Contemporary gamers seem to be all about the “low-risk” activities these days. I guess all of that SJWing finally paid off?
As a long time ED player…
The Bubble, is where everyone else is mainly and less than 1% of the systems if I remember right.
The Black, is all those other systems… with absolutely nothing to do in except scan, or maybe extract resources, in a dull as paint dry play loop.
Yeah, you can go out into the Black, and make a lot, a lot of money exploring and such. But it is sort of the gaming equivalent of empty calories in dieting after a while, it is there, can be consumed, but does little to nothing of much value entertainment wise.
I loved my time in ED as an explorer, for the visuals and such. But it is really a quality versus quantity thing. Does New Eden need more space? Not sure. Does it need new economic and adventure opportunities for both power blocks and freelancers, yes, very much so. But it won’t happen by just increasing the map by X factor.
7800 systems is more than enough. The whole idea of Eve is to bump into people. With 400 billion star systems you could go an entire lifetime and never meet anyone at all !
In fact, if you lived for 80 years and visited a new system every second of that life…you’d only have visited 2.5 billion of those 400 billion systems. So in an entire lifetime of playing non stop you’d have only a 1 in 160 chance of ever meeting anyone else if there was just one other person…which means that with 30,000 people you’d meet someone else roughly once every 5 months.
I agree with you because in E:D the last time I went exploring I used a fleet carrier to jump and pull ahead of me since you can turn in scan data on those things which eliminated the risks explorers faced when the game first came out which was the further out you flew from civilization the more dangerous it became when you’re out of heatsinks and have sustained damage to the vessel. I remember the first time I went exploring I spent about three months being first to discover things and never met another explorer once. I ended up ending that expedition when a friend started playing and it took me nearly a week of just coming home from work and jumping straight through system to system without stopping to scan properly. Just honking the dcsan horn. FC eliminates all risks of losing scan data due to destruction like warping into a system with 4 stars tightly packed that overheats one to death. Even with the FC accessible to any explorers not one person stopped by for the month I was out exploring with the FC last year. Had to fly further than I did initially to start seeing undiscovered systems consistently and despite all the years the game has been around there were plenty of celestial bodies and systems fully undiscovered. People even complain about being “out in the black” and how lonely and boring it is. There was even one guy who spent a year out “in the black” and made a post about how he lost all that scan data due to the minor dangers that are available but having a FC eliminates that risk now. Was easily going to take him months to fly back with just jumping from system to system. I appreciate it though because it’s supposed to be a simulation and so in that department they did a good job.
As my wife once said, it’s not the size that …
shrugs nevermind …
I am not a contemporary gamer at all. I grew up with the Super Nintendo and the Sony PlayStation. Even games with “low risk” existed back then. It’s called a save. Something even cartridges had.
It seems you people conflate risk with difficulty. You can’t help it, you’re a bit biased. Older games were better because they were not only difficult, but game companies back then were at least slightly interested in making a video game instead of a casino-like cash grab designed to be addicting rather than fun. Older games didn’t need to rely on risk too much since they were just hard enough to not be beaten in one sitting. The reason why games like World of Warcraft is crap is because it is faceplant piss easy to the point of boredom. Not having full loot drop has nothing to do with it’s crappiness. With that said, I’ll admit some games do require at least some risk of loosing progress to be difficult, just not all of them. Otherwise Oddworld: Abe’s Exoddus would be a total steamroll with its quick saves and it’s infinite lives, but it is not.
The reason why exploration paying peanuts is “fine” is because the easiest and most faceroll part of the game gives the least points. Otherwise it would be extremely OP and make an already shitty game even more shitty. It’s why mining sucks in elite dangerous. It’s really easy, but almost no risk of dieing. So people complained about it being unfair because they felt like they were forced to mine because their activity (Pirating or greifing for example) that had more difficulty, and fun, payed only one tenth of the points of something that you could do in your sleep. Hell, some “perfectly legitimate gameplay” you could LITERALLY do in your sleep.
Elite dangerous is what would happen to EVE Online if the developers forget to make EVE Online require more than one brain cell.
However, just making PVE more risky will not make it less of a boring faceroll. It will just make it a boring face roll that is easier to die whilst doing it.
Shattered wormholes can’t have structures still right?
I don’t think comparing any two games is fair.
However, I would agree with the basic statement that EVE seems very small relative to space and exploration in general. It’s very very hard to find systems that feel void of other players. Looking at Dotlan, I have yet to find any system in any region that doesn’t show 50 plus jumps within a 24 hour period.
That makes EVE very small indeed. To feel big, there should be swaths of space with no one for days.
I dunno about MMOs, but FPS and RPG games these days are if anything harder. Black Mesa is much harder than the original Half Life from 1998 that it is an updated version of…to give but one example.
Things become much more evident when you don’t cherry-pick, and look at the industry as a whole.
How many games from 1998 can you name that when you got shot, your health regenerated if you sat behind a wall for three seconds? I can’t remember any. I remember having three hearts, and when those were gone, I had to start from the beginning again, and not the most recent checkpoint (which happens like every 30 seconds).
