Encounter Surveillance System Update

Sell your account? That against the Eula… On that note dont give me anything. Your prolly a bot that are angry now and CCP will just remove everything you give me when you get banned.

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he didn’t say he would sell it for real money, did he? character trading is not prohibited, there is even a separate thread on this forum dedicated to this. )))

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But if he wants to quit, why does he need more ISK?

Selling your account and selling your character is completely distinct phrases and intent. And if he is selling a character… so much for leaving the game lol.

i would like some numbers here. HOW much exactly is gonna be taken by ESS on every bounty ? how much one can steal?
do i need to be online to have my “taxes” back ?

Also i’m quite pissed, by ill try to make constructive critics here. There is my hopinion though, i can be wrong, dont be mad.

CCP started to “stalk me”. i decided to do moon mining, and there we have the moon patch.
Time to set up an athanor, here we go the Core patch.
Maybe i will do production, and start going into the market! Minerals update.
Ill’ guess ill go back to ratting…introducind ESS.

is time to stop!

Anyway. CCP states that EVE is stagnant. Time to change stuff a bit, so old players that have inifinite cash have to start move theyr asses and go back to farm, mine and do stuff more actively.

ok on paper looks good, but for what i see, CCP is actually making old players rule supreme on new eden!

Since production is become more complicated, stuff prices are going up!.. ok… so players have to pay more ISK for everything. “That will shake the market!” CCP said. Too bad that (relative) new players DONT have the same ammount of savings of the veterans, and probably cant effort to spend em and have to farm money even more

Veterans have hight skilled characters and /or multiple skilled characters. they can easly stay in null and extract minerals while the ALT mine what they miss in empire, or even form a new corp in empire full of alt that can saftly mine afk all day!
So empire players will NOT sell their product,but still have to BUY from null players what they cant extract in empire!

the people that got “power” before now have less money maybe, yes. but have actually MORE power over New eden economy.

“There are too many structure around” CCP said
And i agree. Relative new players can easly deploy an ahtanor or other structures. Witch is fine and i think a new player will have a good ammount of satisfaction sayng “you see that? i deploy that and players do stuff in there!”
But there was a little too many around.
But the solution was a very expensive module that drop 100% of the time?
So basically a player that can do that or a little corp that can afford that will just have to see bigger corp (usually with veterans in it) declaring war just to come and destroy the thing and steal the core.

yes sure ccp. you want more pvp. i get that…but in my hopinion pvp should be MUTUAL. if i dont want to fight, you should not force me to do that. Eve is rough already, and now you are actually telling stronger “kids” go bully the “new kids”

ESS… If i am in NULL, im ready to get ganked and killed.
The corp, the bubble, the roaming defense fleet, the intel chat. the good use of the directional scanner , not been afk (like im doing right now to write this stuff :wink: ) are all TOOLS that players uses to “delay” theyr death, and i say delay, not avoid, cause sooner or later you gonna make a fathal mistake.

but it also means that im ready to fight back. problem is, the ship that i use to ratting is not probably fitted to pvp, so ofc if i see an enemy, im gonna leave.
Why i have to fight a lost duel? is like fighting with an industrial. why i should do that?
just to give a guy the satisfaction to kill me? sure bud, im here just for your amusment.

the ESS is…a waste of time. if it stole too much money from me, ill just stop ratting and go do mission or something else. otherwise is just tedious. most people are not gonna do it, and other ppl basically have to wait as much as possible, than go , switch ship and go fight to the death to recover a part of that isk…proably losing actually more if they lose the fight… nonesense.

As it is, old players will remain on their positions, none of this recent changes will affect them they way they are affecting the others.


There is no point in shedding tears here or trying to prove something, to explain the CCP, only a landslide crash online, and our closed wallets with money can change something, as it was with the blackout last year. then the result.


This is a really great question to ask. Citadel vulnerability mechanics got changed a lot because nobody found it emergent or engaging to baby sit static point in space for no, or negative reward, nor was there much benefit to going through all the timers to remove structures before the abandonment mechanic was added.

Even then, the window for the loss is 3 hours, so if a ratter who starts early has to wait 2 1/2 hours, as opposed to a ratter who starts late only having to wait 1/2 hour for payout, so its not like everyone who contributes is equally incentivised.

This ESS change has essentially has created 8 distinct 3 hour ‘zones’ for ISK generation, where activity not aligned to this windowing has higher risk of loses.

Sure, it might seem a possible outcome is to balance how much playtime is PvE vs PvP, though really, those who PvP love to come into the forum and basically treat al the PvE player like they are scum.

This is another really great question. It could be asked of CCP, exactly what is the attacker risking when going after the ESS they are not risking at any other time? Certainly, the ESS gate forces fights to be cruiser sized or larger, but in all other aspects, if the defenders were already defending, they don’t need the ESS gimmick to create PvP.

It looking like %45 to %55.

%70 of the amount in the ESS.

Those in power want to stay in power. The more new people bullies upset when they are new to the game, the more of those new players exit eve. Its in the bullies interest to ensure new people don’t mass enough organisation and willpower to shut down their gameplay in the event they survive long enough to have the requisite skills and tools to do so.

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You can no longer clone jump within a citadel if you have a jump timer. Is this an intended feature CCP?

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ССР убирайте это тупое обновление оно ни кому не нужно, вы сотворили тупость !! :confused:


I’m really looking forward to see those new epic PeVePee reports generated by introduction of ESS… Following @Eukaryotian’s real character on zKillboard to see improvements))

Полностью поддерживаю предыдущего оратора

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payout 3 hours later?? means way after i left game and all of my timezone others can make an easy payout or what?? 3 hours is way to long.


No, it’s not.


so will it show who steal it?


Let’s chalk that one up to cultural differences between people with different levels of ingrained machismo v civility.

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We will certainly know soon. :laughing:
I assume that it sends a mail just like old ESS

No? Are you going to let people hit and injure you and not do anything about it? I dont think he means you should go and injure the other guy, but it’s OK to punch them back to make them stop hitting you. Remember, when someone punches you, not only does it hurt, it also injures your body …

How stimulating. Let’s be omega npcs

what does this mean?

What is null space anyway?

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