Encounter Surveillance System Update

As both a defender and attacker of ESSs, I find this suggestion to be lacking. You need a decent scout / brick to tease out this defence, and if you’re not prepared for it you should probably stick to smaller banks or quieter systems… Couple of dudes swept up several hundred mill from our region this morning, sadly they avoided my home system - possibly due to the effectiveness of our defences. Unfortunately I was heading out to work so couldn’t effectively punish them for their sins.

Time to start a protection racket I guess…

So basically ratting risk vs reward, more risk, less reward. More BS from CCP.


The correct place is to submit a bug report with screenshots and timestamps, not here on the forums.

how much easier do we need to make if for you to safely steal what has been earned?


EVE Online. A dying game.


I can understand why people like the ESS and the pvp aspect of it, as for pve. Its a bit of a double whammy, pay out for ratting is reduces for heavy ratting. Regardless of time zone, you can have one time zone ratting the system out and lowing the rat bounty and a later time zone which could be ratting lightly, but don’t have the number to defend from medium gangs getting cleaned out. Imo ccp is trying to reduce the very large wallets of a small number of players at the expense of the bulk on null sec, while talking about the carrot at the end of the stick. I really don’t understand where ccp is going with this. The ESS was already in the game but only used by a minority of players but now is forced on everyone. Reward of one at the expense of another, will have only one out come in the end, diminishing reward all round.


PAPI took 2 trillion isk from Initiative and now Big daddy CCP is gonna cheat the system for Goonswarm and punish the entire platform and incentivize the fail cascade of the biggest coalition in eve history .
This Proves if every player in the game united against grief and poor development… CCP would double down on Grief and poor development and punish the community as a whole.
When the platform is having a major resurgence of players returning to be part of the content that would see the end of Goonswarm CCP will stonewall their pets and cheat to win at their own game.
Ess does nothing to toward re balancing it just brings ganking to Null sec. it does not benefit large coalitions and alliances
But it undermines any large forces and stops blue waffle. Encourages Grief and allows CCP to neglect the actual poor development and errors in eve even further. While they pretend to do thing that only perpetuate Grief. CCP is grief mongers not game developers.


Cloaking disabled inside 75 km bubble, not everywhere in ESS pocket.


what is mean main bank payout expected immedietly
ESS system must be withdrawn or the game will be finished

god i hope so, then we can finally be free


So what’s with the new ESS system? Why % don’t change already 2 days in a row? Already broken?

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The % does and has changed for many systems, maybe you’re not using it properly.

Strange. Im closely monitoring 6 systems, and nothing changed in them for 2 days already.
Some of them have been ratted, some dont.
% should go up if you dont do nothing there, but it just stay at same value(till default 115%).
Thats the thing.

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strange,I’m closely monitoring 120 systems and they’re all varying depending on amount of npc bounties farmed and pvp losses occuring. and they’ve all changed to various adjustments in Dynamic Bounties (btw, those are separate from the ESS, but you knew that, tight?) since they were implemented.


If I understand all correctly.
If you ratt to much in 1 system, that system Bounty % will go down.
If you PvP in the system, the % should go up (of course depends on how much you PvP)
And if you dont use that system it should go up till default value 115%
So the system that is not used at all (2days) still have the same low % and they dont change. Why?

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Yes, yes, but the land is flat and is supported by three whales and a turtle.


Cry more krab. You can play in high sec if you cant protect your nullsec land.

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Many players feel like this is all just you guys making it harder to PLEX through ingame activities. I mean at face value it does look that way. Is this the true purpose behind nerfing all income source activities ingame?


Not only is it dying the developers and creators are doing everything in their power to push it in the grave already!!! People should call the new NERFS what they are GREEDY CCP doesn’t want people to PLEX their accounts as easily so they have made all resource gathering activities almost unplayable which makes it to where you have to spend RLM to pay for Omega. They have every right it’s their game but, they should be upfront and honest about it rather than some game balance ■■■■■■■■ excuse for their actions of greed!!!


OR you could sub and not waste isk on gametime.

How does subs fit into this theory that its all to sell more PLEX?

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