Encounter Surveillance System Update

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This is to mitigate the ease of retreat through wormhole after looting ESS.

The overall concept is a thief loaded with loot and dragged down by greed. The more you loot, the harder it is to escape.

SSC bond now has a mass penalty debuff attached per bond, equivalent to 1 battleship per 100 mil bond, rounded up to the nearest 100 mil. This will affect ship mass , agility, inertial, and warp speed, but more importantly will make it more difficult (but not impossible) to retreat into wormholes.

Or you could kill them before they loot it.


Or you could catch them on the wormhole and kill them. Or bubble the wormhole before they leave.

This will give extra time to bubble the wormhole.

You already get what like 5 minutes that they have to sit in order to steal? Sorry just because you can’t summon a defense fleet in time doesn’t justify having some additional debuffs.

Just because you spend 5 minutes doesn’t justify retaining the same difficulty and mobility throughout. Sorry if you’re dragging around a billion or two isk worth of loot, everyone should get the time to take a shot at you - even that newbie that just bought the game this morning.

Why? Is there some law of the universe or EVE Online that states this?


They have the time. The fact that they don’t bother to use it efficiently doesn’t meant they’re entitled to have a target sit there waiting for them to finally get around to doing something.

Says who? Your half baked idea is dumb and you should just get better at defending your space.

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5 minutes is not enough time for you to scan down the 1-2 signatures in the system so that you can set up a bubble?

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Probably need to take look at filaments first…

5 minutes is enough time for me and my corp mates to react to an ESS thief. worse case scenario we have 1-2 minutes left but even still we have ESS specific ships to switch to on the fly when we dock up.

maybe get gud and adapt. 5 minutes is plenty of time to react or just leave them be.
and yes, we get tons of people coming by so im fairly certain i know how long it takes not to mention the initial long warp due to system size. but we also are pretty vigilant with local and who is who in our systems


The ess is very skewed towards the defending side every single fight I’ve had on an ess has been 3v1 or higher numbers the attackers don’t need more negitives you already have massive advantage of seing which ship we have for 5 minutes then bringing a counter ship.

5 minutes is a long time, if you let them take the loot in 5 minutes then you deserve to loose it you can easily get ships + friends and kill the attacker in that time.

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Is 5 minutes enough to react to ESS theft a constellation away?

You’re considering only protecting your own system. It works right now with the solo roamers coming. But the trend is toward larger and bigger fleets. At that point you’d need neighbors further away to come help you.

What happens if your corp expands and you need to defend multiple systems? Constellations? Regions?
What happens if you face off 5 or 10 or 15 battleships rolling through?

yes. why don’t you have jump gates set up in your space to connect high traffic clusters of systems together?

looks like your corporation cant defend those systems effectively and thus don’t deserve them.


my corp actually is expanding into our constellation, so yes we will have to be defending more than one system.

our main staging area is 1-2 jumps from the rest of the systems and we plan on moving structures into each system. im not personally going to be moving my assets in every system just the systems that Me personally will be ratting in and have ships ESS capable.

although we like ratting, we like pvp slightly more so this isn’t too much of a bother for us as well as the time zones people tend to come to bother us at also makes this manageable to deal with. enough of us are on comms at any given time that reporting a neut in local and when the alarm goes off that any of us will have plenty of time in the first 2-3 minutes to come help one another when we need it.

its really just down to response time and the management of what ships you have available to fight back with either in system or a jump away. yes its not that easy for some but for even a small group like mine this is manageable

Shouldn’t we encourage people to come to and populate null sec though? Isnt it empty enough as it is? (Outside of megablobs and bot farms?).
Wasnt high sec the noob beginner area and null the place to be for veteran and older players to thrive? What happened to that?
Things have gone topsy-turvy in overall game ecosystem and the current itteration (post all changes in last 2-3 years) is not looking too good imho.