Encounter Surveillance System Update


Don’t be dlusional, my comment was related to all your previous posts claiming that ESS will “finally” contribute to PVP in nullsec. I would expect you to come to this forum and show us some epic kill you’ve made, but instead the very first thing you have posted after ESS was deployed is how you have stolen some insignificant ammount of ISKs and potentially ruined someones evening.

So, how’s elite PeVePe?

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I’d like to use the power of math to show people who might have noticed it yet, how the DBS and ESS affects their income.

With this example, we’ll assume you just killed a rat with a bounty of 1.000.000 isk(1M isk).

Before ESS, you’d simply receive 1M isk and be done with it, hooray!

Now however, the ESS will take 40% of your bounty, of which you can only receive back the money deposited in the main bank, or 20% of your bounty, every 3 hours.

So, taking into account the same 1M bounty, in a perfect environment, you’d receive 80% of the original value, or 800.000 isk(800k isk).

Now, taking the DBS into consideration:

  • 50% Bounty Payout
    1.000.000 x 0.50(DBS) x 0.8(ESS) = 400.000 isk

  • 80% Bounty Payout
    1.000.000 x 0.80(DBS) x 0.8(ESS) = 640.000 isk

  • 100% Bounty Payout
    1.000.000 x 1.00(DBS) x 0.8(ESS) = 800.000 isk

  • 115% Bounty Payout
    1.000.000 x 1.15(DBS) x 0.8(ESS) = 920.000 isk

  • 125% Bounty Payout
    1.000.000 x 1.25(DBS) x 0.8(ESS) = 1.000.000 isk

In short, it’s technically possible to retain a similar income prior to the introduction of the ESS and DBS by ratting in a system with 125% bounty payouts.

This can only be achieved however by actually receiving the 20% bounty portion stashed in the ESS main bank, otherwise you’d be looking into an actual 40% decrease in your bounty income.

Ratting in systems with anything below the max DBS percentage is a clear downgrade, and hopefully people will actually avoid ratting in systems which fall as low as 80%, or even 100% for that matter.

As for how the ESS reserve bank works, no one knows that yet, and maybe not even CCP knows, so only time will tell.

TL;DR: ratting in 125% system good, ratting in no 125% system bad


Can you point out where I said this?

I mean, I would have if they came out and actually fought me to defend their isk.

They had 5 minutes to defend their stuff and they didn’t. They made a choice. Who cares about their evening?

This one, and there were some more somewhere, don’t recall where exactly.

Apparently you care, since knowledge that you did some little ■■■■ and got away with it makes you extremely happy :wink:

Cool, so you were wrong in mentioning this will “finally” contribute to PvP.

Why do you say this?

Well, the very first post you have made with screnshot of stolen 20 mil ISK. Wasn’t it all about joy you had retrieving bonds from ESS and getting away with it?

…uh, and?

You were the one to start throwing out insults over isk that isn’t even your’s.

Lol, what?))

Mate, thanks for conversation :smiley: Feel free to report any of my posts to forum mods :wink:

How about you grow up and stop getting offended for other people? Maybe one of these days, this tumblr level of getting triggered will finally come to an end.

Again, it’s not even your isk, unwind your panties.


Eve has a new profession: elite bank robber.

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It’s not new. It’s just easier now: no need to get access to someone’s corp hangars

Who said I’m offended? :slight_smile:

Anyway, as I said: feel free to report me for offensive humilation of your epic heist :smiley:

Fly safe 07

So, making the game more tedious than what it is is CCPs idea of fun? i know there are lots of idiots who will bitch about my comments so ill move aside and ignore those to make my points clear.

  1. CCP blackout was a complete disaster, didnt you learn from your own mistakes?
  2. EVE is supposed to be a sandbox, you are free to do as you please, with this so called “update” you are forcing ppl to play the game the way you want not the game ppl wants to.
  3. not all ppl who rat at nullsec does it for paying their subs, most ppl rat to afford ships and go pvp and most of the ppl who does that uses their real life money to do it, do you think adding a 3 hours timer to get paid will help keeping ppl interested about the game? b1tch please.
  4. pvp happens all the time in eve, wheter in null , low, wh space or high sec its the same, tehre is pvp everywhere.
  5. making a game more tedious isnt exactly a way to attract more ppl.
  6. EVE may have a really hardcore playerbase, but dont forget that even the most resilient person has a limit and when you cross that limit you are done.
  7. i have noticed with the recent changes mining is very ■■■■■■ up, if you CCP dont like the mining aspect just remove it from the game along with indy, make the ships free for anyone who pay a sub and you ll see how the so loved pvp you defend will arise like a burn in a forest.
  8. getting all your ratting stole by some random jerk who just comes by after waiting 3 hours to get the money you “played” for isnt exactly a good move, many ppl will get dissapointed and quit the game, ppl who pay subs “no sub player no more money for your pockets so think it better”.
  9. Do you like pvp? then do as i said, make all ships free for subbing ppl, remove all mining and indy and turn eve into what you want , another freefire sh1tgame.
  10. have you ever wondered where all the plex that is sold in game comes from? if you havent i got news for you again, it doesnt come from the divine providence, nor its put there by CCP, it is sold by people , yes, PEOPLE who buy that extra plex and possible have no time to make money in game so they sell it to other ppl who has the time to make the money in game . its a relation of mutual benefict, very easy to understand even for the most basic brain. if ppl has no way to make enough money in game then those who buy plex will stop selling cause the demand wont be worth the offer, see CCP? less money for you.
  11. EVE is well know for having the most toxic community among any MMO game, so all the jerks who say “let the salt flow, carebear etc” can just avoid this post cause i wont take the time to reply anyone.
  12. and now to finish ill refute some stuff i read somewhere in an official devlog post:

