Element of mystery and sense of discovery

And cheap ones at that. Shinyer ships i will be more careful what i do with them - hence why you don’t see many of those on my kb.
Hyperion has a good engagement profile for all sorts of roaming gangs and i can hurry towards content without worrying too much about getting myself into a bad situation. It’s also a decent target for everyone who isn’t a coward and completely incompetnet but for everyone who thinks they can give me ■■■■ for my playstyle or membership in goons im more than happy to dop my Hel into their face and join 100 F1 monkey fleets if thats what it takes to evict them.

Is this another whine form a nullsec player that wants null to be his personal safe space for afk isk printing?

gl with not killing the game already with that dullsec attitude.


Not actually risking anything then.

What a kulak.

She will perish and we will prevail. It’s as simply as that.

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Do you actually want to tell us that you farm non-stop, basically print ISK but then still pay for omega with your RL money? I hardly doubt that. You are not the one paying CCPs bills.

And even if you did, the overall health of the game is more important. Excessive farming has to go. And I hope this time they will go trough with it even if all the nullbear crybabies quit.

You all sound like you ate too many of the anti anxiety drougs Hellmar was talking about in the Blackout interview on talking in stations.
Wooo grinding - i don’t grind a lot of PVE but i recorgnise the necessity of doing PVE bescause this is literally how any items come into the game. In fact the MER shows quite clearly that the average goon doesn’t make crazy amounts compared to any other player. We’re just densely packed
We are prime destination for roaming gangs so it’s a lot of work to keep the workers safe.
How dou you all PVE? Paying for PLEX? Behind critted Wormholes in actual 100% safety, other than even the worst of goon miners? You wish your ore into existence?
Never risk to undock a defenceless PVE ship but talking down on others for doing it? You’re delusional fools if you think the mere fact of PVE makes someone a carebear and you fail to describe in what way carebears should be lesser players than yourselves in the first place.

And what are you even celebrating?
If CCP spreads minerals too thin we take the space to get them.
If CCP make the farming itself unbearable multiboxer farms will be the last ones to go bankrupt.
We have the stock piles and we would benefit from the shortages.
Nullsec has already shown that it can work together if need be - do you want to see an actual blue donut? Because we’re right on course to get there.

What i really fear for the future of EVE is that the wannabe eliete will run out of funds to keep delivering content to my doorstep and that CCP make PVE annoying to the point where really only boters will be left making business.

I saved this meme because its actually one of the best memes ever made and no one who is aware of the typos will ever understand it.

Instead the nature of the meme means they will pretend they sort of get it and it’s just confusing old tyme speech

Im too busy doing fun things to farm non stop you clown.
Payed sub on 3 accounts but in fact with CCP constantly smearing poop over themselves i have now set up some passive income and trade deals and will start PLEXing my accounts in the comming year. PLEX prices also went down by about a third over the last year so thats really easy enough now and won’t cost me any additional farming time really.

So mineral access doesnt actually effect you, you want just want to complain no one is going near your bait Hyper? K.

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Yes … (null sec player btw)

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When it comes to that we will be the ones who decide who has or hasn’t acess.
Anything from blue donut tradeagreements to highsec orca locust fleets is possible on paper depending on how far CCP pushes…

Cool. Cant wait. Why not now, tho?

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Who is the we you keep taling about? You are a nobody, speaking for nobody.

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Same as lifting a bubble hellcamp or invasion for a bribe instead of literally making people quit the game?
Nature preserve?
Other than certain people here who keep reiterating that some playrs are “worthless to the game” we think more sand in the sandbox is a good thing no matter your chosen playstyle.

Well its good to know you are best qualified to know that. Who are you again?

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I am Olmeca Gold

But then again this dude loves Delve so much that he has to be in all of it at once so he’s probably a carebear too, right?

I have no idea. Politics is for suckers.

Merry Christmas, Ramona! I’ve contracted you a PLEX! :slight_smile:


Aw thank you! Thats very kind!

I think Santana might have a gift for you too soon!


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Can you contract me 1.7b? I dont want the plex I want my isk back lol