I have only heard of OG until this thread
Glad he’s not my MP anymore
I have only heard of OG until this thread
Glad he’s not my MP anymore
That was allready in place. Attacker has the farmer ship to attack, and farmer had own ship to protect. Only diff is that now farmer has his isk+his ship to protect , and attacker has farmer ship +farmer isk to attack. double content to attacker and double nerf to farmer. Very “balanced”
Wrong , wrong , and wrong. They are promoting less conflicts as many guys will just leave null or Change activity. Also they won’t even less isk as y said, as said player will earn lot more in fw, exploring, or escalations. And wrong again, as casual players will take the major blow and bots will just keep doing their thing. As a reminder, guess what happens if a RMT Botter has his bounty reduced? Yeah that’s it he increase the number of his bots to compensate.
I suspect this will happen less and less - the attackers will just fly straight to the ESS hub.
I wonder one thing: imagine that you´ve crabbed a 10/10 and got 50 mil bounty.
You are not gonna stay there for 3 hours and protect them.
Now you have to stop krabbing 3 hours before loging out (lol).
People will have to group up, which solo/small scale nerds will absolutely hate.
CCR is so worried about small groups and alliances that it rolls out updates after updates that make life difficult for them.
To receive money from the ECC, you need to pay for an account, alpha account-meat for pvp.
I would not even agree with one update - cutting the inhabitants of zeros in the bounty. And the second is some kind of piggy banks. Why don’t you enter an ore bank for miners and steal them every 3 hours? Why is this not in the empire? Does the concord guard there?
All you want is to have a new account with omega and buy everything for real money.
All your actions do not go to fight bots, because this does not lead to a decrease in overlaid accounts.
On the contrary, your actions lead to an increase in accounts and the purchase of game currency, legal or not.
The new “update”, or rather the nerf destroys capital as a class, there will be only one subcapital ships. Which does not take a long time to learn, many accounts and nothing more. They completely occupy their time before the ban.
Again, starting November 27, I will only have one omega account. And only for the Delva war.
After the war you’ll see me ■■■■■■■.
The MER’s sinks and faucets graph disagrees with you there.
But honestly, it’s probably better that way since CCP can spread out more players across more diverse set of activities.
You keep demonstrating that you don’t understand what any of this means, probably because you didn’t experience what already happened (over and over and over again since 2010).
Sure, some people might go do something else. That means less content in null, but that’s not all it means. It means that the people that don’t quit out right will then be “invading” other content that they don’t particularly want to do.
Meanwhile the people who actually LIKE that content find their own incomes negatively affected. LP gets flooded into the system which lowers the value of everyone’s LP. The wait time to join an incursion fleet goes up which favors the “basement dwelling job-less neckbeard” type but screw of the casual player who just wants to log in and have some fun and make a little isk in the hour he/she has before they have to go to bed.
And some of those people who might have just been using that alt in a myrm or vexor to rat in null will just turn it into a high sec ganking alt and make isk that way, or get the right standings and just go from one side of FW to another, screwing up the whole FW dynamic.
This isn’t speculation. THIS HAS HAPPENED BEFORE. Go find an incursion runner from 2011 and ask them if they noticed how much harder it was to get into a fleet that year with all those null sec nerds in the way.
The reason history keeps repeating is because no one pays any attention to anything that happens. I look forward to the weeks and months after all this goes live when this forum and reddit fills up with crys of "WE COULD’NT HAVE SEEN THIS COMING.
I’m going to enjoy linking this thread and pointing at your comments.
how the MER can disagree with me if that stuff isnt up yet? we will see after its online
Conflict generation is only not about getting max number of ships out in space. If it was, CCP could reward supers 10b ISK per hour to super ratters, we would have so many supers to attack, and you would probably be happy. But economy would have been wrecked. Conflict generation is always a trade off between keeping faucets in check and giving rewards to generate conflict. It’s about translating the rewards the best way to conflict. ESS could reduce the amount of nullsec farm. It increases the amount of farm translated to conflict.
Prealigned ships with intel tools and such wasn’t enough ante for the defender.
These aren’t significant ISK faucets. Values of LP, escalation rewards, exploration rewards self-balance with supply/demand. ISK and ore are the two faucets that need to be kept under CCP’s check, because everything else is directly dependent on the values of ISK and ore.
You also said the farmer can farm elsewhere. You are self-contradicting.
Players can defend their ESS. Bots can’t.
Botters don’t have the capability to keep adding infinite amount of bots. All botters already have max number of accounts given their living and computational situation. Do you think if a botter could run more bots, he already wouldn’t run it?
Because from cyno changes to boson changes CCP already introduced a bunch of measures to selectively reduce ISK faucets and it worked.
You did not answer his question, what are the reasons for owning space in null…
All of your aforementioned points, are not reasons to own space in null. In fact all of those points could be said to be true about literally anywhere in the game, and can be done without owning any space whatsoever…
there is no point to owning space… its just a cost and seemingly is providing little benefit. Time to go nomad
Players can defend their ESS. Bots can’t.