I’ve played Quake 2 again recently. A piece of cake. Not only can you save whenever you like, but there are health shards all over the place. Doom 3, which I have also played, is far easier than the more recent Doom…which I actually gave up on. Likewise I think Fallout : Vegas is harder than earlier Fallouts.
Save points are a pain in the proverbial…and were especially so in Far Cry…a game I otherwise love. Outwitting the ( quite intelligent for the time ) enemy AI is great fun.
Black Mesa is much harder than the original Half Life even though most of the story is identical…due to the AI being much smarter. The original Half Life AI was about as dumb as it gets.
Morrowind has a horrendous menu that lore aficionados always rattle on about and how Oblivion was ‘dumbed down’…but I’d argue that Oblivion was harder, and Skyrim harder still.
In most cases I’d say games are actually harder now.
Doom was never hard. I beat the original two using the keyboard only with fast monsters flagged on ultra-violence. I never approved of the nightmare mode because in real life when you shoot something it doesn’t come back a minute later. Icons of Sin are the only exception that seemed okay with me in regards to monsters being added to the stage perpetually. They’re easy still imo. Very few games are difficult. The only hard part is the ignorance we have going into them.
But Eve isn’t really an exploration game, its a PvP game. It makes sense that to drive PvP there has to be stuff worth fighting over. One way to do that is to design the game so that stuff (or systems) is just not quite enough for everyone.
If it was easy to find systems that were void of other players, then nobody would need to fight for systems.
This would remove so much of the wars and player interaction from the game.
Not good for an MMO in my opinion.
The original Doom in the 1990s wasn’t hard. Doom 3 in 2004 was scary…but not particularly difficult. But then a few years back they brought out a new version just called Doom, and even on easy level it is hard. For example in the very first mission you’ve got loads of critters spawning and a weapon with limited ammo hold…with ammo supplies scattered about, and you are being attacked by the critters while trying to just get ammo. There is nowhere to hide…and every time you kill a critter another one spawns. The next mission is harder…in fact you don’t get a breather at all. There’s little point in the game having amazing scenery, as you don’t get a split second to enjoy it.
Are you talking about the nu-Doom where if you chainsaw enemies ammo drops off of them? Because that one wasn’t hard either. Every fight was an arena fight against npcs and the meele finishers, iirc, even made you invulnerable during its animation which was exploitable for survival purposes.
Skyrim is the easiest game in the entire elder scrolls franchise.
How bout this CCP fix some of the issues before making more issues.
- Bring back walking in stations.
- Some ships should have bubble immunity that’s what you train for. INTERCEPTORS
- Don’t even think about changing forced recon to not show up on D-scan
- Fix that stupid warp noise in the station, the warp noise is gawd awful. and glitches out the music
- Don’t pretend like CSM has any say about anything.
- Get an auto body artist to do some of the skins, someone really screwed up the (drake warp skin)
- Was the bounty isk ever returned to players, I would like my 100s of millions back please, and thank you. Maybe fix that, someone is getting paid to write code.
- Nice addition to jita 4.4 but I have never seen ships in freeze frame before, it’s not higher settings it’s the stupid loop. One big video playing inside station on buffer yay.
- Oh did I mention someone is making poopoo skins, get someone who is an artist. have a competition.
- Can I fly inside someones ship with them? No. Why not? I have found this many of times mainly with the opposite sex. Figure it out.
- Will a new player ever be able to fly a titan without character bizarre. hahahaha
- EVE used to be about doing what you wanted, another hahahaha
- STOP giving away so much worthless crap, and give away less items period. Giving away more to free players does not help the game at all. Especially all the damn skill points that are given away. When someone trains a skill it should mean something.
- Fire the economist they will kill this game for their job security.
- More crossover, Star Wars, Dune, Star Trek. so many people don’t even know what this game is. Ask anyone that’s not from Iceland.
- Move pochven to Jove regions so you can have a real triangle. or is those systems up there for private playtime.
- Make a doughnut shop where people can blow up unarmed concord, for scraps.
- Re-stock the effn merch. and lower some of the prices, get that stuff out so people know there is a game called EVE. Youtube advertising SUCKS.
- Promotional items rewards, for some in-game completions (skills trained) etc, participant pays shipping.
- Make the gridlocked sov’s pay, no more free ride, with null risk, and major rewards.
- No more smart bombs next to undock people quit over dumb crap like that. Because looking at a leopard in station is just soo much Fuc… fun. Oh the number one rule, ok, Highsec should at least give you a chance to undock if you are not criminal, or wardecced, That douche bag will kill a brand new player no big deal ruin EVE.
- Survey of brand new players, (because there out there, I personally know one) for small bonus from activity in the game that will teach them something, yea it could be abused so make it for a short time, no accounts, or emails attached to the new account.
- Stop burning the free help, with updates that kill ESI, and other websites. Stomp Stomp
- Did I mention stop giving away so much free ■■■■, oh yes I did. Put that into the in-game activities. You are shortening the time to train, diluting the skill system. Poo Poo
P.S Don’t expect me to reply, because I don’t read replies, be glad I took the time to do a drive-by.
Thrad has been closed after being raised from the dead, especially as recent posts are off-topic from the original thread itself.
ISD Bahamut