Elite PvP vs Ganking

Don’t waste my time with tou BS. Learn how to write before you come on forum, Diddy

No. You’re stupid. Shut up. Better yet 1v1 me bro.

You’re actually braindead.

Yeah sure. Good one dipstick :rofl: stay dumb

Why are people so dumb on this forum? LMFAO :rofl: my god. I can’t say anything without being attacked on this forum by some braindead idiot.

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If you ladies and gentlemen agree to a duel, I will volunteer to act as a judge and referee, writing a notice on this thread to offically declare the winner.

With dramatic regards
-James Fuchs

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Half the characters posting here are owned by the same guy. And he’s dumb AF.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Yep. I think it’s Uriel_the_Flame or James_Fuchs.

A bit harsh on yourself don’t you think?

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Contrary to popular belief, and despite my incredible power and undisputed influence on this forum, I do infact only post from this character, and always have.

But you can be forgiven for seeing my shadow everywhere you look, fearing the fiercest enemies and closest allies to be just one more persona of mine. Perhaps I am bluffing, and I am infact the entire forum, placing posts, keeping up the masquerade to get you hooked on CCP’s interactive universe and earning myself a paycheck for every subscriber that keeps the lights on for this company. You may never know!

With mysterious regards
-James Fuchs

I may be mistaken. It’s @Mr_Epeen who owns half the alts in this forum.
You only own 20 of them.

And that’s why I like being a ganker, I do not have to care in the slightest what you believe or what you assume about me. I will just do my thing, regardless. As a famous and scandalous chess player once remarked: “the chess speaks for itself”.

With elite regards
-James Fuchs

The real question is what does the “P” in PvP stand for?

Learn to google

  1. I totally pwned that noob Ares yesterday in PvP.

I don’t believe in google

Poser vs Player

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it’s definitely pennis versus pennis

So your suggesting that eve online is unfair right from the get go

Which, if we’re looking at zkill, is a far cry more than what you accomplished.

Let’s see
You lost an Incursus, and a Malus, both on the same day, back on Aug 08th 2024.

And wowee! You lost them to low level NPC’s at that…

That takes super special skills there dude.

I won’t even address the fits! They are something super special tho.

Nicely done!

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Uh, no. Mr. Epeen is my alt.

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