Hello everyone!
I was thinking very long and hard about putting my hat in the ring and came to the conclusion that even though I feel unworthy, you can only grow if you take a leap every now and then.
My campaign platform would be all interests concerning highsec, module and ship balance and PVE in highsec.
If I get elected, I would put the focus to more important things than nullsec farmville and try to get some refreshments to highsec like some love for LP stores, LP store items, maybe some more missions like Dread Pirate Scarlet and of course the long overdue module balance, which came to a complete hold and hasn’t been spoken about since then.
I would ask my constituents to please only ask questions about highsec, module and ship balance and highsec pve related things.
Other than logging of for a week, I cannot get into anything war related because I don’t know much about it and think that war is something redundant in a pvp game where you can shoot a ship regardless of declaring war or not anyways.
Except for incursions, ask me all things related to our current mission system, anomalies and escalation all around highsec.
You can write me in game on either the live server of the test server, which I also frequent a lot.
I don’t have twitter or snapchatter.