Elite PvP vs Ganking

Which would make sense as Mr_Epeen is the bank alt

That was part of the tutorial. If you knew anything about this game at all, you’d know that. It’s this game’s introduction.

Please stop embarrasing yourself. You dont know the first thing about playing this game. You may be the worst player here.

Your killboard is terrible. You have a couple notable group kills (two) and the rest are MTUs, shuttles, and corvettes. All things that can’t fight back because that would be too tough for you.

You just have an alt launch free ships for you to destroy. That is all you do. Just free ship destruction

You have a participation trophy and nothing more. You are weak.

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Triggered much?

I seriously doubt you could even find an MTU if it was lodged in your hull, let alone one out in the wild.

I don’t think I ever popped a shuttle…

As for the corvettes, you may want to take a little closer look. They were corp mates that needed a little help with clearing up pesky kill rights. If you knew anything about the game, you would know thats a cheap and easy way to clear them up.

I’ll meet you in Hevrice. Bring a rifter, if you dare…

I’m going for the bottom right behind your main.

How’d you die in the tutorial??

Interesting question. You actually stumped me this time. Is Eve fair? Are any games fair? Do we really want a game that’s fair ? Is life fair? What do you even mean by fair? Wayfare? Welfare? Square is fair? Maybe even cab fare. Who knows at this point.

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Would be a lot easier to just comment about size of the active fleet actually really matters!

/ie; how deep does the fleet go?

//like how hard do they penetrate into enemy Territory before depleting their payload of ammo or losing their cargo?


Honestly this is why I hate the Thorax.

Oh I thought you would love it , it looks like a you know what

Wait… you think MTUs are elite? They are littering my holds right now. Those things are super cheap. They’re loot trash. You see them left behind everywhere. How dumb are you?

“You couldnt find one lodged in your hold…” Why did you choose the MTU to get triggered by? Do you think it’s an elite device or did one hurt you one day?


Maybe one day he was traveling peacefully from one place to another, minding his own business, but then in the middle of warping he crashed into a left behind MTU and had his ship explode as a result.

Careless people leaving them behind create a hazard for warp lanes, thus any responsible capsuleer will take it upon themselves to ensure the safety of space travel by removing these threats to warp as a form of public service to everyone.

Not sure how elite it is but it’s a kind gesture for sure.


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You don’t get to call anyone dumb till you have a First-Class Honours from a top university.

Until then you scrub decks clown boy


:thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush:

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I never said that. I don’t think they are elite. Why are you putting words in my mouth?

I think it’s a basic skill (hunting down player ships, which includes MTU’s) and one that sadly, a lot of players don’t know how to do.

Back to the verbal abuse I see.

And you wonder why your posts are getting removed.

Waiting for you in Hevrice. Bring a rifter.

Now what makes me think he won’t turn up?

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He won’t.


“I don’t waste my time with trash players like you!”

It’a true.

It happened during the tutorial.

It’s not, but I have found a few, that gobbled up their bling ship owners after they biffed it in a Burner, with over 1 bil isk worth of loot inside.

Those are always a nice surprise!

Why? So I can come away from it with $100,000 in student loans? No thanks. Still not as much as I paid for my two houses, but enough to know that all that’s good for is paying for a piece of paper that’s not guaranteed to land me a job that’ll make that easy to pay off. See? I am smart! I have never had a student loan because my 3 Associates were free thanks to my time in the military. I have a very comfortable pay just from that. Why would I trash my outstanding credit with another series of loans? In my field, that wouldn’t get me any farther than I’ve already gotten on my own.

That’s like taking a Marauder into null sec from Jita. There’s no payoff for doing so even if you do make it all the way in. You’re just going to have wasted all of that money for nothing.

Or to put it in your terms: “I’m an elite PvPer and I’m oooohhhh soooo scary!!!” when you haven’t blapped a ship on that toon in the last 3.5 years. You have a piece of paper. Good job. I have 3 of them myself.


There is a lot of truth to that.

Sadly, when everyone has an advanced degree, then nobody does.

In many cases a better ROI is a trade skill like welding. I know a couple of people who make 6 figure salaries, work independently, contract out to oil and gas welding for them. One of them does some pretty interesting welding for a mining company. It’s hard work, but they don’t have the looming student loans hanging over their heads.

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Absolutely- today, trade skills pay a lot more than advanced degrees.