Not true, when it comes to gaming, Anything a human can do, Bots can do better. Unless it requires critical thinking and honestly, every engagement that happens in eve is just Maths, things that Bots excel at.
Even PvP is just a set of actions and calculations that you do in your mind that a bot can replicate. Bots generally avoid PvP because they gain nothing out of it, now they will, so they may.
People and CCP need to stop thinking they can outsmart the botters with mechanics (because ultimately that just hurts the Actual players more), and just ■■■■■■■ Ban them.
People and CCP need to stop thinking they can outsmart the botters with mechanics (because ultimately that just hurts the Actual players more), and just ■■■■■■■ Ban them.
They’re trying. And they’ll keep trying. But remember:
- Since 1 January 2020, 107,000 reports have been sent from 13,600 EVE accounts.
- 27,000 of these reports resulted in permanent bans against a total of 4,600 EVE accounts.
75% of reported ‘bots’… apparently aren’t. Or at least, 75% of bot reports aren’t actionable, even after CCP looks into it. And it’s close to 7 reports per actual ‘bot’.
Really… and I know it’s a crazy idea, but this is what happens when I’m doing mushrooms at 2am… (ok, fine, it’s just chicken n’ mushroom soup, shaddap)… what CCP needs to isn’t stop botters… but start botting.
I mean, think about it. Offer the exact same service, just price the bots out of the market. It’s not like they can’t do it cheaper than the bot farms. Hell, you wanna make it really hilarious? CCP should sell ISK… confiscated from RMT-farm bots. Don’t just offer the same service, offer the ISK the botters are trying to profit off of.
Hell, add in a bot bounty: you’re one of the people who reports a bot and gets it banned, you get a share of their stuff. But you report too many people who aren’t bots, and CCP starts looking at you for harassment. Or does a 1% per false report chance that the guy you accused gets a bunch of your stuff.
After all, if 3/4 of all reports are bad, and FriendlyCapusleer01 filed 287 reports… hey, 215 1% chances to lose all your stuff ain’t actually all that bad.
What if player Forts and Keeps had a drawback and they would increase system or whole constellation security status? Put too many, like 10+ of them and your nullsec turns into low.
What if Astras and industry Citadels could only tether 3-5 ships (or less) at a time? Maybe make them all cheaper and easier to kill also (except Keeps).
Maybe fix necessity to spam indy Citadels to get full production chain. Turn those rigs and modules into separate anchorable structures on grid. They would be even more easier to kill, owners wouldn’t lose everything/lock in safety, but some limited portion they placed for the day/week.
Would that drive enough conflict for them to drop ESS and DBS?
Anything a human can do, Bots can do better.
To even consider the possibility that there will be PvP bots to protect ESS is extremely detached from the realities and capabilities of Eve botters. Even if your claim was true, then you have to think there will be bots to steal from ESS, still creating trouble for farmer botters.
To even consider the possibility that there will be PvP bots to protect ESS is extremely detached from the realities and capabilities of Eve botters. Even if your claim was true, then you have to think there will be bots to steal from ESS, still creating trouble for farmer botters
If I was a botter, I would 100% make bots that steal from ESS, it’s free ISK. Also, Look into Open AI, They created a Bot that is better at Dota then the world champions.
You did not answer his question, what are the reasons for owning space in null…
This question was asked to CCP Rattati. It’s not even a good enough question to ask in a serious interview.
The prime advantage of owning space in null is sovereignty.
That means you’re left alone most of the time to your activities. That’s just statistically true. It will be true after ESS. Lowsec or hisec is much better connected to the rest of the universe. If you bring a 30k entity to a lowsec region everyone else will cram in that region for content. When you have null sov, nobody else can dock and make a permanent home in your system. That means they either have to come from afar, or spawn in by luck, or live in NPC null. All of these options also have their downsides. So statistically, most null systems are mostly occupied by only their owners. Imagine freeport NPC stations every nullsec system. Now THAT would remove the point of nullsec.
You also get to upgrade systems to spawn a lot more resources per region (still a lot even in scarcity times) than empire space. There are no upgrades anywhere else.
Yes, nullsec doesn’t provide you with best ISK/hr in anything. But it is still the prime driver of ore and ISK income in MERs. Why? Because of all the above benefits.
Wormholes offer good isk/hr. And they offer the same remoteness (even more). But they take effort. And you can’t scale in membercount in wormholes. You can only cram so many real people in a wormhole system/organization. Not to mention there is no asset safety. Lowsec is crowded. And lower income per region. Hisec does not offer much at all. No capitals. No high end isk/hr.
That’s why people choose null. All those advantages will not magically disappear just because CCP allocates a portion of bounties to create conflict (even creating most of that money with bounty buffs). If there is truly less farm, then time value of ore and ISK will readjust in a few years, and farmers will have similar value per hour. We’ll just have a better economy because better faucet/sink balance with ore and ISK, and more small scale conflict because of the ESSs.
If I was a botter, I would 100% make bots that steal from ESS, it’s free ISK. Also, Look into Open AI, They created a Bot that is better at Dota then the world champions.
I say go for it :). Do two more for Abyssal PvP and Alliance Tournament.