Empire mining, hard for the little guy to compete

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Why do we need to penalise them? Why do we need to worry about your game? Something like 80% of the player base is in highsec. Why not just remove nullsec? 20% leave, 80% keep paying their subs/plex.

Again you have no claim to being a priority.

Again it feels like the only issue here is your distaste for how they play the game. They aren’t having any negative impact on you or anything else.

Ditching these players doesn’t make the game more fun for anyone. You have absolutely no basis to make this claim.

Again, it just feels like you want to punish players that aren’t conforming to your vision of Eve. You’ve yet to qualify the actual problem. Reward in high sec isn’t the problem. It’s not harming anything. You haven’t demonstrated either cause or effect. You’re talking about a problem you can’t describe or define. That is to say there’s no actual problem with highsec. I think it’s doublespeak intended to justify something you want by dressing it in the language of being for the greater good.

You just want these players in null, and you seek to do it by cutting of their existing enjoyment. You can’t claim that this is better for the game. Without qualifying the problem you can’t even specify a criterion for success. You can’t even credibly claim it’s better for you, other than you feel it would be more fun to have greater access to carebear targets.

You’re just removing or displacing some players because you feel your view of the game is more correct.

Qualify the problem you’re solving. “They have more ISK than I want them to” isn’t a problem. “I feel they’re doing Eve wrong” isn’t a problem.

Demonstrate harm. You haven’t so far. If you feel their gameplay is so rewarding, it’s open to you, too. All I really hear so far are proxy arguments for wanting more easy targets.


Ganking miners is PvE. Concord is a rage timer. You’re basically playing spaceship WoW.


Well the jist of the mining lobby is multibox fleets are fine, except when they arent. Grr null.

What a surprise.

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I think what happens in high sec by the implied “high sec player” is being painted with an awfully wide brush here. None of us here even know what the majority of “high sec player”’s on average even do. We don’t have access to that data.

All I can say is, I’ve been in an NPC Corp for years, and I’ve observed maybe 20 out of 600 members at a time speak up regularly. And those 20 players are a pretty adventurous sort, getting ships exploded and what not. If any of the other 580 speak up, they are almost always an alt of a null sec player taking a break, trying to recover some sense of their own agency, or an alt of faction war players from low sec.

So to assume that “high sec player”’s somehow all fit into the same weird mold, I would say is a fallacy without some hard data to back that up.

To borrow the phrase from technicians around the world, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”

How to kill EVE in 4 Simple Steps!

#4 will shock you!

ill tell you guys one secret ,i love to mine ice :ice_cube:
how embarrassing


I love being accused of being some kind of miner apologist. Anyone can see my defence of suicide ganking in my post history. Or my counters to posts about how high sec should be safer.

Pissing on another player’s opportunities to expand your own is just never for the greater good.

You want positive changes to Eve and to make the game better then post some suggestions that actually make the game better, not just half-baked rhetoric about how other players are doing Eve wrong. That’s really boring.


Calm down miner.


11.7 blocks a minute , how you doing =)

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there is a long time
but , skiff , yeti implant , amarr ice , luv it

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Quiet out here, want to come play?

Do you also pay the toll to an Agent?

If you want to compete with the guys who have lots of alts on the belt, you should try to see how many how many Catalyst, Thrasher, and Talos pilots can be fielded by you and your friends.

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naaa i tell hin to f of and show this permit


Perfect for those times when they call out in local asking for an inspection.

Like Code. who are they to try and stop us anyhow? We out number them and will always out number them.

Both Solo Miners and Solo multibox Miners are doing their thing to keep those wolves on their toes.

We wouldn’t be penalizing them; we would be changing the game for everyone. Some players wouldn’t like the changes, and would leave. This happens every major update. In this case, the scope would be greater.

We shouldn’t. We should be worrying about making the game better as a whole.

Because if you remove null-sec, the rate at which things get destroyed will decrease disproportionately with the rate at which things get created, leading to market inflation. That means there will be less demand for the goods produced by high-sec players, which in turn would cause them to leave the game as well.

This would not be true the other way around; if some carebears left, demand would increase, and the player base could actually rebound, since more players would enter the game from word-of-mouth of improved financial opportunities.

Actually, they do have a negative impact on me. Their complaints do cause CCP to make changes to EVE that affects me detrimentally. Why shouldn’t I respond in kind?

That is not to say that the changes I wish for the game are aimed to act as revenge. I do believe that the game could actually be improved with wide-sweeping changes.

That’s not what I said. Those players leaving is an effect of the changes, and not their intent.

I already stated that I’m mostly a high-sec player. The grand majority of my kills is in high-sec. In fact, if players started leaving high-sec, things might become much more difficult for me. I have no vested interest in null, or pushing more players into null.

The problem is that the ratio of risk to reward with regard to PvE activities is out of whack between the various tiers of space in the game. For example, incursions pay out as much, if not more than, middle-tier wormhole sites, and yet wormhole space is considerably more dangerous. Low-sec missions might pay out more than high-sec missions, but the occasional losses of ships and the extra time spent on planning and scouting, and the efficiency loss from using fits that are geared toward survival, offset that income.

There’s no linear (or at least logical) progression of rewards, despite the existence of a quantifiably linear progression of danger with regard to space. We arrived at that point because in the past, when CCP was faced with the dilemma of being unable to get people to go outside of high-sec, their solution was “well since they don’t want to go where the opportunity is, we’ll bring the opportunity to them”.

In my eyes, this has never been about the players. I don’t give two hoots about what other people do, as long as I’m similarly respected and allowed to do what I want to do as well. However, I do feel that this game wasn’t steered in the proper direction from a very early point in time, and that if different decisions were made, it would be more fun than it is today.

You’re very intent on making this about me, but I keep telling you that it isn’t. If you’re going to keep saying that the only reason I want these changes is so that I can have easier targets (which is fundamentally incorrect, because the easiest targets for me are those who always live in high-sec, and never leave their comfort zones, and never learn how to defend themselves properly), then we’re at an impasse, and I can take this no further.


Just make Mining Lasers do targetted module damage.

Literally everyone wins.

… which is exactly the case now. Most of stuff is created in null, not in hisec. And the destruction levels in null and hs are quite similar.

But you can solo wormhole sites … and need whole fleet for incursions. By the way high end L4 running gives similar payouts to carrier ratting… yet somehow many people are unable to make more than 50M/h…

There is no problem, since players are humans (at least most of the time). And since humans play individually you just cannot “force” some one to play the way YOU want. They are, as well as you, paying customers and should be treated like that. Blackout had shown that forcing players to play in a unwanted way is NOT the solution. Just respect other players as you want to be respected. Be it by kind teaching of other areas of gameplay available in EVE or just by F1 as any of those Code Monkeys.