Encounter Surveillance System Update

Oh my coding ability is nowhere near good enough to hook into a game, I could write the algorithms/pseudocode probably, but I haven’t touched actual working code in 10 years.

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What an absolute joke to read it from a camper.

Or posivite sides, like: have to do absolutely 0 things to keep your home intact since it´s npc space and no one can evict you from there.
This is my base and you can not attack it (c) your words

And yet for some reason it is “needed” to create more conflict in null.

1 person wasting his life away mass-camping you is not a significant factor to take into account. Doesn’t change that nullsec is statistically more secluded, less connected than hisec/lowsec. I wouldn’t even need afk cloaking to camp a lowsec organization.

Yet no mainstream nullsec alliance lives in NPC null.

Should we just forget those spastic 1dq campers? marshy with his army of alts? + bombers/volta who did nothing else than tried to get into delve?

Because it will become a 3rd unpayed job to get industry in npc null.
You will not complete anything if people are disturbing you 24/7, that´s why pro carebears are usually not found within a region or two from npc space.

Does that mean there is at least one thing that makes null worth? At least that’s an agreement point.

You’re an edgy boi aren’t you. I shouldn’t even be talking toxic linemembers with this tone. If you want to make your case to CCP and other people, learn to argue constructively first.

Not sure since CCP are not done with their crusade and are about to turn null into lowsec fw zone.

I´ve interacted with them. Some are just casual goon haters, some just want to farm kills, at least one of them is in such hate that he is borderline to mental disorder. But all of them have been doing one thing for years.

Oh, i´ve made my case with quiet some arguments. And pls, Olmeca, dont you dare to tell other people that they need to learn something first.

Btw, thanks for not refuting my point that it is not about one person.

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Maybe you should take this advice, since you’re resorting to ad hominem so quickly.

What’s that? The top region for ore is The Forge? 7 of the top 8 are highsec? Huh.

Define ‘mainstream nullsec alliance’. Mordu’s Angels lived in NPC null for years. GBT still does, along with the rest of FountainCore (and they’ve been there longer than you’ve been playing EVE). The RUS have been in Stain for just as long, Just because they don’t have their names on the map doesn’t mean they aren’t fixtures of nullsec, and participants in its wars.


There is no longer any rolling all the holes most holes have a bunch of connections now and rolling them all to rat on your static could take about an hour. Even if you do you can be rolled into by one of the big PvP groups and killed without having time to respond.

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Roll all of them and cycle the statis, oldest trick in wh.
If rolling into someone - collapse this.

We are already suffering from COVID-19. Clearly we do not want to experience another recession in the game again.
CCP, if They want money, should be increasing in-game plex costs, by increasing inflation(of plex prices) and production(but plex inputs remain the same at the start) so more people would buy plex with real money, and sell plex for cheap ships(more incentive to buy plex).
It’s the exact opposite to what CCP proposed, but the concepts are still the same: people will have a harder time when They farm for Plex, but the collateral effects are beneficial - prices of ships drop, and wars would happen more often. This means more activity, and more fun, while people retain their ways of living, which means that this is likely more acceptable to the game community.


It takes forever.

With one BS - yes, with 3-4 - not at all

My hole gets like 5-8 roamings every day it takes a while to collapse them and the assault frigate wolf gang holes can’t be rolled.

Everything depends on numbers of rollers

Yeah I pointed out the toxicity of the guy after he called me and my friends “spastic”. Such ad hominem of me.

You cherry picked wartime mining MER. If FRT can mine that much, so can everyone else. Oasa shows the resources are still there. It’s just a war happens to be enflaming NS, being the priority of 60% of sov nullsec’s population.

Someone with actual interest in data would pull 4 years of MER’s then compare all NS vs HS to see who has been the primary driver of MERs in both mining and bounties. I’ve been analyzing that data for years before I scaled down the time I spend on Eve. You won’t find anyone else in Eve (besides Noizy probably) whose ecosystemic analyses are more data driven than me.

No entity above 1k real people has ever permanently lived in NPC null for at least a year.

Can you follow your train of thought? You were arguing for there being no point in sov nullsec lifestyle. A huge portion (30 to 40 percent, way more than WH/LS) of all characters in Eve are nullsec based characters. 90%+ of all null-based accounts live in SOV null. Does some Russians living in Stain suddenly mean “there is no point in sov null”? Or are we experiencing some mega evacuation of sov null?

Well, two main points of sov null is mining and ratting, which have been nerfed heavily recently.


Only them, not you.
And tbh who is toxic? Someone who says to someone else not_nice_words? Then wth are you doing in EVE?
And btw, your friends are have been spotted saying not_nice_things to goons. Are they toxic? And since you are their friend - are you toxic? Hell, even you were spotted being not polite on stream.

Or you just want to leave the conversation because your friends (and you for that matter) are just another breed of carebears wiith the only difference being: you farm kills, not npc, and you HATE certain alliance?

Toxic things can only hurt non-toxic things. You guys are like a bunch of skunks yelling “you stink” at each other.

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I frequently camped 1dq with people you referred to as spastics.

Your bloc leader is open about conditioning their people with an “us and them” culture, vilifying enemies; fostering a target calling, gaslighting culture. Don’t project that on me. I don’t hate people. I just have a problem with your leaders’ interpretation of Eve. That’s why I’ve been so much involved with anything to do with Goons. I didn’t come to that spot randomly. I didn’t wake up in a morning and randomly decide to hate a group of Eve players. It took years of interactions with people like you, calling me spastic and other names and such, to decide that Goonswarm as a relevant Eve brand needs to go.

