Encounter Surveillance System Update

Just remove that ess and dbs as soon as possible


nobody is satisfied but why don’t you speak up.

turn on and off the diary we only do right now in the game.


it has been long enough to see the impact of the dbs/ess/pvp percent multiplier. we have been watching our systems and some nearby systems. here are our observations.
the only gangs that come to fight are the same ones that came before the change.
other gangs come in see a defense force and leave
solo and 2 or 3 man attempts at theft result in rapid departure or filaments out if not killed outrigth
the percentage multiplier in systems with no activity ratting or otherwise keep going down (2 are under 40% now) no one wants to rat in a sytem that takes 50% of a low multiplier . so negative spiral , no equilibrium
3 hour timer generally means the people that ratted arent on to defend
reduced log in’s by both ratters and industrialists is obvious within our space
Although it sill is not clear what the overall intent of the change was, it is clear that it hasnt made the game more fun for most of our members . the small amount of increased intruder interest is more of a time sink than content. it is time to rethink this change. especially, the pvp based percent mechanic


no one wants to rat in a sytem that takes 50% of a low multiplier . so negative spiral , no equilibrium

And as nobody farms in those systems, upgrades go offline, so less anoms, so less people farm, so PVE get less interesting by the days, unless PVP happened in your area.

Although it sill is not clear what the overall intent of the change was

Like industry updates, trying to kill everything that is not PVP oriented.


am waiting for when ships and mods show up in the new eden store given that builders can no longer mine what they need. requiring long hauls just to present targets for pvp (if you can call shooting defenseless haulers pvp) only adds to the frustration for industrialists. guys simply arent even logging in anymore. very disheartening


Do you think anyone has ever tried a drinking game where they had to take a shot every time Scoots called someone “kid” in a single thread?


he does seem to have a very narrow view of players, the game in general and loves spouting his brand of nonsense. i am not a kid. i have accounts and friends for all aspects of the game. here is my main concern.
to effectively pvp you need a few friends and an hour or so to play. fun times. i do it myself.
to be industrialists you need lots of friends / accounts and many hours to play to be effective. the enjoyment comes from crafting or fulfilling needs. it is a different kind of fun. The more tedious you make it, the fewer people that will want to spend their game time in your game.
there is no point in having, research, invention, blueprint copies, planetary interaction, mining, reactions. if it only exists as a means to feed 3 pvp guys that come in once in a while. your game is vast and interesting because of these things. remember that please


if EVE suddenly morphed into a NON pvp game it would still be viable in the marketplace. enhanced missions would still generate the need for all the industry that exists. ratting for isk would still be viable to puchase ships and mods to better run a wider range of missions. so think about it . pvp is fun and makes the game more fun for many players, but it is not even necessary for EVE to exist as a game in today’s market.


it’s my go-to since I have a difficult time believing that fully grown adult humans are saying the things spoken in these forums. like being scared of someone who is afk.

based on things said in this forum, …scoots = kid


Irrelevant - it is not necessary for any game to exist in today’s market. Games are an entirely optional voluntary activiti done purely for pleasure, not essentials needed for the serious business of living.

i absolutely agree with you about games in general. but my comment about pvp was not irrelevant to the apparent perception that pvp is not only necessary in EVE but that it is the main reason for its existance. i am merely pointing out that EVE can be successful without pvp .


How would entropy happen?

What value would there be with no risk or destruction of assets?

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apparently you have not played mmos without pvp where pve causes destruction of assets. hence the need for challenging pve content.

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Which MMOs would that be?

If they share the same economy mechanics as EVE Online (the player drive markets), then there may be valuable lessons to be learned. Otherwise, you’re just comparing apples to oranges.

even abyssal sites in EVE do not require pvp , yet assets are destroyed. have you been living under a rock? several of the fantasy mmo’s do not have pvp other than duels. yet they have thriving crafting elements. players can even add their name to “built by” info on an item. very rewarding.


Let me ask my question again.

If there are indeed “several”, you should be able to give me the names of at least 2 right? And I hope you’d give names of 2 MMOs that share a player driver market like EVE Online, or (like I’ve already said) we’re comparing apples to oranges.

not sure how player driven markets became the qualifier, but all of the everquest, vanguard, series have had limited pvp, but had robust markets . they are no longer SOE games, but sitll have an active player base. i dont currently play any fantasy mmo’s but some of my children who left EVE do play and we have had these same discussions. And, as i pointed out. EVE itself has non PVP activity that destroys assets, whether it be missions or combat sites. so instead of telling “carebears” to leave and calling them kids. perhaps the narrowly focused PVP gankers should leave and let the game be fun for more people to enjoy. you keep asking others to prove their points yet you provide nothing but general rebuttals of a playstyle that you obviously dont enjoy… lets agree to you play your way and i will play mine. be happy


Lol… no.

I mean, could you build a persistent, virtual world game with as player-driven a market in the absence of PvP? Maybe, although it has never been done. Players competing against each other is something no AI has come close to replicating and probably never will, at least not without constant developer tuning. PvE will be solved, min-maxed like it always is, and your living economy will grind to a halt.

But certainly CCP will not attempt that with Eve. Eve was built as an open-world, PvP everywhere game, and will die as that. There is no way CCP will risk changing their massively successful PvP game into anything else at this point. If they want to take a crack at a PvE sandbox game where the consumption is driven by AI enemies and entropy mechanics, it makes more sense to build one from the ground up, and not risk their current happy customers who enjoy competition and PvP on some roll of the dice that they can successfully change the core of their game. Plus they wouldn’t be saddle with two decades of legacy code.

Face it, economically-minded players need more destruction-focused ones, and vice versa. It’s a circle of life that makes for the interesting and probably unique gaming experience Eve offers. Both player types really do need each other, and that means that both sides have to be able to influence each other. Industrialists have to be potential targets just like PvPers have to be potential customers.

This isn’t going to ever change.

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