Elite PvP vs Ganking

Nope, Aiko already won EVE.

It’s whatever I say it is. Given that anyone likely to disagree on the forums never undocks but just spouts forth on elitism from the safety of a station ( oh…hi Mr Epeen ) there is zero danger of anyone ever proving me wrong. Plus even if they did…all my losses are by definition elite losses that only I could have achieved.

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What determines whether it is an elite loss or not depends on the value of loot you dropped.

I thought it was only Aiko’s head I lived in rent free.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

Noo…you have to drop as little as possible to frustrate the Elite PvP-ers. Elite Losers know how to lose a ship properly. It takes years of skill. Anyone can lose a 3bn Marauder…only the Elite can lose 3m worth of Condor and thus deprive people of a 3bn kill.

Now don’t be a mean , every loss goes to feed the cats

Why so gankers who little more than blow up MTUs and Velators just to keep up their numbers can carry the title “Elite”? Or perhaps those who haven’t had kills in the last 4 years- or at all…

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I’m an Elite Jita-4 Dock Lounger. Nobody drinks Piniacoladas better than I can :slightly_smiling_face:

Face it , gankers are Elite.

They are top of the food chain, whereas you sweetie, are at the bottom.

Now when you are ready, I need the decks of my catalysts scrubbed.

Zaera Keena’s last “kill” was 3 and a half years ago. Well done taking down a Praxis in a group. A month before that, you have another group kill of a T1 cruiser. During that time, you lost two T3 cruisers and a battle cruiser.

And nothing since. Since you took the liberty of commenting on my kllboard, I decided to look at yours.

Your alt Learza Thiesant has done… one retriever solo annnnd one Orca in a group. That’s… all? After that, nothing but escape pods, Velatos, and MTUs. Nothing scary about that.

Really? One Orca as a group and one Retriever solo? So you’re just always the bumper and nothing more unless there’s nothing more scary than an escape pod or MTU? Or Velator- just to keep up your numbers?


Watch out, Zaera is the best and scariest ganker that ever lived… an elite, best of the best, edge of the knife, tip of the spear, crack of my a…

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Who is Learza’s main?

Not too bright , are you sweetie?

Yeah, Denial is fun isn’t it?

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See, I never knew that all you had to do in order to be a part of Safety was just use an alt to kill a bunch of Velators to keep up your numbers. Free ships that cost nothing. Just have your alt hop into one after another.

Very Elite!

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And the miners who buy permits are the birds scared by a scarecrow in a field.
Illusions can be just as scary as reality.

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A lot of Null sec gankers are actually not better in anyway than a high-sec ganker. They think they are, but they’re not. They’re basically just as bad at the game and use just as lame tactics. Conversely, there are actually some decent PvPers in high sec that you don’t necessarily want to mess with. When I first started PvPing, I started by dueling other frigates in trade hubs - that’s literally how I learned. I used to sit on Rens undock every day in my Punisher trying to get fights, because I wasn’t experienced enough to solo PvP in low or null and I would always get wrecked. I used to go suspect on the undock in my Punisher and try and get people to aggress me. Those were awesome times learning how to PvP.

The Punisher is considered by many to be one of the best Amarr frigates in existence. As evidenced by its heavy armaments, the Punisher is mainly intended for large-scale military operations, acting in coordination with larger military vessels. With its damage output, however, it is also perfectly capable of punching its way right through unwary opponents.

The Velator class corvette is one of the older vessel types in the Gallente fleet. It was first deployed on the market as a fast passenger craft but the extra passenger quarters were later modified into weapon hardpoints as the newer models came to be used for small-scale security and military duties. The Velator is still a very solid mining and trading vessel.

There’s a big difference. You fought to win. The Velators on Leara’s kill list were fitted with civilian equipment. All fit exactly as the free ships you get in any spacedock. Big difference.

I see you’re a Corvette killer as well. Well done- Standard free zero cost fits and all piloted by just two - maybe 3 - different players.

Again: just fluffing the numbers eh? Corvette killers aren’t scary.

There are NO “Nullsec gankers” chump. Ganking happens only in Hisec.

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Lol. You’re actually so dumb. Please look up the definition of ganking. Not only that, but even if you were right, you still know what I meant. Jesus some of you people are really just dumb wanna be know it alls :rofl: get a life you moron