One of the things you guys culturally do is portraying everyone not liking the way you play Eve as personal hate. It’s a part of that “us and them” culture. “If anyone is killing our ships, they must hate us!” To this day I never called an Eve player spastic, or anything similar. You did. Remember that. That’s hate. That’s what most of you guys are filled with.

I was more thinking the ‘edgy boi’ bit, which was there purely to be dismissive and diminish the value of his opinions, but thanks for confirming.

I grabbed the most recent, and considering the war’s been going on for almost six months, you’re going to be hard-pressed to find an example of the current mining conditions that isn’t a ‘wartime MER’.

The last 4 years of MERs? Great! Except that goes back to before the mining collapse in the spring of last year, which, other than the brief spike in July 2019 when we came back from the Tribute campaign, has held steady ever since.

See, there’s cherry-picking, and then there’s ignoring the changes in mining conditions and using an extra 2.5 years to swamp out those changes. And frankly, Rhivre’s analysis is better than yours and Noizy’s. She’s gone through the numbers with him more than once, correcting his misunderstandings. Feel free to ask him.

Citation, please, Mr. Academic? Or are you just asserting that without any actual data to back up your claim? See, I’m not claiming to have any knowledge of ‘real person’ membership counts, so I’m not making any assertions based on who does or doesn’t have how many ‘real people’, but if you are going to go making those kinds of claims, it’d be lovely to show your work before anyone trusts your assertion.

You love throwing around ‘toxic’ as you insult peoples’ intelligence far beyond anything anyone else says, you ever notice that? I mean, you wanna talk trash, that’s fine, but you have this lovely tendency to talk ■■■■ and then strike an aggrieved posture with the ‘you’re toxic’ nonsense. And for the record, yes, I have absolutely no difficulty following my own train of thought.

What I was arguing was that the major advantages of owning sov are, at this point, seriously questionable. Maintaining sov is work, far more work than is needed to ‘maintain’ lowsec or highsec. You don’t need to have structures to live in either type of empire space. You don’t need to invest in IHUB improvements, or put time and effort into grinding out ADMs in systems you don’t really even want, except for their strategic importance as terrain.

Does all that extra work get balanced out by extra income? Right now, the answer may be no. And you can go trotting out all the 4-year-long spreadsheets you like. All they’ll give you is wrong numbers. Your 4-year period doesn’t reflect the state of EVE as it is, they reflect an average of the state of EVE as it’s been basically during our entire time in Delve.

And the EVE of two to four years ago doesn’t exist. It’s like looking at the US unemployment numbers over the entirety of the last four years and declaring that clearly, the economy is currently fine. Those conditions no longer exist.

CCP could turn the ISK in nullsec off completely, and we wouldn’t see that right now. That’s one of the effects of a major nullsec war. Maybe this is the first time you’ve actually seen one. I mean, it looks like you were in j-space before you came to Delve, and FW before that, so it wouldn’t surprise me. God knows this is the first time since we got here that a war’s been brought to you. And you haven’t exactly stirred yourself to make even the minimal effort of going to an active theatre of war when we’ve deployed. So I’m going to guess you haven’t seen one. This is what they look like.

And right now, the mining and ratting doesn’t mean a goddamned thing to anyone involved in it. Turn the ISK off, it won’t change anything. Which, really, means this actually a good time for CCP to be bottoming-out the null economy, so :+1: @CCP_Rattati, that worked out well.

Right now, the war will keep us all right where we are. Right now, we don’t care about ISK, we care about the fight, and we care about the person to our left, and the person to our right. We care about watching one anothers’ backs, and making sure we don’t accidentally screw something up for them.

But even absent this war… you’re an academic. From every conversation I’ve ever had with you or seen you have with anyone, you love finding logical fallacies. So I’m gonna give you the two words every MMO on Earth runs on, ready?

Sunk. Cost.

Call it inertia. Call it stubbornness. Call it whatever you like, after more than 15 years of being focused on building empires in space, on owning space, on having someplace to call their own, do you think nullsec players don’t feel that sense of investment in sov null? Do you think they are all acting purely rationally, on a day-by-day cost/benefit analysis?

We’re not. We’re human beings. Which means we’re idiots. We do stupid things that aren’t in our best interest because BY GOD, YOU SHALL NOT HAVE MY STUFF, and other totally stupid, irrational, but emotionally satisfying reasons.

But that doesn’t keep people playing the game itself, long-term. It’s a funny thing, but for a species that likes to construct logical, predictable cascade-sequences of process… we’re completely irrational. We do things because SCREW YOU, THAT’S WHY, and a week later will openly admit ‘yeah, that was kinda dumb of me. I was in a mood.’ Hell, most of us will get to the ‘that was dumb’ stage in under an hour, once the pressure’s off.

So in the short-term, we keep on plugging away at crap because SHUT UP, I’M HAVING FUN I SWEAR. But without the advantages, without the lure to keep us chasing the hook… in the long term… we get bored. We wander off. We go do other things, following some other shiny thing.

And that’s bad. That’s bad for EVE, because the vast majority of people, wanting to try something new and shiny, will be looking at something new and shiny. Like Cyberpunk, or CK3, Earthblood or HALO 4. They won’t be looking for ‘what other part of EVE can I go explore, without all the friends who made all those EVE memories for me?’