wastes of a CSM seat occupying it for years. Bloc CSMs typically unite in conservatism when it comes to nerfs to their playstyle to benefit other playstyles, which is the actual issue with the overrepresentation of nullsec. Meanwhile, some teams at CCP are good at filtering out that conservatism. Even if they revamp the elections, drama would likely occur both at the CSM and the wider null community levels, meaning further CCP reluctance. So CCP can possibly think they are at a good spot when it comes to cost/benefit of the entire CSM venture.

You can get elected as a non-null CSM, beat all that conservatism, and still end up watching some of your preciously suggested features ending up in the game but in a very weird fashion, realizing only a small portion of their true potential. You can fight the null overrepresentation CSM, but you can’t fight CCPs inner workings.

If one word summerized the entire situation with CSM that would be “Kafkaesque”.


Dominion :smirk:

Features include: Fractional output, vote flipping.

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In other words

How about MESA - Make Eve Simple Again.

While the chart you posted looks like high sec can leverage a much larger portion of the playerbase than null , perhaps the actual picture is not so ‘rosy’

If you subtract from high sec and add to null sec

  1. Null seccers market , industry , logistics and gank alts

  2. High sec blocs with some affiliation with null sec alliances

  3. Random newbros who dont know/care what CSM is , obviously not to be added to null percentile either

Then your percentage leverage is drastically reduced I would think :thinking:


Just because an affiliation exists does not mean null’s voting interests will be followed. High sec arms of null blocs have at least in part there own interests. Not all of those players are alts or whatever as No.1 in your list. Many are players with their own concerns with no interest in moving to null. I don’t see how you can exclude them as “high sec’ players for the purposes of narrowing the lines on the graph.

Just because someone is unaware they are being “represented” doesn’t mean they arnt represented. And isn’t this kind of the point of the thread? That the general apathy and lack of awareness is addressed. Letting these players know they do have a voice and can support someone who will represent their gameplay on CSM.

It’s somewhat cynical to suggest players don’t exist or that they don’t count if they arnt actively engaged.

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I was simply refering to votes , not wether they are represented or matter , if they arent engaged , as you put it , they wont vote


Literally a copy-paste of her campaign thread a year ago

Hello, friends!

I’ve decided to run for CSM16 this year!
My platform will be mainly focused on the following topics:

Low security Space / Faction Warfare
Ship/Module Balance
Story/Lore Visibility and Use as Content Generator
New Player Experience

She’s a good candidate but it’s disingenous to suggest she’s there to represent wormholes.

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