Abundance breeds complacency and scarcity breeds war: true and false, in real life it may, in a video game it may not, ppl in a videogame do what they want and if ppl find a videogame is not worth the time they will just switch to another stuff, also remember, this is a “videogame, part of the entertainment industry that aims to bring joy and fun to the bulk of some niche market while making money from it, so make sure you aim for the biggest bulk of players over a very reduced niche of players who always argue for pvp over pve”, simple statistics dude.

Predictable inputs lead to stagnant outputs: true and false, if you ever studied some basic economics you may know thats not true at all, jsut because something is predictable doesnt mean ppl will stagnate to it, ppl is always looking for better oportunities to do more money, and , in order to do that they need something called “money couch” so in case they fall they can always rebuild, taking away that couch from ppl or making it harder to achieve will just make players less prone to risk cause money will be more valuable duh!.

Autarky is Anathema to Free Trade: loooooooooooooooooool now this is the good one, who said nullsec empires, lowsec corps or HS corps are self suficient? there is no such thing in this game man, there is always freetrade going all the time, just look at jita, where do you think all those blingy ships come from? pvprs? no way, where do you think all the resources needed to build them come from? thats complete bullcrap3ry, there is no autorky or anathemas, the only anathema in this game are the moves from CCP devs who seem to be unable to see further than their own nose, dude the game is also a business, and entertainment business, if you dont implement politics to please the biggest portion of your gaming population and just focus in a small part of it then you are going the wrong way.

oh and just for saying bye yes, i have ratted, mined, explored, ran incursions, ran missions, did small gank pvp i have done everything the game has to offer but as any other player i have activities i like to do best over others, just because one is ratting doesnt mean you do it to pay for a sub, in my case i got a good real life work so i can afford a sub, but i need in game money to make many things i like to so i need to rat and do other stuff once in a while, making them harder wont make the game more attracting to me or to many more ppl because i know im not the only one who thinks this way.


Надо убирать ESS к чёрту, он портит игру, да и вообще это обновление выглядит так как будто ССР положило болт на всех игроков за их же деньги ( реальные ) которые игроки платят за подписку. Да уж оригинальный ход со стороны ССР, мне вот интересно сколько людей уже ушло из игры после такого тупого обновления?.


ССР what do you smoke or a drug addict? your ideas are dumb and brainless. You destroy small corporations and give more money to cowardly residents of VX. come to your senses. you will lose players and again get hit on the head by the authorities


ССЗ do you read what the players write? or do you smoke drugs in your company? stop destroying the game, stop destroying nullsecs


Bottom line, as a PVE player who rarely PVPs, this change will cost me. I can shrug and take the 40% less income, and more once the DBS starts dropping, or I can roam systems to spread my ratting which will cost time, or I can rob my own bank which will give me 70% of the 40% I was missing AND cost me time. Either way, my income drops. And since I am RL poor, I need that ISK for the stuff I want to do ingame. Less ISK means less options and less playing. Will that magically turn me into a PVP-player? No.


For me the timer is the issue. I like the idea of having to defend your investment. But when that timer ends outside of my own possible playtime I would have to leave the defense to other people, mostly carebears. And if our systems were ratted 24/7 that would make sense, when you enter a system with 1 hour left on the timer and 40 mil in the bank, you’ll the the only one there and the system has a good bonus. You start to rat and 5 minutes later a thief shows up. Do you defend that ISK?

Off course not. There is barely any ISK I made in that bank, it belongs to the ratter that didn’t have the time to sit out the timer. What do I care if someone elses ISK gets stolen? Why would I risk my ships for someone else’s payout?

I understand what CCP is trying to do but they are as oblivious to player psychology as ever. I tried to rat a little yesterday, I had some fun chasing thieves but I just moved to null three weeks ago and I’m already thinking of moving back to lowsec as I simply make more ISK there, without having to deal with all the slow ass null politics.

I’ll give it a few weeks and if it keeps sucking, I’ll simply change environments again. Adapt or die also means recognizing when you should move on.


my guess on this less casual ratters will be there with there expansive ships, so lesss to can be dropped on also less in those ess, so conntent goes down and the casual ratter will be doing lvl 4 missions again with there expansive marauders


The owner of Querious George of course. You don’t watch the show with the colored shirts, the soapbox, the war report, the piercing of the company veil ?! What ?!!! Friends and (especially) enemies alike watch that show every week (except last Saturday). It’s a steadfast beacon, undisrupted by even the most massive, vicious attacks in the southwest of the map.
j/k but true, factual and verifiable nonetheless.


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